Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

437: Otto Surrender? Shangxian Fuhua Used Taixu Sword God!

"But, can Sister Fu Hua really defeat the six-core Herrscher?"

Padufelice scratched her head, the expression on her face was somewhat worried.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Fu Hua's strength, but after all, the opponent is a six-core Herrscher, which is not comparable to any single-core Herrscher.

Even in the pre-civilization era, there has never been such a Herrscher... With the blessing of six Herrscher cores, even the heroes of the pre-civilization era do not know how strong the other party is!

"Don't worry, little Patuo."

The Herrscher of Knowledge waved his hand: "Old Antique can handle everything completely, don't look at the other party's six-core Herrscher or the like, in fact, it is not useful at all!"


Sirin felt that she was underestimated, and couldn't help puffing up her cheeks angrily, turning into a real purple-skinned puffer fish.

"Don't be unhappy! Knowledge is indispensable these days! Don't say you are a six-core Herrscher, even if you are an Ultimate Herrscher, if you don't have any knowledge reserves, you can't even exert its true power!"

After the Herrscher of Knowledge finished speaking, he squinted at Qibao: "Don't look, it's about you Xilins!"


Qi Bao pursed her lips and puffed up her cheeks like a certain purple-skinned puffer fish.

Just as the Herrscher of Knowledge said, I saw Fu Hua on the screen rushing towards Sirin, but Sirin remained motionless... She didn't even bother to dodge, but raised her hand to create a layer of Herrscher The imaginary barrier of .

Because for the current Sirin, no matter how powerful and fast this punch is, she will not pay attention to it.

Because of human attacks, they will never be able to pass through the Herrscher's imaginary barrier.

But half a second later, Sirin realized that she was wrong, and it was a big mistake!

Because what she saw was not the opponent's fist, but a wall of... fists made up of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of punches!

No, it's a storm of fists!

Most of the fists hit the imaginary number barrier, and all of them disappeared.

However, one ten-thousandth of them passed through the gap between the imaginary number barriers...

Only then did Sirin realize that the imaginary number barrier was not perfect.

Then, completely unable to dodge, she was hit.

"My God! You are indeed sister Fu Hua!"

Seeing this scene, Padofelis couldn't help screaming and applauding: "It's amazing! Ahua, Ahua! You in the future are so brave! You can even defeat the Herrscher with the six-core blessing!"

"Ahem, don't worry, Padu."

Hua remained calm: "The future me just hit Sirin, but didn't defeat her.

On the other side of the screen, Sirin was also extremely shocked. The moment she was shaken, the imaginary number barrier collapsed.

After that, more, countless fists hit her body.

Although these attacks were harmless to Herrscher's body, they completely enraged Sirin.

【"Give me.....Get out!!!!"】

Instinctively, Sirin used the most lethal ability at this distance - the black mist of the Herrscher of Death.

In this black mist, everything will be corroded!

A flame that has been burning for five thousand years is absolutely unable to corrode the Fuhua Fist.

In an instant, Fu Hua flashed in front of Sirin's eyes, and the flaming fiery fist struck out with a bang——Cun Jin Kaitian!

A sound like a sonic boom was mixed with violent air waves, instantly blasting Sirin's body into the air and falling heavily to the ground.

【"What happened to the pain?"

Sirin struggled to get up from the ground: "What just happened?"

"I... was defeated?! How is this possible!"

Recalling what happened just now, Sirin's expression was terrified and angry: "By the way, that guy did it!"

She raised her head, stared at Immortal Chiyuan descending from the sky, and released Herrscher's Strength in anger: "Damn it! Mere ants, you actually made me so embarrassed!】

The wind blade of the Herrscher of the Wind drew huge scars on the surface of the Tower of Babylon.

However, Fu Hua couldn't be hit.

In the next instant, Fu Hua had already reached the ground.

Looking at her figure, a familiar disgusting feeling occupied Sirin's heart.

That was what she felt every day before becoming a Herrscher - fear.

Almost subconsciously "She used the Herrscher's flame—

【"You...don't come here"[!"】

The flame of the Herrscher of Flame brought back Fu Hua's memories of fifty thousand years ago.

