Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

450: Knowing How To Tell Treasures, She Said She Really Wanted To Beat Kevin!

"Huh? I'm fighting Karma Kevin?"

After the Herrscher of Knowledge saw the question and answer that appeared on the screen, he was in shock: "Is it true? Me? And that Kevin who has obtained the final power?"

"Oh I got it!"

Li Sushang suddenly realized: "It's no wonder that in the future, I'm going to ask the Herrscher of Knowing to come out, so I want her to face Kevin and buy us time?"

"Hey! Aren't you telling me to die?!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help complaining loudly: "Are you kidding! That's Kevin who has mastered the power of death?!"

Bronya: "Didn't you say you had a 50-50 split with him?"

"That, that was when he hadn't mastered the final power!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge grumbled his lips: "Forget it, forget it! If you want to fight, hit it! The Herrscher of Knowledge doesn't believe it. In the world of dreams, can you really kill me in seconds?!"

Ancestor Kevin: ".

"Then, why don't Xiaozhi come and guess the outcome?"

Alicia blinked: "You and Kevin, who will win~?"

"This, needless to say!"

Although the Herrscher of Knowledge knows it well, his mouth is still very firm: "I "733" admit that Kevin, who has the power of the end, is indeed very strong, but after all, he is in the world of dreams, my home field! Time to add a little bit of tricks from Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge to draw with Kevin...I don't think it's a problem!"

"Wow~ Herrscher of Knowledge is so confident~!"

Alicia clapped her hands with a smile, and then asked the ancestor Kevin: "Kevin, what do you think?"

Grandpa Kevin:

"Since Xiaozhi said that there is no winner, why didn't you choose D directly?"

Qi Bao issued a soul questioning.

The Herrscher of Knowledge opened his mouth and was instantly speechless.

"I, I haven't had time to choose yet!"

In fact, it is reasonable, Zhibao knows that she has a high probability of losing, but in terms of face... definitely can't say that!

Staring at the options on the screen, the Herrscher of Knowledge was caught off guard for a while.

If you choose D, there is a high probability that you will be wrong. Not only will you waste a chance to get a reward, but you will also be punished.

But if she doesn't choose D, then she will lose face!

Is it for face, or for reward?

--This is a problem!

"Let me do it."

Seeing Zhibao's embarrassed look, the mother Shangxian still couldn't bear it, and stood up: "I choose B: Karma Kevin."

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Fu Hua for obtaining a new state - artificial collapse (limited to 2 hours)]

[Tips: When using this state, there will be no side effects within two hours

Man-made collapse?"

When Fu Hua saw this reward, he couldn't help being stunned: "And, it still has no side effects."

As we all know, the man-made collapse state can greatly increase the fusion Warrior's own strength, but at the cost, there are various side effects, and Fu Hua's side effect is particularly obvious-self-destruction.

But with the reward given by the question and answer space, if she starts the artificial collapse state again, she will be able to maintain her sanity for at least 2 hours.

"Squad leader's artificial collapse?"

Qi Bao also blinked, her expression full of curiosity: "I don't seem to have seen it before."

"Yeah, Bronya is also very curious."

Bronya nodded: "What does the squad leader's artificial collapse look like?"

"We haven't seen it either!"

Paduo Feilisi's expression was also very curious: "Neither A Hua nor Sister Fu Hua seems to have shown such a gesture in front of other people."

"...Because this gesture is too dangerous for me and everyone..."

Hua explained: "I'm worried that what happened to Dr. Mebius back then will happen again."

Fu Hua also agreed: "Yes. Unless it is a last resort, I will not start the artificial collapse."

"Okay, okay, don't talk so much."

The Herrscher of Knowledge's expression was a bit unhappy, it seemed that she was annoyed by the question-and-answer space's decision that she had lost: "Look, the screen has started to play again."

After the answers to the questions and answers, the pictures on the screen began to play again. When Kevin continued to go deep into the dream collection of [Spiritual Adam], he suddenly found himself in a familiar place - the paradise of the past.

"Eh? Isn't this the paradise of the past?"

Patofelice's expression was taken aback.

"Yes, this is indeed the paradise of the past."

Alicia also nodded: "But, why does the King of Passionate Music appear in this dream?"

