Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

395: Tesla: Be Optimistic About Mei, Kevin Uses It Like This!

In the picture, when everyone learned that Heavenly Father was locked up near the New Year's goods workshop, Qiyana suddenly had a bad feeling—

【"Why do I have a bad premonition......"

"Don't worry, Kiyana."

Alicia comforted her: "That monster rolling around won't make trouble anymore, remember the blessing you pasted on it with your own hands?"

"I remember, it's just...not right, not quite right."

Qiyana noticed the abnormality: "Uncle's phone has been disconnected, and so has Xi's.

Mei asked: "Do you think, what happened to them?"

Bronya spoke from the side: "Bronya just tried to contact Seele, but Seele refused Bronya's contact. This is abnormal."

"So what is the origin of that farming magic weapon?"

Padufelice's voice trembled slightly: "It seems to be getting closer and closer to us!!!"】

In an instant, the crowd in the small town changed from doubt to panic. Some people began to try to find a bunker, and some people hid in the surrounding shops.

"It's a good New Year, how come it suddenly turned into a disaster movie, hey!"

Li Sushang was a little surprised: "Besides, how many people didn't disappear at the critical moment? Where did they go?"

"Who knows."

The law of knowledge spread out his hands: "Maybe we should run away first, "Seven Five Zero"?"

"Kevin running away?"

Mei blinked: "Uh, it seems unlikely."


"However, where will Xier go?"

Bronya looked puzzled: "The phone was clearly connected, but it didn't answer..."

Xi'er shook her head: "Xi'er doesn't know..."

Hei Xi'er was inexplicably relieved, as if seeing her daughter finally grow up.

In the picture, as Tim Blessing gradually approached, everyone decided to cooperate to subdue the Heavenly Father after unanimous discussion.

["Hey, friends! I found that the ladder from here can climb directly to the top of the eaves!"

Padufelice waved her arms to greet everyone.

Seeing this, Qiyana immediately volunteered: "Okay, I'll go up and try!"

Mei nodded: "We will cooperate with you and give you more opportunities to get close to it."

Su: "Be careful, Kiyana."

Teresa: "Don't be brave, if you accidentally fall, we will catch you."

Cosmo pressed his hand on his chest, then stretched out his hand, lighting up the 'Bright Cutter' in his hand

He took a deep breath, but said nothing.

Kiyana blinked: "Huh?"

Bronya explained instead of Cosmo: "Cosmo means, may the force be with you.

"Well, thanks!"

Kiyana nodded vigorously. 】

Not only her companions, but also the owner of the pastry shop, the enthusiastic Aunt, the uncle of the lantern shop... the whole town is cheering for Kiana.

The girl climbed up to the eaves, and waved the blessing in her hand to the crowd below——

【Don’t worry everyone, I’m very strong!】

Firecrackers sounded. Looking at the approaching 'Tian Fu', Qiyana took a deep breath.

In a few seconds, it is the best time to approach it.

She thought about the master Fu who subdued the monster with his bare hands in the Legendary story, the stupid monster who helped children steal toys, and the dragon who ate Zhongxi pill master and learned to dance for the dragon gate ceremony... .....

Kiyana's eyes also gradually became firm and brave——

【"It took so much effort to prepare for the New Year...so that it won't be destroyed by you!"】


The paper with the word "Fu" written on it was firmly stuck to the chest of 'Tian Fu'.

However, when Qiyana finally pasted the paper with the word "Fu" on the chest of "Tian Fu", she found that it was still moving.

Bronya speculated that maybe it was because of the machinery rather than the animals, so just pasting the word "福" didn't work on it.

So Kiyana immediately decided to adopt plan B——defeat it!

With a burst of busy work by everyone, they finally successfully turned off the power supply of Tianfu.

"Okay! It's finally done~!"

Kiyana's arms that were raised high in cheers hadn't been put down yet, but they froze because of the piercing screaming sound of a flame piercing through the night——

["Obviously the power has been turned off...why still..."

Mei stared at Tianfu who was still moving, and couldn't help frowning.

"This posture is very similar to when it enters a berserk state in the game."

Bronya frowned solemnly, with a particularly serious expression: "In the game, the light bullets fired into the sky will attract thunder and bring disaster. Among all the plot lines, only this kind of ending cannot be changed."

Kiyana gritted her teeth: "Impossible...I don't believe it!"]

"Why does it always feel like—"

The Herrscher of Knowledge rubbed his chin and watched the plot happening on the screen: "It seems to be hinting at the main plot?"


Kiyana raised her head in bewilderment: "What is the main plot?"

"Oh, it's nothing, you don't understand even if you tell me."

Zhibao shook his head: "Just think I'm talking to myself."

Kiana: "?"

On the other side, Tim Fu stood up again.

