Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

441: You Should At Least Shed A Tear For Her.

It all started here, and it will all end here.

At this moment, even if the seven billion people on the earth are not brought into the same dream...they will all look at the bright moon in the sky at the same time.

Since the birth of civilization, this gray-white star has been noble and extraordinary in people's hearts because of its silence.

But in all fairness, it is just a kind of lonely beauty created by a proper sense of distance.

Today, in the dark sky, the "throne" cast by the sacrifices of the times is hanging high above this piece of dry soil—but it no longer contains any meaning of "king over everything"

—It is only the 'divine order' of the usurper.

"The other figure is really Prometheus!"

Kiyana opened her eyes wide, staring at Prometheus who was talking with Kevin on the screen, saying that it was a conversation... In fact, it was not the case. From the actual situation, this was just a one-way show. aspects of the speech.

Prometheus explained, while Kevin listened silently——

【"I see."

After listening to the other party's narration, the man's tone was as usual, but this was also the most abnormal part.


After being aware of it, the artificial intelligence began to sort out in its own way whether what was missed in the previous narration.

Otherwise, after fully knowing the whole story of that world bubble, and hearing that Dr. Mei's dying wishes...why would the other party have no response?

This man is indeed no longer ignorant—but his words and deeds at the moment seem irrational.

 ….Have you nothing else to say?"


Kevin's voice was still as cold as an iceberg, unwavering: "The future of the Stigmata Project will do you no good. Leave as soon as possible."

"..……....…how about you?"

Kevin was silent for a moment, and did not answer Prometheus' question: "Leave the intrinsic world. Then, you still have your own future."

Men can only repeat clichés in their usual tone. The promises of the past are supported by too many memories, but he has no way to talk about them.

But facing this old friend who was killed by 06 himself...he didn't want to be too perfunctory.

"Anyway...Thank you for telling me all this."]

"Boss Kevin looks... so indifferent..."

Padufelice's expression looked a little terrified. It was not because she was afraid of Kevin's powerful power, but because of the partner who should have been familiar with her, but at this moment she seemed very strange... This comes from the fear of the unknown.

"Obviously, when talking about Dr. Mei before, even if Boss Kevin deliberately remained indifferent in front of us, he would still have obvious mood swings..."

In fact, even Kevin, who will become the face of the iceberg in the future, is still trying his best to maintain his original appearance when facing Mei alone in private.

Even when he was alone with Su, his ever-changing iceberg face would melt like ice and snow.

However, the Kevin in the picture now—can't feel the slightest warmth, as if all his emotions were frozen deep in his heart.

"I can feel that Kevin... the burden...and the desperation."

Even Su couldn't help but opened his eyes, with a hint of sadness in his eyes: "Kevin... I'm sorry, forgive me for not being by your side anymore, and not being able to accompany you to bear this sin.


Alicia also seems to be able to understand the despair of Kevin in the picture: "You don't need to force yourself so much..."

Fu Hua also sighed deeply and stopped talking.

Ancestor Kevin also stared at himself on the screen, and murmured in a low voice: "But I have to do this..."

[... I don't understand. "

Prometheus was silent for a moment, then spoke again: "Dr. Mei said, you are a lonely boy."

"But in my opinion, compared to me...you are farther away from the definition of 'human'.

"It's not difficult for me to accept a conclusion."

Kevin is still calm: "Since in Mei's view, the Herrschers of the future will be able to bear the future of mankind...then I am also willing to do my best to set aside more than 'half a day' for them. "

"But everything you have done is just watching from the other side."

Prometheus said: "In a world that is familiar and yet strange, a long and desperate struggle with the unattainable existence-that is too cruel to be undertaken by the light of day."

.......Do you mean them, or us?"]

Prometheus fell silent.

Obviously, the man in front of him is not a character who loves to ridicule others with words.

But his question really dispelled the idea of ​​Prometheus continuing to speak.

——That’s right, the kind of struggle that takes thousands of years to be effective, even if it really happened to those girls, there is nothing special worth emphasizing.

The man in front of me has also experienced this.

There is nothing new under the sun.

"So to say.……………"

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana turned to look at Fu Hua: "Squad leader, how big were you when you were fighting against Honkai?"

"In my opinion, the time when I really joined Flamemoth and became a Warrior was in high school.

Fu Hua replied: "Of course, even if it is like this, in fact, there were many Warriors who were younger than me at the time."

"By the way, this guy, Kevin, also joined Flaming Moths in high school."

The Herrscher of Knowledge interjected: "And I asked for it voluntarily! Regardless of the unexpected circumstances, Kevin is the youngest person who volunteered to join the Flaming Moth."

"Oh~ Xiaoshi, have you forgotten me?"

Alicia raised her hand at the side: "The lovely lady fairy joined the flame moth when she was 16~"

The Herrscher of Knowledge squinted at her: "Huh? Aren't you the Herrscher?!"

"Lun Zhe is also 16 years old~!"

Alicia emphasized: "16 years old!"

"Okay, okay, I know, I know, I won't keep emphasizing that I am 16 years old!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge waved his hands, looking like he was having a headache.

"Speaking of age, the Herrscher of Knowledge should be less than two years old, right?"

Bronya complained.

"Cut! Does discussing age really make sense to Herrscher?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread his hands: "The answer is - not at all!"

【"However, the cruelest things are not those that have already happened, but everything that is about to happen."

Yutu, who had been silent since arriving, finally spoke at this moment: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to keep silent."

Her gaze wandered to Prometheus, and then she retracted it lightly.

"It's just that I hope that she can realize this by herself—just like she did just now."

"It's certainly indispensable for human beings...

