Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

451: Is Xiaozhi Also A [Human Lawrence]? Fu Mother's Gratification!

In the picture, Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin started a fierce struggle.

The blazing flames and the bone-biting ice cones rolled up the extreme difference like ice and fire in this space, tearing the red feathers to pieces!

Lawyers of knowledge have never believed in evil.

But at that moment, the emotion she felt might be called 'fear'.

— It shouldn't have been.

Her body, which is equivalent to consciousness... was born for'destruction'.

Like many "peers", even if she does not have similar wishes, she does have outstanding talents.

——The talent for ‘slaughter’.

But that's the problem, since I'm a natural hunter... so where does the fear come from?

In a trance, a scene from 50,000 years ago appeared in the mind of the Herrscher of Consciousness

【"Relax, wow."

"Everything I do is just to keep you from hurting yourself."】

Kevin in memory said so, slowly approaching himself, the sky fire in his hand was still burning with blazing flames.

—and the same is true for him in the conscious space.

Kevin walked up to the Herrscher of Knowledge, slowly inserted Jie Mie into the soil, and looked down at her who was struggling to stand up again.

【You don't need to be so brave. "

"——Although I don't know your purpose of delaying me here, this is already your limit, Herrscher of Knowledge."

"Hmph, stop talking so shamelessly!"

The Herrscher of Consciousness struggled to stand up, still trying to be brave: "In the space of consciousness, do you still want to defeat the Herrscher of Consciousness?"

... You know there is precedent for this. "


The Herrscher of Knowledge opened his mouth, and then snorted again: "Okay, then come again!"

"In the final analysis, you're just a fusion of Warrior's foundation... You're on the same level as Old Antique. Do you really think you can be an opponent of Herrscher?"


Kevin murmured in a low voice, and for some reason, his tone seemed to be infiltrated by a distant memory.

But after all, he is not one of his former comrades-in-arms, DC does not have the habit of counting. 】

"Uh, that's what I said..."

Qiyana scratched her head and glanced at Xiao Shi: "But, Xiao Shi, have you forgotten—the squad leader used to be able to fight the second Herrscher Sirin even in a weak state. 17

"If the monitor hadn't been backstabbed back then, I'm afraid Qiyana wouldn't have existed.

Bronya complained.

"Also, regardless of the fusion Warriors from the pre-civilization era, most of the Ying Jie have the strength to single-handedly defeat the Herald?"

Mei recalled everything that her future self had experienced in the Paradise of the Past, and felt that maybe in the pre-civilization era, Herrschers were often not so top-notch combat power.

"In addition, the future Kevin has obtained the final power."

Alicia also echoed: "To borrow Xiaoshi's words - today is different from the past.

In the picture, Kevin stared at the mighty Herrscher of Knowledge, and slowly opened his mouth.

【"I don't know what you're betting on to do this..."

"...However, you might as well try your best to show all your martial arts here.

"...Huh?" The Herrscher of Consciousness looked puzzled.

"Although some things belong to her memory...But there is no doubt that at this moment, you have more than her."

Kevin rubbed his chest with his hand: "Since I have promised her to be the monument-builder of the past era——then this time, I will do my best from the beginning and let me see your wings clearly. Lawrence."

"——Only in this way can I show mercy in time before killing you."]

"Huh? Show mercy?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge seemed to have been greatly humiliated, and his expression became very aggressive: "Who wants you to be merciful! The Herrscher of Basic Knowledge is invincible in the world, and I have always been the only one who is merciful! Who will get someone else! "

"That's what I said..."

Padofelis complained softly: "But the Herrscher of Knowledge has always been at a disadvantage, and looking at Boss Kevin, he doesn't seem to be serious."

Bronya complained in time: "The Herrscher of Knowledge fell down before Kevin could use his strength. 21

"Stop looking down on people! I really think this is my true ability!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge is still stubborn: "It seems that I usually fish in troubled waters, so you think that I, the Herrscher of Knowledge, are only so capable?"

"————Hmph, you all look after me!"

As if to indicate the words of the Herrscher of Knowledge, Kevin in the picture also fell into doubt after crushing the body of the Herrscher of Knowledge into a feather.