That was her long-cherished wish that lasted for 50,000 years. During these 50,000 years, as long as she closed her eyes, she would think about how to fight those Herrschers.

The Herrscher of Death, the Herrscher of Wind, the Herrscher of Flame, and the Herrscher of Space... No matter which one it is, she has already found a way to crack it.

I saw Fu Hua slowly lift up Ruoshui, stabbing at Sirin with all her might——the sharp key of God pierced through Sirin's body in an instant!

"This, was defeated so quickly?!"

The purple-skinned pufferfish, which was still inflated just now, was completely stunned at the moment: "No, didn't you mean six cores?"

"Please, you are weak!"

Qi Bao laughed out loudly: "Now I know who the boss is!"

"Qiana...have you forgotten that you are also Sirin..."

Mei shook her head helplessly.

I ridiculed myself, I am afraid that only Qiyana can do this kind of operation against the sky.

"Well, it fits Bronya's inherent impression of the idiot Kiana."

Bronya complained expressionlessly: "However, it is true... No matter how you say it, Sirin's performance is too weak."

"Even if you don't understand Yu Duchen's power, at least you have six herrscher cores, so you can't be so weak?"

"That's why I said that even if there are more cores in the Herrscher, if you don't have enough knowledge and don't know how to use the power of the Herrscher, you will still lose."

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread his hands: "Books are the ladder of human progress—this sentence is also applicable to Herrschers!"


Mebius suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, doesn't the second Herrscher still have the core of the Herrscher of Death in his body? Hua's sword just now... the power shouldn't be enough to break the Herrscher of Death. The Herrscher's repair limit is right."

"Yes, indeed."

Fu Hua nodded, and admitted decisively: "Actually, the real reason is because Xilin is currently in Yu Duchen's illusion, and all of this is just an illusion."

"I see.…………"

Su nodded seriously: "No wonder the Second Herrscher feels so weak."

On the screen, after controlling the Second Herrscher with the help of Yu Duchen, Fu Hua asked Otto to quickly complete his plan.

And Otto also successfully entered Sirin's inner world with the help of Yu Duchen, and lured her to face the collapsed god.

In the picture, Otto opened his eyes and found himself in a pure white space.

His heart beat violently.

He realized that he was going to face something that surpassed human intelligence directly.

Although he was surprised, he had no fear. In order to revive the one he loves most, he has already put his life and death on the line.

【"My lord, my name is Otto Apocalypse. The purpose of coming here is to seek your help."

While talking, Otto secretly used Void Manzo to imitate the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, ready to deal with possible crises at any time.

Since it is the god of collapse, it should be the enemy of human beings.

Otto was fully alert, since he was so close to the answer, he would not back down even if he fought against God!

The god didn't speak, but his answer was directly conveyed to Otto's mind.

"What...?! You said you'd try to help me?"

Otto couldn't easily believe the unexpected answer, so he decided to test the other party first.

"Then, my lord god, please tell me..."

Before Otto's question came out, the answer was crazily used in his mind. Even if the brains of all the wise men from ancient times to the present were added together, they could not bear the countless truths pouring into Otto's mind at this moment.

In an instant, Otto knew that the one in front of him was indeed an all-knowing and omnipotent God, and he also understood why God would help him

He is the bishop of destiny, the enemy of Houkai, and he claims to be the smartest person in the world.

But so what?

In the eyes of gods, human beings are like ants.

As a human being, would you care what an ant thinks? Would you be hostile to an ant?]

"Although it is a god of collapse, it is actually nothing more than a 'false thing'."

As soon as this incident was mentioned, Otto couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "It's ridiculous, back then I really thought that there were gods in Honkai, and even Shiku didn't understand the meaning of it until ten years later.

He took a deep breath, as if sighing for his childishness: "Prometheus... I have to say that the human beings in the pre-civilization era were indeed powerful, and they could even fix the law of collapse."

"Even—even Honkai itself can be manipulated.

"Raksha people..."

Li Sushang stared at Otto who was kneeling on the screen begging for the gods, and his expression couldn't help becoming a bit sad: "You guy, even after five hundred years, you still haven't changed at all..."

What Li Sushang said was his own purpose—that is, the resurrection of Karen.

Over the past five hundred years, Otto's character and attitude towards others have undergone tremendous changes, but his long-cherished wish has never changed.

