Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

243: Otto Is Full Of Evil? Ulandal Is Really Angry!

In the picture, Ulandal found new memory fragments under the other three puppets representing the Siegfried family.

And this time the memory fragments are related to Siegfried.

It was a conversation between Siegfried and the Archbishop of Destiny, Otto Apocalypse—

In the main classroom, rhythmic applause sounded, followed by Otto's familiar voice, showing the same cynical attitude as always

【"You really came back."

Otto stared at the person who was coming, and smiled slightly: "That's good. A meeting like this will help eliminate the misunderstanding between us."

"Ah, sorry. Have I left you speechless? That's really my fault."

Otto sincerely apologized: "Well——to show our sincerity, let's get straight to the point and discuss the most important issues [how?"

"First of all, I am deeply sorry for what happened to Cecilia. We all know that... in that situation, Destiny had no choice."

"I didn't come to talk to you about this today."

Perhaps because of the mention of Cecilia, Siegfried, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, but both his tone and expression were full of hostility.

Otto just smiled: "I know, I know. Having said that, I still want to say sorry to you."]

"Wait, is this person really O28to?!"

Tesla showed great shock: "Couldn't he be played by some third-rate drama actor randomly found?!"

Einstein: "Calm down, King Tesla."

"how to say."

Teresa also expressed her own point of view: "Although what Grandpa has done is very unacceptable, he has always been very clear about what the things he did mean."

Urandale couldn't help thinking of his evaluation of himself when he watched Otto's memory before: "[A rational villain]...the bishop's evaluation of himself does not seem to be wrong."

"Haha~ Indeed, as Teresa said, I have always been quite clear about what I did.

Otto smiled nonchalantly just like himself on the screen: "Otherwise, I wouldn't put myself in the position of the [villain]."

Tesla was a little impatient: "You can still laugh!"

The picture on the screen continued to play. After Otto expressed his apology to Siegfried, he immediately showed his fangs.

He told Siegfried outright that [he really wanted to kill him.

【.....You want to kill me because of my power?"

"Well...you might say that."

Otto thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers lightly: "After all, I don't want you to accidentally kill your own daughter. You know, this will not only be a tragedy for the family.

"It will be a loss to the entire Destiny Organization, and even to the entire human race."

Angry Siegfried yelled at the case: "It's not your turn to tell me what to do!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was just talking about the facts, and I didn't take your feelings into consideration.

Although Otto apologized immediately, his expression was still indifferent as always, as if he was deliberately watching Siegfried furious.

Siegfried's eyes widened furiously: "You...!!"

"Calm down, my dear Siegfried, Siegfried Kaslana."

Otto calmed his emotions: "Qiana is your flesh and blood, and even more so, the precious wealth of the entire Destiny organization—on this point, we have the same interests.

"As long as she can grow up healthily, then we can continue to cooperate with each other based on mutual trust... Isn't it?"】

"Oh—so angry!"

Qiyana gritted her teeth and clenched her fists: "This hateful Otto is too irritating!"

Ulandal also said that her blood pressure was a little elevated: "This is indeed very similar to the bishop's usual style of speaking, which can calmly mobilize people's emotions and involuntarily lose control."

Teresa even blasphemed directly: "Grandpa, you big villain!"

Otto expressed some grievances: "Oh, my dear little Teresa, Master Tu's words are obviously too much......

"Hmph! Do you want to hear what you just said?!"

Tesla was also furious: "It's really lucky that Siegfried can endure it! If it were me, I would just punch your soul steel face and dent it!"

Knowledge Treasure: "?"

Not only the people in the question and answer space had great opinions on Otto, but even the host group of Homu who witnessed this scene with Youlandal on the screen also expressed strong anger—

【Homkiyana looked disgusted: "Ah! That blond-haired man is so annoying! How can there be such a selfish guy like him in the world?"

Hora Bianca also nodded seriously: "Although this type of guy may not be so rare...but I still agree with you."

Humei Cecilia: "Bishop Otto... No matter how he evaluates merits and demerits, he is a very cruel person.

"Bishop Otto...I'm sorry to everyone in this family."

Urandale said softly: "I have always known."

Hou La said angrily: "Then you should also know that now you have to go back and beat him up no matter what, don't you?"】

"Yes! That's right!"

Qiyana first agreed: "Be sure to beat the bastard Otto hard!"

"Well, dear Miss Kiana, I have to warn you—"

Otto's voice sounded: "That bastard you want to beat up is listening."

"Then, so what!"

Qiyana forced her expression: "If this lady sees you, she will definitely turn into the Herrscher of Fire on the spot and set you on fire!"

"Hahaha, it's really a pretty amazing idea."

Facing Kiana's threat, instead of feeling nervous or angry, Otto laughed happily: "Well, if you really want to do this, then I welcome you to come to the headquarters to find me at any time. "

"——Of course, if Urandale wants to, you can also come together."


Urandale frowned, as if thinking about the deep meaning of Otto's words.

On the other side, as Ulandal continued to explore deeply, she saw more and more memory fragments.

The Homu trio will also bid farewell to Ulandal as the exploration process deepens——

【"We are just the resonance body of consciousness. It will appear with your 617 arrival, and it will disappear with your departure. You don't need to say goodbye to us.

Houla told Youlandelle: "Because we are him. Because we are you."

Humu: "Next, let's work hard, the most powerful Valkyrie!"

Homi: "I believe that you will overcome his regrets and move on."

Hou La: "Feel it with your heart—and then replace him" Let's blast those self-righteous guys with ten strokes!"

Different from the huge puppet before, with the appearance of the 'device', the bodies of these little puppet began to gradually dissipate. 】

"Yourlandelle's personality was really irritable when she was a child!"

After witnessing Hou La, who represented Bianca in her childhood, Qiyana gradually refreshed her understanding of her elder sister, as if she had discovered a new world: "I always feel that it is the kind of personality that will fight if there is a disagreement. . . . . ”

It can be said that she is a veritable violent old girl!

Youlandelle scratched her head in embarrassment: "It's not that irritable... I just had a more impulsive personality at that time..."

Rita smiled: "But, at that time, Lady Bianca was indeed very cute~"

Otto also agreed: "Yeah. At that time, Bianca didn't even treat me as seriously as she does now. If I tease her occasionally, her reaction is really quite funny haha~"

Urandale clenched her fists, her expression turned from embarrassment into anger: "Hey! How many of you are enough!"

Qiyana was surprised: "Sister, sister is angry!".

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