【"Yu Duchen..."


The energetic voice of the Herrscher of Consciousness sounded in the void, and Kevin seemed to notice something abnormal, and turned his head slightly.

But it was too late—

"This is the real thing, the complete power of the Herrscher——Grasp of Taixu!!!"】

Accompanied by the strange move of the Herrscher of Knowledge [Even Kevin in the state of karma was traumatized—a crack appeared on his horn.

In the distant past, at the price of his ability to dream, he gained discipline, which made Yu Duchen helpless to him.

——In other words, this is a real injury.

"How about it!"

In the question-and-answer space, the Herrscher of Knowledge held his chest complacently: "I'll just say I can do it! The Herrscher of Knowledge is not as weak as you think! Even if it's Kevin who has obtained the ultimate power ? If it falls into my hands, don’t you still have to be beaten obediently!”

"Uh, does that really count as '?"

Teresa's expression was a bit subtle: "It's just a little skin trauma...."

Fu Hua also nodded seriously: "Injuries of this degree - I am afraid that as long as Kevin is willing, he can recover in an instant."

"Hey! What's the matter with you guys? Which side are you on?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge is not happy anymore: "I'm here to help you block Kevin, and instead of cheering me on, you don't even have the will to cooperate with me?!"

————Old Antique, it was you who was talking about!"

Fu Hua:

"However, I didn't expect the Herrscher of Knowledge to be able to actually hurt Kevin who had obtained the power of the end."

Hua said quite admiringly: "It's really shocking."

"Hmph~ Of course!"

Hearing the young Old Antique boasting about himself, Zhibao immediately raised his head and was very proud: "I don't even look at who the law of knowledge is! As long as I make a slight move", I will know Kevin's limit


"Wow~ Xiaoshi is so confident~!"

Alicia clapped her hands as if joining in the fun.

Grandpa Kevin:

【"If I were you, I'm afraid I wouldn't use this 'different' just for a sneak attack."

"Can you manage it?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge pouted: "Besides, can there be a better use than now?"

"It's not easy to let you down.

"In other words, you still cut yourself off from her...and Fu Hua?"

Kevin stared at her: "Otherwise, you shouldn't be able to use this level of strength.



The Herrscher of Knowledge paused: "Although it is true that I dislike old antiques a little more, she broke that chain.

"If it wasn't for that disciple of hers who came here to remind me, I wouldn't even know about it myself."

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread out his hands: "How? This power is genuine and perfect—is it not that important if the feathers don't become feathers?"

"So, someone recovered the core of Lori's key on Mount Taixu, allowing you to live in it?"

Kevin tried to understand the meaning: "Or, your consciousness itself is such a substance?"

"But it seems that no matter what... it is not so much that you are a complete Herrscher of Consciousness now, but rather that you are a 'God Key with Consciousness'."

"Bah! You are the key to God!"

Zhibao snorted: "Anyway, you can tell me whether you can beat me... But I said it earlier, you can't do anything to me now—do you believe me now?"]

"I now seriously suspect that there is a bug in the Q&A space!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge spoke swearingly, with an expression of superiority over me: "This situation looks like it's clear that we won't win or lose. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like I'm going to lose!"

"Without the burden of old antiques, I am now a complete Herrscher of Consciousness, let alone in the space of consciousness - home battle + full firepower BUFF, even you Kevin must respect me three points!"

"Indeed, Xiao Shi, who has many advantages, even if he can't confront Kevin head-on, but judging by the current situation...it's not difficult to hold him back.

Fu Huasu raised his eyebrows. Although he said that the advantage of knowing the treasure was great, there was still a trace of worry in his eyes: "Unless, Kevin gets serious."

"Thinking about it carefully, Kevin hasn't really used the power of the end until now, right?"

Mei spoke uncertainly.

As if to indicate Mei's words, Kevin on the screen finally decided to get serious, and a powerful Honkai energy wave burst out from the Jie Mie sword in his hand, burning all the feathers floating in the space to death.

The powerful force crushed the Herrscher of Knowledge in an instant, causing her who was still confident to show a distressed expression in an instant.

