Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

436: Six-Core Sirin! Otto Laughed!

Hearing that Walter planned to have a private conversation with Otto, although Siegfried felt very strange, he still didn't say much.

When he informed Otto of the news, Otto readily accepted it, and said that the meeting was top secret, and even Siegfried was not allowed to attend.

When Siegfried left the meeting room and went to the training room to kill time, Otto came to the meeting room without a sound

【"Long time no see, Dr. Einstein."

Still holding a glass of red wine in his hand, Otto warmly greeted everyone who was against the entropy: "And the leader of the anti-entropy, Mr. Walter."

"Speaking of which, how many times have we met?"

As soon as Otto came up, he tried to test Walter, and even made provocative words: "By the way, I heard that Mr. Walter was seriously injured in the previous battle. I have some research on medicine, and I may be able to help you. busy."

"Enough, Otto!"

Walter directly interrupted his temptation: "Stop these boring temptations. If you want to know whether I still have the power of a Herrscher, I can prove it to you right now."

"It seems that Mr. Walter has misunderstood. In the face of the threat of the Second Herrscher, we should turn our enemies into friends.

Otto took two steps back and stopped probing.

On the other side, Einstein turned on the holographic projection screen: "Don't waste time, Mr. Bishop. Let's start the meeting quickly."]

"Tsk! Otto's affectation is disgusting!"

Tesla showed no mercy: "I really don't know how I endured it back then!"

"Hahaha~ Dr. Tesla has really held grudges against me for a long time."

Otto smiled indifferently: "Well, I also admit that 06 was a bit too exaggerated at the time, but there is no way - after all, at that time, I didn't have too many cards in my hand, so sometimes You have to act with caution lest your plans go awry."

"Raksha man, I remember you weren't like this before?"

Xiao Lizi looked like his three views were about to be shattered: "I never thought that 500 years could change a person so much!"

"Is there a possibility!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread his hands: "This is the true face of this guy! It's just that you and Old Antique have been deceived by him all this time!"

"Haha, maybe.


Otto laughed, as if agreeing with the words of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

On the other side, Einstein slowly talked about the anti-entropy plan. It turns out that anti-entropy has discovered the technology that can seal the Houkai energy on the moon. Earth, then maybe they will be able to develop the technology to seal the Houkai energy.

So Walter decided to take this opportunity to go to the moon, and let him attract the attention of the Second Herrscher, while Siegfried would be responsible for collecting soul steel samples.

After Otto listened to all the plans in silence, he couldn't help but chuckled——

【"Hehe, what an interesting plan."

"However, isn't this plan a little too risky?"

Otto asked back: "After all, that technology is just a Legendary."

"I know you have no interest in the collapse of the seal."

Walter walked up to Otto and looked directly at him: "Your goal is the power of the Herrscher, and now the Second Herrscher is guarding the moon, you should also have a headache.

"When you hear the details of the plan, you will know—this is a deal that is in your best interest."]

In the picture, Walter whispered something in Otto's ear, and then Otto burst into laughter.


Kiyana looked confused: "Mr. Walter, what did he say? Why didn't the question and answer space reveal it!"

"For this kind of thing, maybe you can directly ask Dr. Einstein or Dr. Tesla.

Bronya said.

"Alternatively, you can ask grandpa directly."

Teresa said in a deep voice.

"Since even the question-and-answer space chooses not to reveal this secret, then I don't think it is necessary to make it public."

Otto shook his head: "Anyway, you will know when the plan is officially implemented."

On the other side of the screen, Otto gradually stopped laughing——

【... Excuse me, I understand, just follow your plan. "

Otto readily agreed to Anti-Entropy's request: "I promise not to hinder your plan, and I will order Siegfried to assist you with all my strength.

"I never thought you would do this to save the lives of those humans."

"As expected, you are also a respectable opponent."

For the first time, Otto looked at Walter with equal eyes, and his voice seemed to be mocking, but also respectful: "I apologize for my previous rudeness, respect... Walter II." 1

"Hmph, that sounds like something people say!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge sharply commented: "But having said that, is this guy Otto really not going to help at all?"

"Don't mention Otto, what is Old Antique doing?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge is trying to #query old antique status#

Fu Hua recalled the past and couldn't help sighing: "I tried my best."

On the screen, the picture flashed and came to the moon.

And Walter and Siegfried also successfully landed on the moon, and the two sides began to act according to the plan. Walter met the second Herrscher Sirin alone.

【"It's finally here, First Herrscher."

Sirin sat on the throne made of stone monuments, watching Walter condescendingly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I didn't expect you would really come to the moon for those ants."

"Are you going to trade your own life for the lives of ants?"

Sirin stood up slowly, and in an instant, the powerful Honkai energy exploded: "——It's really embarrassing for Herrscher!"

Walter just kept silent and said nothing.

"Hehe, are you scared? Traitor, this is the true power of the apostle of God!"

Sirin laughed even more wildly: "If you are willing to obey me, I can consider letting you go."

Sirin floated in front of him: "As long as you kneel down and swear to surrender to me."

