Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

455: Teresa Has Grown Up! Otto Smiled With Relief!

"From this point of view, I'm afraid there will definitely be a battle between Qiyana and the others and Kevin.

Fu Hua sighed softly: "Although I already knew it would be like this..."

But when it is really confirmed, it is inevitable to feel frustrated.

For Fu Hua, whether it is Kevin or Kiyana and others-one is her comrade-in-arms during the "Hua" period, and the other is a close friend who allows her to adapt to the new era.

No matter which side it is, she doesn't want to fight because of it.

But the facts will not change because of her own opinions. Facing Kevin, who has made up his mind since 50,000 years ago, there is nothing to do except to prove to him with practical actions.

"So, it's probably Kiana's turn, right?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge analyzed: "Since we have successfully captured the 'Shadow' from Kevin, as long as we carry out reverse positioning according to Old Antique's words, we will be able to find the Cocoon of Destiny just around the corner!"


Fu Hua nodded: "But before that, I'm afraid I have to do some positioning first.

As if to indicate Fu Hua's words, the picture on the screen suddenly changed, returning to the duo of Theresa and Anti-Entropy——

["Theresa, you are indeed mentally prepared, aren't you?"

Einstein's voice sounded: "For example, decide "633" with your own hands to fix everything."


After a moment of silence, Teresa nodded slowly: "To be honest, no one can guarantee that my method will make the dream owner voluntarily return to reality.

"So, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, I will also be prepared to be tougher.

"The ability to devour dreams with Vishnu?" Einstein asked.


Teresa said: "As early as when I entered the stigmata space for the first time, I had already devoured my own dreams. Now that's the case..."

"If the situation gets out of hand, I will not hesitate to swallow those dreams that I don't want to wake up from.

As if she had made up her mind, she showed a firm expression: "Since I have entered the heart and history of mankind, I must be responsible for the future of mankind—and it is much safer to directly bombard dreams with energy."】


In the question and answer space, Otto looked at Teresa with a firm expression, and there was a touch of relief in his eyes: "You have grown up, and now you can take on the responsibility of the Archbishop of Destiny even without a grandfather."

————— Grandpa is proud of you. "

"Hmm! The future aunt looks much more mature than she is now!"

Qiyana also nodded seriously: "Not only in terms of temperament, but even the voice has become much calmer!"

"Although, the size is still the same."

"Hey! Kiana!"

Teresa enjoyed everyone's praise at first, but when she heard Qiyana's murmur behind her, she suddenly froze: "You bastard, you really can't open any pot!"

"Haha, I don't know if Theresa will have a chance to grow taller in the future."

Ji Zi also smiled: "I'm really curious about what Teresa will look like when she grows up.

"What will my aunt look like when she grows up...?"

Kiyana raised her head and thought for a while, then shook her head again: "No, I can't think of it at all!"

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was discussing, the anti-entropy duo on the screen also expressed their views—

["Do as you want, Teresa."

Tesla also expressed support: "Although it is said that 'one can only lead the way for others, and cannot walk for them...but we have no obligation, because we unconditionally satisfy the desires of any district."

"In any case, the result of all this is the history and future that the entire human race must bear.

"And because of this, Teresa—

Tesla looked at Teresa: "Just believe in yourself."

......Thanks. '

Teresa nodded slightly, and took a deep breath: If there is a real need, I am willing to make choices on behalf of anyone. "]

Having said that, Teresa still hoped that such a moment would never come, if she could.

Fortunately, the fellow humans she visited did not disappoint her.

After breaking several dreams one after another, the cloud lingering in her heart gradually dissipated.

Just when she was silently praying for the success of Fu Hua's plan, a distant voice pierced the space and interrupted her endless meditation

【"Hey, you two! Now is not the time to be in a daze!"

The voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge echoed in Teresa and Xier's ears. After a moment of astonishment, Teresa's expression was a little surprised.

... Herrscher of Knowledge! Did you succeed?"

"Of course, you don't even look at who I am!"

The Herrscher of Consciousness snorted, and then said: "It's done!"]

The moment the voice fell, a flame suddenly rose from the void and landed in Teresa's arms.

The flame danced soundlessly, looking bright and harmless.

However one

At the core of the flames, a cold and distorted force, like countless invisible blades, pierced through her skin and bones, almost shattering her soul, dissolving her into nothingness of the same quality as the dream.