After sending Herrscher of Knowledge flying away with one blow, Kevin stopped his movements and looked directly at her.

【"You are indeed not her, but you were born from her will after all."

"Can you say something easy to understand?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge gasped.

"Although you are a Herrscher, you don't have the will to act on behalf of Honkai and execute extinction."

Kevin continued: "—so it's not about instinct for you."

"My enemy is only the collapse, but its demise will not make you no longer stand.

"————so this is a life-and-death switch for you."

"You may also be called 'the Herrscher of People', but you have never possessed an idea beyond yourself.

"—————so it has nothing to do with belief for you."

The Herrscher of Knowledge opened his mouth slightly: Is this 'easy to understand' for you?"

"In the final analysis, all the obsessions you have shown and the trump cards you have exhausted are nothing but the traces left by Fu Hua in your body."

"...you don't care!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was silent for a moment, then clicked his tongue: "Or, you have been assimilated by that gray snake, and you want to change careers and become a poet?"

"I just realized that I was wasting my time."

Kevin said his own answer: "—I did have my own purpose in entering the 'spiritual Adam', but that did not include being entangled by a shadow of others.

"...Shadow?" Herrscher of Knowledge frowned. 】

She couldn't help but think of the fear she had felt not long ago.

— Just like the respect she once showed to Dr. May, perhaps that was also the instinct imposed on her by memory.

It's also... the easiest thing for her to compete with herself.

As soon as he thought of this, the Law of Consciousness smacked his lips impatiently—

["Stop talking nonsense

I won't let you do that!"

"I'm just here to fight with you! Don't teach me how to do things——"]

The Herrscher of Knowledge hadn't finished speaking yet.

The blazing flames engulfed the strong Houkai energy like a 203 tide, engulfing the body of the Herrscher of Knowledge in an instant.

Indeed, compared with most people, this lawyer is very independent, and he doesn't care about other people's preaching.

But the person she was facing... was also the type who was more willing to act than to preach.

From the weapon named 'Jie Mie', flames that were impossible for ordinary people to look up directly rose up, sweeping the entire space belonging to the Herrscher of Consciousness.

Never since the beginning of this battle has a man struck a blow of this magnitude.

—He did intend to end it, and it was not difficult for him to measure the strength of the two parties.

As for the body that suffered the blow—she disappeared into nothingness before she even had time to utter an exclamation.

Except for [not really dying], this Herrscher has indeed lost everything.

With an expression of looking at something meaningless, the man quietly extinguished the flame he had ignited.

——Just like the 'interest' that he seemed to have in the previous fight.

He thought that re-evaluating the gap between the other party and the "Herrscher of Humans" would make this period of time meaningful

But the result undoubtedly disappointed him.


Even though he knows that Kevin will not really kill the Herrscher of Knowledge, even though he knows that the Herrscher of Knowledge will not die easily in the world of consciousness.

But when Fu Hua saw with his own eyes the fire of catastrophe that could devour everything, sweeping the figure of the Herrscher of Knowledge into oblivion, he still couldn't help but feel great worry.

She took a step forward subconsciously, with a look of worry on her face.

"Boss Kevin, won't you really kill the Herrscher of Knowledge?!"

Paduofelis couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Su explained: "No, the law of consciousness itself does not have a real body, so there is no way to destroy it." 1

"What Kevin did was to make it impossible for her to stop him."

"But even so, the Herrscher of Consciousness shouldn't be able to reappear in a short time, right?"

Hua also felt a little worried.

Because everyone could see that the Herrscher of Consciousness didn't have to go through this muddy water at all. Everything she did—in the final analysis, had only one purpose, and that was to help Fu Hua.

"Tsk, really!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge scratched his head in boredom: "This kind of attitude like cleaning the dust on the wall is really annoying! Hmph! It's great to have the power of the end! If you don't use the power of the end, even Even you, Kevin, may not be able to win me over!"

"——But in this way, I won't be able to stop Kevin anymore, right?"

She sighed: "Anyway, I will help everything I can, and the rest is up to you."

"Wait! Take a look!"

At this moment, Qiyana suddenly reached out and pointed at the screen: "——It's not over yet!".

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