"...I thought that after a while, you would grow up a bit."

"Even if you gain the power of God, I have already made a plan to win."

Walter raised his palm, and the Star of Eden reappeared in his palm: "Let me teach you, human wisdom!"]

"Mr. Walter, can he do it...

Mei watched the battle situation on the screen with a worried expression.

After all, when Walter went all out before, he even fought with Sirin who had not yet fully awakened. This time Walter played with injuries, and Sirin has integrated four Herrscher cores, five-core drive A complete discipliner!

No matter how optimistic Mei is, she doesn't think Walter can defeat Sirin.

"I see Xuan!"

Qiyana also couldn't help expressing her worries: "Sirin, who is driven by five cores, no one can beat her logically!"

"If there are no accidents, it is probably impossible to lose."

Weiwei Conductor said: "If you can lose the five Herrscher cores, then Honkai has been completely wiped out by humans long ago!"

"Although it sounds right."

Tesla couldn't help complaining: "But the final result... The Second Herrscher was indeed a disastrous failure. Of course, it doesn't mean this time."

The result was as expected by everyone. Walter, who was at the end of his strength, was defeated in the end after a battle with Sirin. Even the core of the Herrscher was peeled off by Sirin and fused into the in your own body.

At this point, Sirin has ushered in her peak period—that is, the six-core drive!

And after destroying the First Herrscher and devouring the core of the Herrscher of Reason, the purple-skinned puffer fish began to swell again, intending to return to Earth to completely wipe out human beings.

"Six cores!"

Seeing this scene, Patofelis covered her head: "This, this, this is really bad! A Herrscher with six Herrscher cores! Even in the pre-civilization era, there was no such powerful Enemy!"

"Indeed, the six Herrscher cores...

Even Alicia couldn't help but fell into shock: "This, this generation of human beings is really living in dire straits, it's just the second collapse...

You must know that during the second collapse of the pre-civilization era, although the Second Herrscher was difficult to capture, he finally managed to eliminate it relying on Alicia.

It didn't cause any huge sensation.

And put it in the era of Mei, not only went directly to the moon, but even appeared with six Herrscher cores!

It's hard to imagine how powerful the Second Herrscher will be!

"Raksha people, is this the plan you said?"

Li Sushang couldn't help questioning: "A Herrscher blessed by six Herrscher cores, is there really anyone in this world who can defeat her?"

"Don't worry, Sushang. Don't you think we are living well?"

Otto shrugged briskly: "Did you forget that in this world, there is another immortal who has lived through thousands of years.


Kiyana immediately realized: "It's the monitor!"

"That's right!"

Otto smiled: "With our invincible Immortal Red Kite, even the Second Herrscher with six Herrscher cores, what is there to be afraid of?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge: "Come on, for a guy like Old Antique who lets himself go, I'm afraid that even if he can defeat the Second Herrscher, the opportunity will slip away due to various reasons, and the success will fall short!"


Fu Hua's expression was a bit subtle: "It's really hard to refute..."

While everyone was talking, the images on the screen continued to play. Following Walter's failure, Sirin also returned to the earth from the moon, and led the Honkai Beast army to launch a general attack on the earth.

As the first front line of the Honkai front, Destiny can't turn a blind eye. After Bishop Otto's pre-war declaration, all the Valkyries of Destiny attacked all over the world, destroying as many Honkai beasts as possible, and cooperated with them. Indiscriminate bombing of Destiny's arsenal!

At the same time, Fu Hua, who had received the notification, also came to the headquarters of Destiny, and followed Otto to the place where the second Herrscher was.

And Xilin seemed to have noticed their existence long ago, and was not surprised by their appearance. Kang Shi was surprised by their overly calm or even indifferent attitude.

【"What are you waiting for? Let's get started."

Sirin frowned, not understanding why the other party had no thought of taking any action. At this moment, pieces of red feathers fell from her eyes, accompanied by a strange voice.

"Otto, according to the plan, let me fight her alone, and you and Lixue don't get involved.

Only then did Sirin come to her senses, and turned her head to look—a white-haired, red-eyed Valkyrie wearing a Shenzhou costume was standing in front of her.

There was no weapon in her hand, she just clenched her fist silently.

Sirin suddenly became angry: "What? It's just that I defeated Agata, don't get carried away,


Cheng Lixue on the other side still seemed a bit worried: "Master Bishop, do we really not need to help Master?"

"She is enough alone."

Compared with Cheng Lixue's worries, Otto seemed quite confident.

Because he knew that within Yu Duchen's domain, Fu Hua could use the strongest power.

When the power lost for 500 years returns to her body—Fu Hua will become that invincible Chiyuan Immortal again!]

"Oh! Is the squad leader finally going to make a move!"

Qi Bao's expression was very excited, and his eyes were full of anticipation: "Come on! Squad leader!

...... Kiana, there is something Bronya feels the need to remind you.

Bronya couldn't help complaining: "Based on common sense, Sirin is actually you, that is to say, the person the squad leader beat up at that time was yourself."

Kiana: "Eh OVO?!"


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