Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

449: Question: Herrscher Of Knowledge Vs Karma Kevin, Who Wins?

While Sushang was convincing the Herrscher of Knowledge, Teresa on the other side was also working hard.

Going deep into the [spiritual Adam], she is trying to change the thoughts of those sleeping in the dream, so that they will actively have the idea of ​​leaving this false dream.

The first stop was the school where a group of children were. Just as Teresa was subtly changing the thoughts of these children with her speech skills, a timid voice sounded beside her

【"Excuse me, are you a teacher~?"

Teresa turned her head, looked at the little girl, and smiled slightly: "That's right, I'm actually the principal of another school. Did you hear what I discussed with them just now?"


The girl nodded: "You just said that the people in the book are our role models and our goals, but not our shackles and our boundaries."

"A real adventurer, he will definitely cross the footprints of his predecessors, go higher and farther, and let his dreams float to the sky that no one has explored."


Teresa chuckled lightly and nodded: "In this way, for hundreds or thousands of years, countless adventurers have fulfilled their dreams and continued the human world until it is as prosperous as it is today."

"—this is civilization."

"Then...little teacher, what should we do to become a real adventurer?"]

"Small..... Teacher...?!"

In the question-and-answer space, Teresa immediately became very angry when she heard this sentence: "Who, who is the little teacher! Children nowadays are really not polite! How can this make the evaluation What about other people's appearances!"

"Haha~ This is also impossible. 1

Ji Zi shrugged with a light smile: "Who made our principal always look like a child.

"That's it!"

Qiyana also nodded: "When my aunt first met me and said that I was her niece, I was shocked, thinking that I had accidentally entered some kind of mental hospital!"

Teresa was surprised: "What, what?!"

"Oh! Damn it, if it weren't for my body not growing up, how could I suffer such humiliation!"

Teresa bit her lower lip tightly, her expression was very tangled: "If...if my body can grow...!"

"Haha~ Auntie, stop daydreaming!"

Kiyana teased: "You will never have a chance in this life~!"

Teresa stared: "Qiana, shut up!"

On the other side, Teresa on the screen was also very angry when she heard someone call her 'little teacher', but when she thought that she was a mature and calm adult and couldn't understand like a child, she still managed to suppress the words that were about to blurt out. refute.

She coughed twice and returned to the topic——

【"Cough. It's very simple. The first step to becoming an adventurer is to wake up from your own dream."

"Everyone dreams. In the world of dreams, we can imagine all kinds of things."

Teresa paused, and continued: "But, that's not enough. Because compared to what we can dream of now—there are still many unimaginable things hidden in this world?"

"Eh? What is it?"

the children asked curiously.

Teresa smiled, then shook her head: "Unfortunately, I don't know either.

"Hmph, the little teacher is a liar!"

"I didn't lie to you."

Teresa said: "I don't know, because they haven't been created yet. They are sleeping at the bottom of each of you at this moment."

"Our... hearts?"


Teresa said: "You are full of novel imaginations and full of creativity—your hands can describe a future that no one has ever seen, and your enthusiasm will make your dreams higher and higher.

"As long as you have the courage to take the first step, and keep looking for and making 'things that don't exist yet'... Even if this kind of thing is not worth mentioning in the eyes of others, you will eventually become adventurers."

"Without such an attempt, no one else will ever see the glittering, colorful scrolls you paint."

Teresa sighed exaggeratedly: "Oh, that's such a pity!】

"Auntie, I really admire you!"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana looked at Teresa with admiration on her face: "I didn't expect you to be able to say such reasonable words!"

"Hmph~ Of course, I'm... huh? Wait!"

Teresa, who was triumphant, suddenly felt something was wrong, and immediately raised her eyebrows solemnly: "Qiana, what do you mean by that? Don't tell me that in your eyes, I shouldn't say such reasonable words?!"

"Uh... To be honest, since that time when I saw you secretly reading Hom comics in the office, I have never treated you as an adult again

Qi Bao scratched her head, causing Teresa's blood pressure to soar.

