Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

442: Do You Know How A Big Bidou Hurt Karma Kevin?

In the picture, after Prometheus and Mysterine left, Kevin became alone again.

Not long after, the footsteps sounded again.

——In terms of the nature of this place, there may be too many visitors today.

She walked carefully with every step...but when she walked in front of Kevin, she still made some unexpected noises.

When reaching Kevin's body, the raven...... Or, Natasha Siora unknowingly stepped on some tiny icicles.

Probably no one will be able to guess what it is, but it looks like...they just hit the ground not too long ago.

It made her think of the kind of tempered glass called [Rupert's Tears] that she once performed for children.

"Yo, isn't this Siora?"

Braun couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "What a surprise, I thought you should have hid in the deep mountains and old forests early on, but I didn't expect you to dare to come here...... Are you not afraid of any accidents? ?”

"Honestly, I think so too."

Siora shrugged: "According to common sense, I should have slipped away long ago, and I don't know why... the future me will take the initiative to step into such a dangerous place, and I still have the same knowledge as I have already mastered." The life of the ultimate power."

With her personality, she would run as long as she could for any life-threatening matter, and she would never wait a second longer.

So it's hard to imagine that now that the stigmata project has entered the countdown stage, and now that Kevin has inherited the final power, instead of escaping quickly, she actively approached.

Could it be that in the future, she has suffered some kind of mental blow and doesn't want to live anymore?

Siora couldn't help but fell into thought.

On the screen, after seeing Xiora's arrival, Kevin also slowly made a sound——

["..... Raven."

"It seems that you don't know yet."

Natasha Siora sighed, and then shrugged indifferently: "That's right, you can't possibly care about such trivial things—the gray snake has expelled me from the world snake.

"...You don't need to mind."

Kevin said calmly: "After all this is done, the World Snake will naturally lose its meaning."]

On the screen, Siora and Kevin are talking, and she tells Kevin that she plans to go to New Atra to stay with the children until they can return to Earth.

Although she is no longer a colleague, because of the relationship with the children, Yutu still helped her reach the sky above the moon.

That's all she said.

Because in her opinion, for a person who can be defined as "seeing the wind and steering the rudder", the significance of this behavior is self-evident.

And Kevin obviously understood the meaning, nodded slowly—

【"So that's the case. What you believe in is completely different from the past."

Kevin said calmly, "Go ahead and hedge your bets—you know I'm not going to stop that."

"(However, Lord—if I really believed in something from the bottom of my heart, I wouldn't be where I am today. "~)"

Xiora was thinking in her heart, but she didn't say it out of her mouth: "It's better to say, I'm here to set an example for the children."

"Birds fly because they want to fly. It's a destiny they create for themselves.

"—At least, they should see that the people who teach themselves like this are doing similar things."

"But you know it's not the truth." Kevin said lightly.

"Indeed, birds fly for no other reason than they are 'born that way.

Siora nodded slightly: "But what we should leave to future generations should not be the naked truth...but the 'dreams' responsible for explaining these truths, right?"

"Even if everything is fiction, this fiction also has its own power."

.......I hope so too. "

Kevin replied to her: That's what I told you then.



Siora never imagined that the man in front of her would remember their previous chat verbatim.

But if she could know in some way that the question about flying has been explored in the man's heart for a thousand years - her surprise at this moment may be more dramatic.

"It can be seen that Raven...Miss Xiora still cares about the hearts of children. 17

Mei nodded knowingly: "Miss Siora is also a gentle person."

"Come on, Miss Raiden Mei."

Siora waved her hand as if it was troublesome: "There are many words that can be used to describe me, but gentleness is definitely not included, understand."

"Who knows."

Braun spread his hands: "Some people have a arrogant temper in their bones.

...You shouldn't be connoting me, are you?"

asked Siora.

Braunni smiled: "Of course not, cold, indifferent, heartless Miss Siora. y


【"You can take them anywhere and no one will stop you from doing it."

Kevin looked at Raven: "But... Raven, the two possibilities we mentioned...they haven't come to an end yet.

With a distant expression, he started to walk, as if planning to go out for a while.

Until then, the cadre who once belonged to the World Snake finally understood why his lord chose to sit here.

Why - take the initiative to stay away from any inhabited planet.