I have to say that this kind of infatuated man really shocked Li Sushang.

【"God, I only have one doubt left."

Otto begged the god: "I want to know how to bring the dead back to life."

"She is my most important person, her name is Kallen, Lynn Kaslana."

Otto showed great respect, but this time, the god did not answer him.

In Otto's mind, only memories of the past appeared, the people he hurt, the lies he told, the crimes he committed...

Will Otto feel guilty when he sees these memories? Will he regret it?

Maybe, but not now.

Now, he just wants to know the answer.

`—————Please tell me the answer, my lord. I will do anything to save her!"

At this time, the god smiled.

He summoned a sharp sword and stabbed himself hard.

As the god stabbed himself with a sharp blade, Otto's body gradually disintegrated. 】

In the next second, Otto's consciousness returned to reality, and he roared with exhaustion.

He felt countless information pouring into his brain like a tide, and quickly dissipated because the brain could not accommodate such a huge amount of information. The only picture left in the end was the moment when the god pierced him with a sword.

And the meaning of this picture, he could not comprehend until ten years later.

At the same time, Xi Lin, who was controlled by Yu Duchen, also woke up from the illusion.

"Oops! The Second Herrscher has awakened!"

Paduo Feilisi couldn't help exclaiming: "What should I do now! Sister Fu Hua! Use your invincible Yu Duchen to find a way!"

Fu Hua:

【"What God said, it is these feathers that affect my thinking."

In the real world, Sirin burned all the feathers around her: "How dare you fool me, ants!"

With the failure of Yu Duchen, the power of the Herrscher blessed by the six cores has also been fully exerted, and an inflated smile appeared on Xi Lin's face again: "As expected, it is these feathers that limit my power—— —Then now, let me show you the power of a true Herrscher!"

In an instant, Sirin completely liberated the Herrscher power in her body, and the powerful Honkai energy wave swept the entire battlefield. If she was allowed to leave like this, I am afraid that the entire Destiny would not be her match.

The only way to stop her is to burn 'Yu Duchen'. 】

"Burning Feather Dust?!"

Qiyana was stunned: "But, monitor! In this way, your memory won't be...

"It's all gone."

The Herrscher of Knowledge said that sentence instead of Qiyana, pouted: "Old Antique is like this, in order to protect the world, sacrifice his own memory or something... It's normal. Okay, How great, the name will go down in history."

Fu Hua naturally heard Xiaoshi's yin and yang (good) strangeness, and explained helplessly: "...Xiaoshi, in that situation, I have to do this."

"Cut! If I tell you, you shouldn't have listened to Otto in the first place."

The Herrscher of Knowledge crossed his arms and complained: "After controlling Sirin, you should immediately strip the Herrscher's core from her body, and then kill her, so there are so many things to do."

On the other side, Fu Hua, who had burned all of Yu Duchen, turned on Yu Duchen's first rated power, and within Yu Duchen's domain, he successfully used his life's unique skill --- Taixu Sword Oil.

In an instant, the situation changed!

The pure white sky was rendered into a fiery red, and the clouds rolled up like a vortex. From the bottomless center————————The ancient giant sword Tongtian utterly smashed!

It fell from the sky like a huge meteor, accompanied by scorching heat enough to melt steel!

The blazing red glow illuminates the entire land, dyeing the whole world in a striking red!

Sirin stared at Taixu Sword God above the sky, instinctively felt a trace of fear, and opened the portal to escape, but-

【"God, the extreme of change, the wonderful things can be expressed in words, and they cannot be questioned in form."

The frenzied wind was blowing Fu Hua's white hair, she calmly looked at Xi Lin who was trying to escape below: "This is the fifth aggregate of Taixu's sword energy—the divine aggregate.

"There is no form and no form is needed. This sword fills space, and this sword is space. Therefore, it is everywhere, and it is everywhere."

"Ah Herrscher, this sword—is unstoppable."]

In the next second, Taixu Sword God rushed over!


PS: The final chapter is finally coming... By the way, have any brothers got the test server qualification of Bengtie... I really want to play it too, damn it!

I can be regarded as a loyal player of the Flash Track series, but since I started writing novels, I have no time to play the follow-up full track.

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