"Stealth, secretly read Homu comics? Wh, when did this happen?! Why didn't I know!"

"I forgot too. Anyway, you were quite absorbed in watching it at the time, so I didn't make a sound to disturb you."

...how, how could this happen?!"

Teresa immediately showed a desperate expression: "Damn it, the prestige I have managed to accumulate......

"Did you really have that kind of thing?" Ji Zi glanced suspiciously at the distraught Theresa, and shook his head.

In the picture on the other side, after listening to Teresa's words, the children couldn't help chattering and discussing eagerly, scribbling on the paper excitedly; some children were running around

Find available materials from around campus.

As a result, the edge of the dream began to become blurred, like a gravel thrown in the middle of a lake, causing gentle ripples.

Although it is only a shallow step, there is no doubt that change has happened quietly.

【"Hmm...there's actually only so much I can do."

Teresa said softly: "Next, it depends on your own efforts."

"You must be able to, because——the world is changed because of you."】

"Yeah, this world will always belong to young people."

Ji Zi was also deeply touched: "An old man like me probably doesn't have the energy to change the world anymore."


Teresa nodded too.

After letting go of this dream, Teresa also turned to the next dream, and the atmosphere of this dream was particularly dull and dead, depressing and breathless, everyone's face showed a sluggish and desperate look. emotion.

——as if all hope had been given up.

【"So, we can't wake them up?"

Hei Xier frowned, "raised her pitch-black paws: "Why don't you use physical methods to solve it?"

"No, I still want to try."

Teresa rejected this suggestion: "Because, I was once trapped in such a dream."

"At that time, I hadn't found the meaning of my own existence. As a man-made life, I couldn't integrate into other people's groups, so I could only live numbly..."

"At that time, I was like them, neither dreaming nor having any expectations for the future.

"——But at that time, I met...that friend I mentioned just now."]

In the picture, Teresa tells about everything she has experienced with Cecilia. Those beautiful memories are deeply buried in her memory, and even after so many years, she still cannot forget them.

"Cecilia... Mom..."

In the question-and-answer space, Kiyana couldn't help murmuring while listening to Teresa's words.

The same is true for Urandale: "Mom..."

【"At that time she said to me-the more people suppress themselves, the more they yearn for beauty in their hearts. It is precisely because of the gap between what they want and what they can't get that they temporarily lose the importance of moving forward

"All they need is an opportunity."

"Maybe it's a touching story, maybe it's a melodious piece of music, maybe it's a game that resonates..."

Teresa whispered softly: "That opportunity is enough for them to rekindle hope, fight against the storms of life, and embrace tomorrow's rainbow."

"They originally had the courage and strength to break through the desperate situation, but they didn't realize it."

"——She said that in fact, everyone is much braver than they imagined, enough to face the unsatisfactory realities in life and create new possibilities.

"Talking so much about yourself, you... what do you know about me!"

Emotional woman yells: "You don't understand anything!"

"You are right, the person who understands you best is of course yourself."

Teresa answered her calmly: "You remember all the things you longed for, the dreams you pursued, and the mood at that time.

"At that time, the source of your courage and the motivation to move forward is your heart."

"Staying here all the time won't bring you satisfaction, it's just wasting time meaninglessly.

She said, "You should give your heart another chance, shouldn't you?"


The emotional woman opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

A teardrop flowed down her face, reflecting the light of the road. 】

"Theresa speaks so directly to the heart!"

Alicia couldn't help wiping her tears.

"Well, the canned food was so moved that I cried!"

While wiping tears for herself, Padofelice wiped the cat's tears for the can.

Canned food: "Woo meow..."

"These words were also spoken by Cecilia to me..."

In the question-and-answer space, Teresa stared at the picture on the screen, and her eyes suddenly became distant.

It seems to have returned to the long past, where she and Cecilia played carefreely in that small piece of world.

...thank you for what you taught me then, Cecilia.

After leaving this dreamland, Teresa and Xier continued to go to the next dream, and in this dreamland, Teresa and Xier originally planned to continue to change the minds of the people inside and disintegrate this dream like the previous few times. dream.

