Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

454: Kevin Bears The Truth Of 【Final】? Everyone Burst Into Tears!

Just when everyone in the question-and-answer space marveled at Shangxian's "man-made collapse"

In [Spiritual Adam], the battle between the girls and the last man is still going on.

And, temporarily won.

And just like in the short fight before, after Shenyin no longer existed, this gesture gained the possibility of reappearing in the world.

Seeing this situation, Kevin still obeyed his habit and used this usual title.

——Even when he said it, he knew that the person in front of him was completely different from the past.

"The law of knowledge, the people of Tianyuan...... They are all just 'blind eyes', right?"

"Leaving aside the Herrscher of Knowledge, she may really think that she can fight you head-on and not fall~"

Fu Hua paused for a moment, then continued: "But it's true that simply defeating you is not our goal, and we don't have the ability to do it."]

——When she said that, it seemed a little out of place.

After all, just now, she was pretending to be a man-made collapse, and with just one blow, the space here was shaken into a cloud of indeterminate chaos.

"Really? Even the squad leader who is in a state of artificial collapse, plus the perfect Herrscher of Consciousness and sister who has become a person of Tianyuan, can't defeat Kevin?!"

Qiyana's expression was somewhat surprised: "Kevin, who has obtained the power of the end, is so powerful?"

"I said Kiyana, you must have underestimated the power of the end."

The Herrscher of Knowledge shook his head: "We must know that when facing the Herrscher of the Last End in the Battle of the Moon 50,000 years ago, Chasing Fire Yingjie dispatched more than half of the [in the end] but still failed to save the end of civilization.

"What's more, Kevin himself is not weak, coupled with the blessing of the power of the end... Tsk! To be honest, if he didn't have that kind of thought, I'm afraid we would have been killed by him long ago.

.......indeed. In the future Kevin, there are almost no real opponents. "

Fu Hua also nodded in agreement: "Even if I have turned on the man-made collapse posture, plus Youlandal and the Herrscher of Knowledge, it is still a drop in the bucket, and at most it can only hinder Kevin to this degree."

"If you really want to confront him...I'm afraid...you can only rely on the power of the end."

"—— use magic to defeat magic.

Tesla emphasized: "Or, join if you can't beat it!"

"Very apt metaphor, Dr. Tesla."

Einstein nodded: "But the power of Destiny can only rely on Qiyana and the others."

On the other side, the conversation between Fu Hua and Kevin is still going on

【"Even if I try my best, all I can do is to shake the final power attached to you." Fu Hua said.

"After all, you don't care about me."

When speaking of the word 'I', Kevin turned his attention to the 'torch' in Fu Hua's hand, and penetrated its appearance to realize its essence.

—that was exactly what had followed him.

"So, I tried a few times, and I didn't hesitate to challenge the power of the end with ordinary means——you just want to get my 'shadow'."】

Facing Kevin's question, Jae Si was noncommittal.

Even if it is the power of man-made collapse, it is difficult to do nothing to the space itself.

The power given to her by Garuda is of course indispensable, but if you want to cut invisible things, a sharp weapon like the holy sword "Yurandal" is also crucial.

It was also because of this that she realized the price Kevin paid for getting the final power——

【"Kevin, when you are controlling the 'Final Power', you are not as relaxed as it seems on the surface, are you?"

Facing Kevin's silence, Fu Hua continued: "In the beginning, they thought those shadows were the manifestation of your own dreams after the completion of the stigmata project. y

——But I know that is impossible. "

Fu Hua said: "Because of the existence of precepts, you lost the objective ability to dream as early as tens of thousands of years ago."

"So?" Kevin asked lightly.

"Therefore, there is a guess, although it sounds whimsical, but it becomes extremely possible when you deny that you are the 'Herrscher of the End'.

Fu Hua stared at the calm Kevin: "—Your current situation is no different from the ending that would be caused by artificial collapse when I had Shenyin... I'm afraid. 1

"When Hehua possessed Shenyin, he reluctantly used the ending caused by man-made collapse...is there no difference?"

Alicia blinked: "What does that mean?"

"....Could it be that?"

Su seemed to be vaguely aware of something, and couldn't help frowning.

"Heh, if that's the case, then Kevin's endurance is really strong enough.

Mebius, as one of the researchers of Houkai, can naturally understand the meaning of Fu Hua's mouth, and he doesn't know whether he is mocking or sighing: "From his expression, it is not obvious at all.

"Reject the Riddler!!!"

Paduofelis couldn't help shouting: "Brother Su, Sister Snake, what are you talking about? Why can't we understand at all?!"

Mao Mao's question was quickly answered——

【"I think, although you obtained the power of the end in some way, if you are not a Herrscher, you yourself, like the Common people, are unable to bear it."

