Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

467: The Final Battle! Everything That Salvation Kevin Bears!

In the picture, Kevin looks down at the figure of Lu Sanjia, his eyes are neither sad nor happy.

【"Very good, you have passed the test of 'karma'."

After the words fell, the Jie Mie sword in Kevin's hand burst into flames. He slowly raised the sword and swung a cross in the void, tearing apart the space in front of him.

In the buzzing sound like a broken mirror, Qiyana seemed to feel something——

"This power, he finally..."]

"Kevin, are you finally going to show off your empty calendar?"

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana stared at Kevin with an expression as if empathizing with him, as if facing an enemy.

"It looks like that's true."

Bronya nodded slowly: "Looking at Kevin, the death of the huge Honkai beast just now didn't seem to have any impact on him."

"Then the next step is to face Kevin directly.

Mei subconsciously clenched her fists, her expression tense.

In the picture, Kevin thrusts his arms into the space crack, as if to take something from it——

【"Come on, I'm carrying everything."

In the next second, a grand light enveloped Kevin's body, and from the light, a majestic humanoid Honkai beast appeared in Lu Sanjia's sight.

"Honkai Beast?"

Kiyana murmured: "No, this is

"It's not about choice, it's not about survival——

"Salvation" Kevin fell into the ground from mid-air, and slowly raised his head to look at the Lu Sanjia who was facing the enemy: "At this moment, the ideals of all people converge into the only great wish——

"Step forward, this is the inscription of 'Salvation'!"]

Kevin, who had completely liberated his power, finally launched a head-on confrontation with Lu Sanjia at this moment.

"Is this... Kevin's true strength?"

In the question and answer space, everyone watched Kevin's gesture and was speechless for a while.

As early as 50,000 years ago, because of the "Chimera Project", Kevin had already become an inhuman body. Now, under the blessing of the power of the end, although he still maintains the sanity of a human being, his current body—— ——has already become an out-and-out Honkai Beast.


Alicia looked sad.


Su's expression was also full of regret. As his only close friend, Su certainly knew how much he didn't want to be like this.

On the other side, "Salvation" Kevin has already launched a fierce battle with Lu Sanjia, and his voice echoes in the space like a god

["Brahma and all the beasts, add to this body...'karma' enters the abyss, 'Salvation' draws the sword——"

"This is the Chimera of mankind, the end of the stigmata, the sword of 'civilization' that crosses the end——"

Kevin's words are like a sentence sent down by the gods: "If you can't defeat it, you can't bear the dream called Tinder"—"

"Come on, this time, I put my life in the gun..."

"And look forward to you——beyond ‘everything’ 々`!】

Destructive energy fluctuations spewed out from the body of "Salvation" Kevin, and the suffocating and deadly Houkai energy was revealed in the violent storm. The three law families drove the Houkai energy and "Salvation" Kevin During the battle, the roar of gunfire and the sound of steel colliding with swords can be heard endlessly, mixed with the sound of laser firing.

The fierce battle even shattered the surrounding space, like cracked glass under the sound waves, bursting out cracks like spider webs.

The frenzied thunder light engulfed the burning flames, and under the blessing of countless lasers, it swept towards the "salvation" Kevin. In the next second, a more powerful force burst out from Kevin's body and collided with him !


Amidst the earth-shattering roar, smoke rose, accompanied by sparks and gravel splashes.

Everyone in the question-and-answer space looked nervous. This peerless battle was beyond their ability to analyze the situation clearly at the moment, and even the pictures on the screen were unclear because of the scattered smoke and flames.

Until in the picture, Bronya's voice sounded

【"It's now!"

Kiana Mei: "Understood!"

"——Now is our time!"

As if to indicate the beginning of the action, Bronya controlled the mecha and suddenly launched countless homing missiles containing Houkai energy, while Mei and Qiyana also galloped out at the same time.

A ray of lightning created a crack in mid-air, Leiden Mei's figure flashed out, and then threw the sword in his hand upwards.

--- Kiyana!"

The desolate thunder roared, and then Qiyana tightly grasped the handle of the knife and held it high above the sky——

"Finally, come!"】


With the combined force of the three families, they jointly attacked the "salvation" Kevin.

The energy fluctuations enough to destroy the world, even the "salvation" Kevin could hardly resist, and the body gradually showed signs of shattering!


Qiyana subconsciously shouted out, but the next second, Kevin on the screen was suspended in midair, and a huge barrier wrapped him up, as if repairing his damage.