0...seeking flowers...

But she never expected that the old woman who was in a dream this time knew that it was a dream.

Although Teresa and Seele were shocked, they still patiently asked if there was any way to end this dream, and the old lady also said that it was very troublesome——

【"After all...... If there is no such dream, he may die soon."

"Eh!?" Teresa and Xi'er were stunned at the same time.

"Before coming here, he had been bedridden for several years, and even the doctor said that he would not survive this autumn.

The kind old lady said: "The people who are having this dream with him now are more or less in a similar situation."

"So, I also have a question for you—"

The old woman stared at Theresa and Seele: "For those who still have hope, leaving the dream is a blessing for the brave.

-But what about people who have no future?"]

There was silence in the question-and-answer space.

The old woman's words hit people's hearts, making her

They didn't know how to answer, so they could only be silent.

"Tsk, although I knew that this method must be difficult, but I didn't expect to encounter such a situation...!"

After a long time, Tesla couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "How can people be so cruel!"

"Indeed, although I have already made similar psychological preparations before this...but this kind of behavior of pushing people to death with their own hands, when it is really encountered, still makes people hesitate.


Einstein also gave a rare sigh: "It seems that we still underestimated the psychological burden and stress.

If the old man is forced out of the dream environment, it means that what Teresa and others are doing is no different from Kevin's stigmata plan.

It is all about sacrificing some people in exchange for the lives of others.

But if the old man is not awakened... As the most solid part of this dream, they will never be able to shake this dream.

Just when everyone didn't know how to answer, the voices of Rosalia and Lilia suddenly came from a distance, and their appearance made the dull atmosphere alive.

Not a lot.

Rosalia and Lilia were also very happy to see Teresa and Xier, cheering that they could finally leave here.

They also told the two that in this dream, it was the old man who had been taking care of them and gave them a lot of snacks and snacks.

The old man's eyes swept over Sister Arlene lovingly, as if he was relieved, he took the initiative to propose the idea of ​​waking up, and left this stage to the young people——

【"Grandpa, we will not persuade you to give up this dream."

Teresa suddenly said: "I think there is nothing wrong with such a dream itself."

"—The ones who make mistakes are those who have given up on the future before reaching the end of their lives.

Teresa looked at the old man: "Grandpa, I believe in you—I believe that you can take good care of other young people just like taking care of these two sisters."

"Then... as now, tell them that there is life waiting for them beyond dreams."

The old man was silent for a moment after listening, and then smiled slightly.

"I wanted to say that it's time to face my own reality and finish this journey of life... but I didn't expect that there are still young people who need our help?"

"Alright. This time, let the young people see the old man's integrity.

The old man said: "Our whole life——is not in vain."]

The deep sea composed of rays of light is no longer silent.

In the boundless darkness, tens of thousands of dreams are noisy and churning, like a giant beast waking up from a deep sleep, stretching its huge body wantonly.

A group of twilight lights fluttered, broke away from the attraction of the light group, and soared towards the dark sky.

The shimmering interior faintly reveals the color of the soul that is also pink and blue.

Immediately afterwards, more and more light clusters soared into the sky, like a scattered galaxy, disappearing at the end of sight.

Whether it is the Valkyrie or the volunteers in the dream, everyone does their best to fight against the so-called "spiritual Adam".

"Great, this is a success!"

Alicia cheered: "I knew that human beings would never be defeated so easily!"

"Yeah, even if there is a dark side in this world, the light will never go out."

Kiyana also made an inspiring voice: "In this way, everyone can wake up from their dreams!"

Just when everyone showed reassuring smiles, the long-lost electronic synthesis sound suddenly sounded, accompanied by the advent of questions and answers——

【Question 10: Among the following options, in the battle between the Herrscher of Knowledge and ", who won the final victory?】

【A: Herrscher of Knowledge】

【B: Karma Kevin】

【C: We all die together】

[D: No winner]

PS: I'm finally going to write about the story of the collapse of the immortal! Brothers, I beg for a wave of evaluation votes and flowers seven!.

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