Fu Hua explained: "In other words, that power is constantly destroying your physical body."]

On the screen, Fu Hua told the truth about Kevin's capture of the 'Final Power'.

As the "Final Power" far surpassing ordinary Herrschers, even someone as strong as Kevin couldn't carry it on his back. The moment he took it away, Kevin's body was constantly destroyed by the final power , but because of the characteristics of the 'Chimera' that Kevin fused, the destroyed body was reborn continuously.

—And the so-called shadow is exactly his corpse as a usurper.

【"And, as I perceive it at the moment...it is also being pursued by the real power of the final cocoon."

The torch in Fu Hua's hand was emitting a faint flame.

"In fact, at this moment, I must hold on to the posture of man-made collapse, otherwise I will only be crushed by that force in an instant."

Fu Hua stared at Kevin, whose expression was as calm as water, and said with a hint of sadness in his tone: "Kevin, you are indeed not lying——but you also use ambiguous descriptions to cleverly cover up your 'status quo'


"You can still maintain the most basic human mind at this moment, which is amazing enough."]


Alicia's eyes widened in astonishment: "Is this the truth of what Kevin has been carrying for capturing the power of the end? How could it be like this...!"

Su: "Kevin......

Everyone couldn't help recalling what they had seen before, Fu Hua's mental state when he unconsciously activated the artificial collapse state. That crazy appearance was in stark contrast to the calm and watery Kevin in the picture at this moment.

It's hard to imagine how tenacious will is needed to bear this pain.

"Whoa, I didn't expect Boss Kevin to bear such pain......!"

Paduofelis couldn't help crying.

Canned food: "Woo meow..."

In the picture, after being silent for a while, Kevin slowly opened his mouth——

【"It seems that your self-evaluation just now was indeed too modest.

"So...the fact is true?" Fu Hua asked.

...that is a small price to the human race. "

Kevin just replied calmly: "But this also seems to show that—at this moment, you have other options besides fighting me."]

0...seeking flowers...

Facing Kevin's words, Jae-hwa nodded and admitted.

For them, although the pursuit from "Firefly" is indeed terrifying, if you think about it from another angle...it is enough for them to reverse-locate the location of the final cocoon.

And, get a chance to win the ultimate power from Kevin.

【"Hua... In your eyes, what makes you have such a level of confidence in those children."

Kevin asked her: "For example, whether you can temporarily bear that power like me-you may not be sure until you get it yourself.

"Well. But Kevin...they're not just kids, they're an era".

Fu Hua replied: "In this point, they are no different from you."

———What's more...we were not much older than them when we stepped onto the battlefield to fight against the Herrschers. "

"But you should also understand that even with such an unbearable victory, how many geniuses did their best."

Kevin looked at her: "There is a slight difference...everything will be overturned and restarted, and we will not have a third chance.

"Unless they can take me across with a more solid posture—otherwise, I [will still be the end of you all'."]

"Kevin was right."


Wei Wei deeply felt the same: "Although the Stigmata Plan is indeed the worst plan, but without any other assurance, I can only choose this path... unless

Kiyana and the others can surpass the future Kevin. "

"——And this is exactly the reason why they need to win the final power.

"I always feel... the sense of mission that weighs on us in the future... is getting heavier and heavier..."

Mei's expression was a little worried: "Should...not fail?"

"Don't worry, Mei!"

Qiyana is full of confidence: "With Miss Ben here, I will never fail!"

"If it's the future Kiyana, I can trust..."

Bronya complained: "But if it's the idiot Kiyana in the question and answer space, Bronya thinks it's better to forget it.

"Hey! Bronya!"

On the other side, Kevin also ended his conversation with Fu Hua——

【"In any case, this long day should be over."

Kevin said slowly: "Although I don't want to fight with you... If I can get the shadow back, I will still do it."

"You guys won the battle in front of you—unless I kill you and that shadow [Shi Nao] here."

"You know, I'm not afraid of you." Fu Hua showed no sign of fear.

 … From the very beginning, we were not in a life and death struggle. "

Kevin shook his head: "I only value the result now. Since you think you can do it... then try to bring that result to me."]

The moment the voice fell, Kevin turned and left.

In the next second, he returned to that cold and lonely throne again.

Out of habit, even in the [spiritual Adam], Kevin still raised his head when he was looking for the moon, trying to look at a distant place—everything started and ended here.

He faintly had such a premonition.

But he also said this-

【"Even if the future cannot be changed, I have to decide the process to reach that result myself."

"——She once said that."

"But I can't do that," Kevin said.

"That's why I don't care what you try."

"No matter how it starts, how it will be carried out—how everything will end, I will still decide with my own hands."】


In the question and answer space, Su Mo silently watched his best friend with a solemn expression.

As the "Awakened One" praised by the world, he could already foresee Kevin's ending. .

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