Feather Rabbit paused, and continued: "But it's also the plan you gave me, and it's what I need most at this moment."


"Although we don't have full evidence..."

Yutu looked at Kevin with a firm expression: "But even if this plan completely completes the compilation of the space, you...can't do it once and for all, right?"】

In the picture, Prometheus added - Judging from the nature of the final cocoon, it will never take the initiative to select someone to become the so-called final Herrscher'.

In the past, people designed the existence of the "Honkai Will" in the new era just to avoid the birth of the Herrscher from being too random.

Now, the will to collapse has dissipated.

Kevin's method of obtaining the ultimate power from the 'cocoon' is also similar to stealing——

【"So, the great undertaking of the Stigmata Project will probably never be truly successful."

Yutu made a conclusion: "You who can control the final power with your own will and your own conditions... must bear it forever, so that it will not fail.

"It should be." Kevin nodded.

"Yeah, I understand, as far as you are concerned, that is the only correct way."

She looked at the man who silently returned to the throne, and let out a sympathetic sigh.

During the 50,000-year journey, he fulfilled every promise he made.

He defeated Honkai with a human body, and as a sinner, he shouldered the ideal of rescue for the last time.

And such a man...

"You...do you want to die too?"

Yutu asked. 】

Facing Yutu's words, Kevin was noncommittal, he was just doing what he should do, nothing more.

Facing the stubborn Kevin, Yutu also knew that he couldn't change his mind. After abandoning the name "Yutu" given to her by the world snake, Misi comforted Kevin.

However, Kevin just responded calmly——

【"That's superfluous."

Kevin said lightly: "Compared to destroying Honkai, all I did was put it in a cage."

"But I will assimilate this time limit with the lifespan of the planet."

"Even if, do you want to live alone forever in this... world that is empty for you?"

Mysterin asked: "Even due to the power of the end...you can't find the meaning of living again like that comrade in arms in the past."

"We have no other choice."

Kevin's answer was still calm to indifferent: "As for the meaning of what you said, I don't need it.

"...Yeah, even without that kind of thing, wouldn't you have come to where you are today?"

Mysterin took a deep breath: "Then, let's leave, Tian Qifloor."]

"Wait, does this mean that..."

Alicia opened her eyes slightly: "Kevin will always bear the power of the end, until the end of this planet's lifespan?!"

"On this empty planet where everyone enters the dream world?"

"...Yes, this is exactly the result of the stigmata plan."

Mysterine Shaniat spoke after a long absence.

"Well, if this is the case, isn't Boss Kevin...!"

Paduofelis said that she couldn't go on anymore.

But anyone can know the ending... That also means that in the next long to almost infinite time, Kevin will be stationed alone on this uninhabited planet, in the endless In the long river of time, silently waiting for death.

——This is undoubtedly a torment beyond death.

Even just thinking about it is creepy!

However, when everyone looked up, the man who knew his future ending——Kevin, was still as calm as before, as if human emotions didn't exist in him at all.

Or... As early as tens of thousands of years ago, his heart had already been buried along with everything in the pre-civilization era.

When everyone fell into silence, the images on the screen continued to play. Facing Mysterine's request to leave, Prometheus showed no hesitation.



"Yeah, although I also find it unbelievable, but things have developed into what they are now.


Sterling said regretfully: "You and I... Although we are not human beings yet, we have the freedom that belongs to human beings.

"You can live according to your own will, and you can die according to your own will."

"Defying one's own destiny—that is the prerogative of man. And he..."

Mysterine glanced at Kevin who was sitting back on the throne again: "But he has become an existence who knows his destiny but still chooses to devote himself to it."

Prometheus 597: ".

Of course, as in the past, she once again fell into a state of "unresponsiveness".

"Well . . . no need to try to find a 'definition' for him.'

Mysterine interrupted Prometheus's thinking: "If you must add a certain name to this existence, I think...the only word is 'hero'?"

"—I have never had the qualifications to challenge this kind of existence."]

The mechanical girl did not give an answer——for her, it would still take a long time to completely digest these ambiguous but extremely determined hearts.

After a short delay, she obeyed Mysterin's signal and followed her to the edge of the huge throne.

Through the ability to freely shuttle between the space and reality of the stigmata, a door has been opened there, connecting the journey of the two 'human beings' who are about to start.

But before that—

[...Number seventeen?"

One snap!

Under Mysterine's surprised gaze, Prometheus suddenly turned around and returned to the man.

She stretched out a hand and slapped this god-like being with pitiful force.

Even if he wasn't really a god, the move was too bold for an artificial intelligence, and completely contrary to reason.

....... Also naturally, in vain.

"You should at least shed a tear for her."

Prometheus looked directly at him: "This is my anger as her friend.]

— she knew she couldn't get any answers.

This man, even if he really had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night with his pillow full of tears... that was too long ago.

All his grief has been tempered by a long time, and it is difficult to reveal it through ordinary people.

- She is not a fool, she knows all this.

But because of this, she must slap this man Kang.

After a long silence, Prometheus finally took back his actions.

With her silent back, she conveyed her disappointment for the last time.

The man didn't say a word, just watched the two visitors leave in this way--in terms of the power he possessed, the attitude he showed today may be too "letting go"

but that's the way it is

This man is not a 'king', not a 'god', but Kevin.

In the question-and-answer space, whether it was the St. Freya Academy group or the Yingjies, they all fell into a long-lost silence.

It seems that the power of language has lost all value at this moment, or the pictures are too heavy, so that they cannot use the comfort of language to tell something.

They all just silently watched this man who bears everything, his back is so resolute, yet so...desperate. .

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