And Lu Sanjia's attack couldn't break through his barrier at this moment!

【"Our attack...………...has no effect?" Mei frowned.


Qiyana calmly denied: "It's just that his defense at the moment is stronger than we imagined.

"If we continue to see each other like this, we will be dragged down by the other party instead."

Bronya frowned: "It seems that we can only use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to create enough Moonlight Thrones in one go..."]

However, just when Bronya was planning to use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to create more than one Moonlight Throne.

Aiyi suddenly opened her mouth, saying that she can help everyone.

Before Lu Sanjia could react, another familiar voice entered their eardrums——

【"Thank you, Aiyi."

When Qiyana heard this voice, she couldn't help being taken aback: "Squad leader?"

"Well. Everyone will help you."

"It's not just us from St. Freya?" Teresa's voice also sounded.

Urandale: "We who still have destiny——"

Tesla Einstein: "We who are against entropy—"

Raven: "Even including your former enemies—"

"Of course, there are countless Common people in this world who are fighting for their own destiny!"

"That's not all!"

Accompanied by Aiyi's words, more energy from the Moonlight Throne filled with "human will" swarmed in like a ray of light!

"This is Earth, and even the countless parallel worlds..."

"Every Common person lends everyone's energy within their ability."

"Yes, for the vast majority of people, it's a tiny thing that couldn't be more tiny..."

"But as long as there is a way to gather these forces—just like my 'core key', they will explode with unparalleled power."]

The whole world, no, not just the whole world, but the power of human beings in every parallel world is united at this moment, turning into the energy of the Moonlight Throne, helping Qiyana break the unbreakable barrier!

"Come on, Kiana, Mei, Bronya!"

Looking at Kevin's shattered barrier, Ji Zi said in a deep voice, "This is the final battle!"

"" "Huh!" x3

On the other side, Lu Sanjia also launched the final decisive battle with Kevin again, and Qiyana rushed forward in the lead.

Seeing this, Kevin summoned the huge weapon and slammed it at Kiyana, but at the moment when it was about to hit, Kiyana flew up and successfully avoided it, while Bronya on the side threw the long weapon in her hand. The spear was thrown out, blocking Kevin's continued pursuit.

call out---!

The spear was immediately hit by Kevin's strength and flew into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Kevin took advantage of the situation to press his strength towards Leiden Mei, but the lightning-like swift figure flashed and moved, Mei finally resisted the impact caused by Kevin's weapon, and then held the sword with both hands, the violent thunder was like a punishment from God As dazzling and shocking.

In the next second, Kevin will be with the magnet child in front of him!


The figures of the two passed by each other, and the moment Mei fell to the ground, the weapon in Kevin's hand also crashed to the ground.

And Mei's Taidao also disappeared.

But it was only a short period of rigidity, and "Salvation" Kevin quickly recovered, summoned the weapon back to his hand again, and rushed towards Leiden Mei!

The giant hammer in his hand smashed into her!

At that moment, Bronya flashed in front of Mei, and the power of the Herrscher of Reason swept through like a tsunami, building a solid energy barrier in an instant, and stalemate with Kevin's sledgehammer.

At the same time, the light in Bronya's pupils flickered for a moment, and the next moment a giant spear fell from the sky—the target was directed at the "salvation" Kevin!

Boom——!!!!!! (Nuo Wang Zhao)!

This unexpected blow worked successfully, causing 'salvation' Kevin to freeze for a short time.

And amidst the violent roar, Qiyana's figure rushed out like a gust of wind, and the final power also emerged from her body, and finally condensed on the sword body!

She galloped like a shooting star, approaching Kevin in an instant, and then raised her arms——swung the long sword in her hand!

The power of the final erupted suddenly, and a dazzling light erupted on Kevin's deep wound!

The light is like water, drowning everything.

"S-Did it work?"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana stared nervously at a white screen, trying to see the final result clearly from inside.

The others didn't answer, because they were also nervously watching the final result, how to pronounce it.

It seems to be short to a moment, and it seems to be long to eternity.

It wasn't until the light gradually dissipated that everyone could see clearly——that Kiyana who seemed to be back in the past, wearing the uniform of the Valkyrie of Destiny.

She slowly opened a line of eyelids, looking at the empty surroundings, and in front of her, there was a huge cocoon of extinction.

Qiyana stared at this final cocoon, and then seemed to sense something, too much.

The one that caught Kiana's eyes, the one that caught everyone's eyes——was a white-haired man also wearing a student uniform.


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