More light bullets shot into the sky, lighting up the town as if it were daytime.

With the winning ticket in his hands, Tian Fu raised his hands, just like the evil spirit that has made a comeback after so many years!

Just when everyone in the question-and-answer space and the screen thought everything was irreversible——

Phew -- bang!

Time seemed to be slowed down several times, and the fireworks bloomed in the night sky.

Numerous light spots rise slowly, shuttle rapidly between cheerful notes, pass through the clouds with the change of mode, go round and round, climb to the peak in the orchestral concerto, and shine brightly

— like a witty symphony.


Kiana froze.

Tim Fu: "???"

Tianfu also patted his head, and stood there in a daze.

"Lovely audience——Happy New Year!"

A familiar voice sounded, and Padofelis immediately discovered the owner of the voice

"It's Sister Weiwei's voice! But, Sister Weiwei, where are you?"

"Of course it's here~"

Snapping fingers sounded beside her ears, and the spotlight shone from nowhere came on, and Wei Wei stood beside everyone.

She puffed up her chest proudly: "How about it, I was pleasantly surprised! Are you not satisfied with tonight's performance?"

Teresa squinted at her, weakly: "It's such a pleasant surprise... I almost called the emergency hotline!"

Su also sighed deeply: "Sure enough, it's you again...... I shouldn't be surprised."]

"What! It turns out that all of this was caused by Sister Wei Wei!"

Pa Duo wiped his sweat with lingering fear: "We thought that the direction of the plot would turn into that kind of gloomy finale again!"

Don't do that kind of thing!

"Your two-color shaggy hair is too much!"

Tesla loudly accused: "It made us terrified! I strongly demand compensation for my mental damage!"

"Magic is what it's all about, surprises~!"

Wei Wei shrugged: "I'm telling you, if you really want some kind of mental damage fee, then go to that world line and ask me to ask for that, it has nothing to do with me!"

On the screen, Wei Wei also wanted everyone to explain that this is one of the industry regulations for magicians: never reveal the content of the performance in advance...

Alicia on the side also said that she had already guessed it a long time ago, but she didn't reveal the secret in advance.

At this moment, a small voice came from behind Wei Wei, and Bronya looked intently, and it was Xier—

【"Great, Xier, you're alright."

Bronya also breathed a sigh of relief, with a relieved smile on her face.

Xier was full of guilt and apology: "I'm sorry, I can't get through so many calls, which made everyone worry.

"It's okay, it's okay, you are safe and sound."

Kiyana waved her hands indifferently, and turned to look at Kevin who was coming from the side: "But speaking of it, uncle, why did you run with them too?"

"I felt something was wrong before, so I went back to the New Year's goods workshop to have a look..."

Kevin explained: "I didn't expect to be kept by them."

Tesla's high-pitched voice also followed: "After all, Kevin is so easy to use. Assembling parts can be assembled, and painting can be painted, which greatly improves our work progress!】

"Oh, Kevin is really pitiful."

Alicia covered her mouth with a smothered smile: "Obviously it's the free time I got in exchange for the holidays, but I'm still working hard overtime and doing chores.

Patuo wiped away tears: "Maomao cried after seeing it!"

Sakura: "The fox was silent after seeing it.


Facing such an efficient tool man, Einstein on the screen even invited Kevin, saying that if he doesn't mind working overtime, he can come to work in their laboratory in the future.

—in it, she also hints that a certain red-haired lobster doctor is pretty inefficient!

【"Hey, just because of corn bread, what nonsense are you talking in your sleep?"

Tesla 4.7 argues: "Without me, this big guy is still a pile of scrap metal!"

"Ahem~ I recognize Dr. Tesla's efforts."

Wei Wei coughed twice: "However, if I hadn't thought of using it to replace the fireworks transmitter, I'm afraid tonight's performance would have to be cancelled, right?"

"You still have the nerve to say it!?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Tesla became angry: "If you hadn't opened the door and let that chubby monster in, it would have gone to the warehouse and crushed my 'greatest firework transmitter' ?You two-color unkempt hair!"

"What does it have to do with me? Dr. Red-haired Lobster, I need to help you recall, that guy broke into the wall directly."

Just when the atmosphere between the two was tense, Xiaoshi stood up [to appease the two——

"Oh, I'm digressing, I'm digressing~ Everyone, you're here, you see, it's not easy to celebrate the New Year, let me tell you, it's almost done!"

Tesla Weiwei: "Huh!"]

Einstein watched the two people on the screen whose eyes were still colliding even though their words were no longer arguing, and he couldn't help sighing: "If Ms. Wei Wei can come to our laboratory to work together, I think my daily life will definitely add a lot of fun. .”

Bronya couldn't help complaining: "Dr. Einstein, you are a pure fun person..."

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