"Big, big aunt!!"

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana watched Teresa with a worried expression on her face. The intense pain almost made her unable to stand still.

"Senior Teresa!"

Youlandelle couldn't help showing a worried expression, and silently clenched her fists.

"Look, it looks like it's in great pain...!"

Even Teresa herself frowned as she stared at her in the picture, as if empathizing with her.

Seeing Teresa's painful expression in the picture, Xi'er was about to reach out to touch her, but was reminded by Hei Xi'er that the power of the final force is extraordinary. Possibly also assimilated.

At this moment, Teresa panted lightly and told Xier that she was fine——

【"(Fu Hua, the Herrscher of Knowledge...and even Kevin must have experienced the same pain.)"

Teresa resisted the severe pain from all over her body: "(I also... have no problem...!)"

"Ha, this little pain is nothing, can it compare to Kevin's full blow? The current junior is really..."

Just when the Herrscher of Knowledge was about to say something more, he suddenly noticed something strange: "Wait, something is wrong! You two, be careful!"]

Suddenly, oppressive voices sounded from all directions.

In an instant, Xier and Teresa were surrounded by Houkai beasts.

The Herrscher of Knowledge clicked his tongue and told Teresa and Xier that they were coming towards the fire. If the surrounding Houkai beasts were not eliminated in time, the fire might disappear!

"Such an important matter, you should have said it earlier!"

In the question and answer space, Teresa couldn't help complaining loudly: "What can I do now? The future me doesn't seem to be fighting." Just supporting the body and keeping standing is already very difficult.


"Is it really okay to rely on Xi'er alone?"

"Xieer, Xier will work hard!"

Xier's voice revealed a trace of self-doubt, but she still tried her best to gather her momentum...

"Come on, just your two strokes, don't count on it."

He Xi'er curled her lips: "Let me do it."

As if to indicate Hei Xier's words, Xier on the screen also instantly switched Hei Xier's personality, and started to kill!

On the other side, Teresa curled up tightly, and the flames burned silently on her chest. Even though the tongue of fire licked her muscles, bones and spirit, she never let go of her hand

Even so, the flame gradually dimmed.

"What, what to do!?"

Teresa exclaimed: "That flame, that flame is about to go out!!"

"Is it going to fall short?!"

Qiyana also showed a unwilling expression.

The faces of the others were also focused on the screen, and they clenched their fists secretly.

At this moment, silvery white spots of light suddenly gathered beside Teresa's hand - Teresa's thoughts sank into it, and she suddenly discovered that what appeared in front of her eyes were those ordinary people.

During her adventures in the stigmata space, she devoured her multiple dreams in one fell swoop, thus gaining the power to escape from the dream.

But now, countless 'sweet' dreams are floating around in her hands.

Teresa finally realized that this space where countless human dreams gathered was, to her, what a vast sea of ​​endless treasures.

【"As a result...do I still need to do this to you..."】

After going around and around, this choice that made her hesitate from the beginning was finally sent back to her by fate.

——As she promised before, she finally has to make a choice between human ideals and the future.

——And by accident, what she needs, can, and must devour now is not those "stubborn elements" who hinder the separation of the dream collection;

—On the contrary, the commonest dream of the Common people.

3.9——Schools, parks, sports fields. Chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea. Game consoles and electric guitars.

The dreamland was silent, as if waiting for Teresa to make the final decision on their fate.


In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana watched Teresa's tangled and painful appearance, and couldn't help but cheer her loudly: "Auntie! No matter what decision you make! We will support you!"

"That's right, Headmaster."

Mei was the first to respond: "We trust your judgment! No matter what your final decision is, we will support you!"

Bronya nodded: "Ditto."

Ji Zi smiled slightly: "Me too."

Alicia: "So are we~!"

Otto also gave a rare voice of solidarity: "Theresa, follow your heart and make the choice you think is right.

"Grandpa, always by your side!"

As if hearing everyone's shouts, Teresa on the screen finally made up her mind

【"(What I hold in my hands is the future of mankind... and very likely, it is the last hope of mankind.)"

"(This is the only chance they risk their lives for...)"

"(——absolutely can not be interrupted in my hands!)"】

In an instant, Teresa had made a choice. .

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