Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

396: Xiaozhi Wishes Old Antique A New Year? No Good Intentions!

After some persuasion by the Herrscher of Knowledge, Dr. Red-haired Lobster and the two-color puffy head no longer confronted each other.

And Xiaozhi looked at the time, clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention——

【"Okay, okay, that time is almost here, the ceremony of Yu Leaping over the Dragon Gate is about to begin, everyone, let's go there together!"

Xiaozhi greeted everyone: "If you miss today, you can only wait another year!"

"Ah! It's Juli Jialong dancing, I want to see, I want to see!"

Kiyana cheered happily.

Mei also took Kiana's hand naturally: "Then let's go quickly, we won't be able to catch up if we go late."】

"Speaking of which, it always feels like someone is left behind."

Alicia stretched out a slender finger to tap her lips, and tilted her head: "It seems to be... Qian Jie?"

Gracie added: "And Mama Aponia."


Pa Duo observed carefully, and found that Qian Jie and Aponia were indeed absent, and couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Where did Brother Jie and Sister Nia go? It seems that they haven't been found since the time we dealt with Tianfu."

As if to reveal Patuo's doubts, as everyone left one after another, the picture also shifted to another place, and Qian Jie who was still doing cleaning work came into view.

【"It can be considered that these old houses have been cleaned up, this time I can rest for a while."

Beep beep——!

The notification sounded, and in the chat group in the Golden Garden, Sakura sent a photo of her at the airport.

Sakura: [The work is finally done, but luckily I was not fired. Are you still in the 06 scenic area? I'll pass right away. 】

"Scenic spot? This place shouldn't be considered a scenic spot."

Qian Jie muttered to herself: "Anyway, send her the coordinates first."

"It's so noisy outside, I don't know what the people in this town are doing, when are they having dinner...huh?"

Qian Jie casually found a chair and sat down. Just as he unscrewed the bottle cap to take a sip of water, someone tapped his left shoulder suddenly.

He turned his head with water in his mouth, and it was Aponia who caught his eyes.

"Qian Jie."

"Puff.....O!!" (Muffled here)

Aponia: "It seems that your work is done. Would you like to come to the town's 'New Year's Eve dinner'?"

"Scary to death!"

Qian Jie yelled loudly, impatiently: "Don't always appear behind me suddenly, woman!"]

"I didn't expect that when everyone was going to participate in the 'Fish Leaping over the Dragon's Gate' ceremony, Sister Nia would still remember Brother Jie!"

Padufelice covered her mouth: "She made me cry!"

Qian Jie clicked his tongue in disgust: "Little cat, shut up!"

Aponia clasped his hands together and smiled: "Qian Jie is a very good child, although he is a bit grumpy, but with a little discipline, I believe he will definitely improve.

"Huh? Huh! You can try it! Aponia!!"

Qian Jie sneered and clenched his fists, his whole body was on fire.

"Forget it, wait, Master Qian."

Everyone hastily held Qian Jie down, fearing that if they disagreed with each other, they would start fighting.

"However, it is a pity

Alicia said regretfully: "It would be great if Sakura could participate."

Sakura said euphemistically: "After watching most of the plot, I think it's really good that I didn't go..."

"In that case, Sister Snake didn't come either!"

Pa Duo said: "I remember that Sister Snake seems to have made a Mebius robot and brought it here!"

"It's a good thing I didn't come, otherwise I would have wasted a lot of time."

Snake pouted.

"Hey wait a minute!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge then belatedly remembered something: "Where's Old Antique? This seems to be coming to an end soon, why hasn't Old Antique come out yet!?"

Fu Hua's rational analysis: "I think, I probably won't show up......

Hua: "Although it's a pity to be absent, if it's me in another world line...it's good that I didn't come...

"So, isn't Hua tricked by Alicia to participate in a reality show?"

Mei said: "I don't know what's going on..."

"Don't worry~ Mei~!"

Alicia blinked: "Hua, it must be fine!"

Hua was a little uneasy: "I hope so..."

On the other side, with the successful completion of the ceremony of "Fish Leaping over the Dragon's Gate", the Lawrence of Knowledge also greeted everyone that it's time to eat the "New Year's Eve Dinner".

When Qiyana heard it, she immediately became interested, and quickly asked what the [New Year's Eve dinner] was? She also asked several times in one breath whether there were [many, many, many, many, many] delicious?

Xiaoshi expressed his chest high and his head up high, the New Year's Eve dinner is not a simple meal, it has quite special details and meanings

【"Next, let me tell you the story of the 'New Year's Eve dinner' from my knowledgeable knowledge of the past and the present!"

Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

"Ah, sorry, wait a minute, I'll answer the phone first."