"This is......?!"

If the 'shadow' cast by the man at this moment has any substance, the surging vision within it is enough to make any first-timer show a horrified attitude.

Finality—this existence is too abstract for most people, even if it is presented in front of people in a certain way, it is so difficult to understand.

For the human species, being able to see but not knowing is the greatest fear.

Raven fell into silence because of the horror in his heart, and Kevin's voice sounded slowly——

"Raven. When we talk about flying, it's easy to forget one thing—

"I Carlos once flew high in the sky."

"At that time, as long as he stretched out his hand, he could touch the sun."]

"Uh.........Mei Mei."

Qi Bao scratched his head with a cute face: "Kevin and Raven, what are they talking about? Why can't I understand at all?"

"What is Carlos, what kind of bird can fly... what does this mean?"

Mei sighed helplessly: "I told you to study hard, Kiyana.

"Give it up, idiot Kiyana."

Bronya also complained: "With your knowledge reserve, it is impossible to understand."

"There is no need to delay the remedial action!"

Teresa clenched her fists: "In order for Qiyana to become a real Valkyrie in the future, she must not be allowed to go on like this!"

"I agree."

Ulandal was the first to respond.

"Hey! Why is it so good that you suddenly act like you want to train me as a devil!"

Qiyana was shocked: "I, I don't want it!"

"Actually, there is nothing to say, it's just some philosophical discussions."

The Herrscher of Knowledge thinks there is nothing to talk about: "Old people like this tone, talking about some metaphysical things, hinting at their own psychological thoughts...Kevin is like this, and so is Old Antique."

"——If you want me to tell you, if there is anything you can say directly, you don't need to beat around the bush. It's not that if you say that, everyone won't help you."

Fu Hua:


While everyone in the question-and-answer space was talking, the picture on the screen changed, and they came to Taixu Mountain.

And this time the protagonists are Rita Rossweisse and Li Sushang...and the passerby-level Valkyrie Suzanne.

On the screen, Little Lizi Yu Jianfei led Rita and the others to land on Taixu Mountain, and took action to eliminate the influence of the Stigmata Project on Taixu Mountain.

But after a lot of hard work, the results from the Mandate of Heaven were not satisfactory. Although the Valkyries were able to repair the abnormal areas caused by the Stigmata Project, they couldn't make the local area really fall into a dream. People wake up.

Even though the anomalies in the area have been repaired, those who fell into a dream due to the stigmata project still cannot wake up.

【"In other words, those people are still in the dreamland woven by the stigmata project; and 'recovering space' and 'calling people back from the dream' can't be confused at all?"

After listening to Rita and Teresa's explanation, Li Sushang tried to summarize.


Rita nodded kindly.

Li Sushang suddenly understood: "Oh, no wonder you said that this situation is 'no way to win'

"Our previous plan is advancing steadily, and the matter of 'taking back the earth' itself is indeed feasible."

Rita continued to explain: ———but if we don’t adopt new methods, what we can finally regain is the almost empty earth.

"That can't be done!"

Xiao Lizi shook his head: "How can we fight to the end, but the final result is similar to the Stigmata Project?"

(of the money) "Yeah, this is where we need to improve.

Teresa interjected: "Fortunately, the current situation is not completely passive."

"For example... in the face of this kind of problem created by the 'dream', we may try to actively participate in it."]

"Actively throw yourself into it?"

Listening to her future self's speech, Teresa looked a little confused: "What does this... mean?"

"Well, that's how it is."

However, Otto seemed to understand the meaning, and nodded involuntarily: "As expected of my good granddaughter, she has grown up rapidly after Grandpa left~"

He smiled with relief: "In this way, Grandpa can rest assured."

"Huh? Grandpa, what are you talking about? What did you understand?"

Teresa still didn't understand: "Stop riddling people, explain it to me quickly.

"Haha, don't worry, little Teresa

Otto shook his head: "Grandpa, I'm just guessing, as for what you guys will do in the future, even I can't draw a clear conclusion.

"So, let's continue to look down——Yuan"

PS: I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but I feel that the raven’s modeling has also been redone, and it looks much softer than before. Especially the eyes.

Although when watching Raven modeling, the eyes will move down from time to time. .

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