In the picture, after extremely careful observation, Kevin was finally convinced that the scene in front of him was not a coincidence.

——Just as monkeys also have the possibility of knocking out Shakespeare's famous lines, this dream group formed by seven billion wills, no matter how weird the dream is, it is logically not worth a man's pause and contemplation.

But here, it is indeed the paradise of the past, not a coincidence after the materials are put together.

The collection of dreams is not omnipotent, and the beauty it weaves depends on the existing materials.

But no matter it is Raiden Mei, Hua, Ke Rhine………any existing person who has witnessed the existence of the Paradise in the past is not in a dream at this moment.

In other words, there can only be one reason for the scene presented in front of Kevin.

After some exploration, Kevin also figured out the truth behind it——

【"Come out, Herrscher of Knowledge."】

Almost at the moment of saying this sentence, all the scenes around Kevin faded away, and the Paradise of the Dead became another brand new scene.

And in the center of the scene, the Herrscher of Knowledge seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Kevin's arrival, the Herrscher of Knowledge put one hand on his hip, and waved his hand in boredom——

【"Oh, it's indeed you. Even though I have tried my best to mobilize the Honkai Beast's dream to attack the source of the 'Chimera'... the result is only two more detours for you.

"Honkai Beast is not a conscious body in the strict sense."

Kevin said: "Your powers are not meant for them."

"In that case, there is one thing that is really novel."

The Herrscher of Knowledge said: "Honkai Beast's way of thinking is dreaming—is this actually true?"

"They are the arms and legs of the Herrscher, and also the sense organs of the 'cocoon'."

Kevin explained: "Their dreams include the final thinking about the entire solar system..."

...That is to say, that thing is a serious alien?" The Herrscher of Knowledge raised his eyebrows.

"At least judging by these dreams - [electrically visited other planets in the solar system before landing on the moon.

Kevin paused for a moment, then continued: "Earth...maybe it will be its last stop."]

"Hey, what does this mean?"

Kiyana blinked and looked confused: "Could it be that the end is not just for human civilization, but for the entire universe?"

"Who knows."

Bronya replied: "But listening to Kevin's speech, it seems to be the case."

The Herrscher of Knowledge curled his lips: "I think this is a new setting deliberately added by Mi You to connect with Xingdome Dao!"

"Uh.....mi what...star what...?"

Padufelice scratched her head with a blank expression.

【"Oh~ So that's how it is, it's amazing."

The Herrscher of Knowledge nodded perfunctorily, and then said: "Since this is the case... Then, do you want to consider sharing the power of this 'Chimera' directly with us?"

"If you can do it, you can try to take it."

Kevin responded calmly: "But at the end of the day, you shouldn't be asking me to 'hand out' my strength to you."

"—that would just make it an impossible responsibility.

"Hee, I knew it."

The Herrscher of Knowledge seemed to have known that this kind of conversation would be, and sighed in a dull manner: "Okay, since you want to call——

——Then shall we come?”

Kevin sighed silently: "You should know that you are not my opponent.

"Did you forget something?"

The Herrscher of Consciousness snorted softly: "This is the dreamland, and it is also the space of consciousness.

"———— Today is different from the past!"】

The moment the voice fell, the Herrscher of Knowledge took the initiative to attack and rushed towards Kevin 2.2.

"Come on Xiaoshi!!!"

Kiyana subconsciously cheered for Zhibao: "Beat Kevin! Let him see how good you are!"

"Stop beating Kevin, stupid Kiana.

Bronya couldn't help complaining: "Did you forget that just now in the question and answer space, you spoiled the next ending."

"Ah... oh! Right!"

Only then did Qiyana realize: "Xiaoshi will still lose to Kevin in the end.

"Hmph! Who said I would lose!"

Shi Bao still insisted on his mouth: "Although the question and answer space said that I lost, Shen didn't say how much I lost! There is a big difference between a fiasco and a near defeat, okay?"

"Old Antique, explain to them the difference between the two!"

Fu Hua whispered: "...………………… To be honest, I don't think it will be a narrow defeat.

"Hey! Old Antique, which side are you on?!"

Zhibao's eyes widened immediately: "I went to single-handedly challenge Kevin to help you guys! Are you playing against me here instead?!"

Fu Hua:

PS: I'm finally going to write about the story of the Fallen God! Good!

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