Xiaoshi walked aside and connected the phone: "Hello? Old Antique, how are you doing? Happy New Year, don't forget to send me a red envelope...Me?"

Xiaoshi's voice suddenly became hesitant and faltering: "I... am at home, it's fine... Oh, why don't you believe me, I really didn't do anything bad …”

Qiyana laughed softly: "Xiaoshi is lying again!"]

"Hey, hey! What is 'again'?"

In the question-and-answer space, the Herrscher of Knowledge questioned Qiyana: "When has Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge ever lied to someone? Xiaozhi, I am based on honesty, and what I pay attention to is the word 'integrity'!"

"—————I really want to say it's a scam! That's obviously an old antique!"

Fu Hua: "?"

"Hmph! Stop putting on an innocent look!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was indignant: "When I mention this, I get angry! Tell me, did you forcibly take away my authority while I was not paying attention during the incident of the Herrscher of Domination?"

"...That, that was just an emergency and I couldn't take it for granted."

Fu Hua tried to explain.

However, Zhibao turned his head with a snort: "Just say you lied or not!"

444 "......."

Just when the Herrscher of Knowledge questioned Fu Hua, the old antique on the screen was also questioning Xiaoshi——

【"It seems that she won't be able to end the call for a while."

Seeing Xiaozhi who was trying to explain to Fu Hua, Li Sushang smiled slightly, then turned to look at Qiyana: "I'm not very good at storytelling. Before the [New Year's Eve dinner] starts, why don't I come to accompany you for a stroll."

- Is there anything you want to do, or somewhere you want to go?"

"Well, let me think about it..."

Kiyana was lost in thought. 】

At this moment, the images on the screen stopped flowing, and at the same time several options appeared in it, as if to let Qiyana choose

【Town Old Street】

[faint ringtone]

【Sweet Candy Shop】

【In front of the Red Lantern House】

【Keep going forward (can't go back)】

"Huh? That's weird..."

Qiyana blinked: "This time, the options are not only not marked with ABCD, but even the words [question] in the prefix are not there!"

"Perhaps this is a question and answer of another new situation?"

Mei guessed.

"However, this time there is not even a problem."

Bronya frowned: "It's just too strange to give us a few choices.

"Indeed, it's very strange..."

Theresa not only frowned: "However, anyway, the options are already in front of me, so let's choose one and try it out.

"However, what should I choose?"

Mei tilted her head, a little undecided: "Among these options, it's completely impossible to see what plot will happen..."

"In that case, just choose one at random."

Bronya suggested: "The last word may be a direct route to the ending, and it is also clear in the brackets that there is no way to return, so Bronya suggests that the last one should be excluded... at least , this option should be saved for last."

"Well, if that's the case—"

Qiyana stared at the four options on the screen, and pointed out: "I will choose (1693 faint ringtone!"

With Qiyana's choice, the scene on the screen continued to advance. In the screen, Qiyana said that she seemed to be able to hear the faint ringing of the phone all the time, and Xiao Lizi thought for a moment, then pointed to Alicia and Wei Wei's direction——

【"Vilwei, your cell phone keeps ringing, are you really not answering it?"

Alicia put her hands behind her back, looked at Wei Wei who didn't hear the bell, and asked with a smile.

"Definitely don't accept it!"

Wei Wei waved her hands again and again: "Professor Mebius has already sent dozens of emails asking me about the scrapping of the mass-produced robot Rhine. After answering this call, I'm sure Chaos Law will have a good Chinese New Year!"

Xier whispered from the side: "I'm sorry..."

"Oh, my naive assistant, it's none of your business, you don't need to apologize.

Wei Wei waved her hand indifferently: "Come on, leave her alone, let me teach you the magic of turning into a bunny~"

"Is it really possible? Is that also possible to become Hom?"

Xier blinked, and the apology on her face instantly turned into curiosity and excitement: "Sister Bronya likes Homu the most, if she can change it, she will be very pleasantly surprised

"Seele really likes her sister Bronya!"

Wei Wei teased: "Even thinking about Bronya in this kind of thing, oops~ It's really enviable! I want to have a sister like this.

"Xie'er, why don't you really come and be my assistant!"

Xi'er was stunned: "Huh?!"

"Xie'er, you can't agree!"

Bronya frowned solemnly, and instead of Xier rejected Wei Wei: "Xieer belongs to Bronya alone!"

"Wow! What an overbearing declaration!"

Alicia cheered up the atmosphere and applauded.

Rosalia was also full of envy: "Sister Xier is so cute no matter where she goes! I'm so envious!"

Lilia: "Yeah..."

"Hmph, of course!"

Hei Xi'er couldn't help being excited, and raised her face: "That's my Xi'er!".

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