Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

468: The End Of Kevin! The Relief Of A Hero Spanning Thousands Of Years!

"Kevin and Kiyana... both became the original appearance..."

Everyone stared at Qiyana and Kevin, speechless for a while.

Until Kiyana's voice sounded: "So, who won?"

Bronya: "Not sure, let's have a look."

In the picture, Kevin gradually walked in front of Kiyana, and Kiyana also turned around and stared at him.


Kevin looked at Qiyana, his voice seemed to be relieved: "You won."

"So... this is the end?"

"Well, that's the end."

Kevin nodded: "The remnants of the stigmata project will also be at your disposal...you will become the real god of the earth."

"For this, I have no interest." Qiyana said.

"However, this is also the last step for all mankind to 'cross the end'."

Kevin walked forward slowly and stood with Kiyana.

"Okay, stop talking about 'God'."

Kiyana raised her left arm, and a baseball bat immediately appeared in her hand: "As the opposite of it, how about we have a confrontation that belongs to 'people'?"

Kevin stared at his offspring, and suddenly showed a relaxed smile: "Oh, that's also interesting.

In the next second, a baseball bat also appeared in Kevin's right hand.

Kiyana also showed a hint of a smile: "Who made us all call 'Kaslana'!"]

On the screen, Qiyana and Kevin launched a "human" contest, which is also a contest between "the original Kaslana" and the "last Kaslana".

The baseball bats of the two collided again and again, as if using actions to represent words, telling each other what they wanted to say.


Kevin suddenly said: "Although we are not familiar..."

"But... if given the chance..."

"—You must be a worthy friend.

"what are you talking about!"

Qiyana smiled confidently: "Aren't we also a kind of friends at this moment?"

"So...do you want me to teach you some baseball tricks?"

"No need, you may not be able to beat me yet!"]


Alicia suddenly exclaimed: "Kevin's body!"

Su murmured in a low voice: "Just as 143 is dissipating..."

As everyone can see, Kevin's body became unstable during the baseball swings with Kiyana.

Become blurred, become indistinct.

But Kevin's movements became lighter and lighter, as if he had unloaded the burden of tens of thousands of years.

He gripped the baseball bat tightly and looked at Kiana

【"Come on, it's time to use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box."

"Well, that's exactly what I want."

Kiyana threw the baseball bat into the air, and then jumped up high, holding the baseball bat tightly and smashing it down towards Kevin.

And Kevin just stood there, raising his hand to block the blow.

The moment the baseball bat touched, Kevin's already blurry figure, as if finally unable to hold on, dissipated into shimmering particles all over the sky.

The light once again filled the entire space, only the sound of Qiyana's breathing——

".....is this the end?"

"Well, that's it for now."

Kevin's voice echoed in the space: "Under the witness of 'Huang', you will take over and keep the complete final power."

"...That's good.

Qiyana was silent for a moment: "Then, what about you..."

"I have to go now."

Kevin said: "Go where they are.

"Don't feel sorry, this is also my identity."

Kevin said as if relieved: "Now, I can finally proudly say to them..."

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time."】

"Whoa, Boss Kevin..."

In the question-and-answer space, Padofelice was already in tears.

Not only her, even Mebius, who has always hated sensational scenes the most, couldn't help turning his back, not wanting everyone to see her face at this moment.


Su Yi put his hand on his chest: "You can finally——have a good rest."

Grandpa Kevin:

Kevin, who witnessed his future ending with his own eyes, didn't know what he was thinking in his eyes, and was still as silent as before.

He stared at the pictures on the screen, watched the pictures gradually change, and came to a sunny meadow.

Like a dream but not a dream, time goes round and round——


Padufelice exclaimed: "Wow! Canned food, that one can't be eaten!"

Hen: "Huh? There seems to be something furry on the head..."

Gracie: "Ah. Canned, chewing on Daddy's hair."

Wei Wei was puzzled: "Huh? So, Mebius has complained to me several times. When I woke up in the morning, I found that my hair was wet, and asked me if I had made any unnecessary new inventions..."

Sakura understood: "It seems that this is the truth."

Bell: "Wow~ I also want to play with kittens!"

Destobia: "Then you have to be careful, that kitten is really fierce!"

Eden smiled: "You are too enthusiastic to scare it."

Ke Rhine: "There seems to be a saying that the more indifferent you are to cats, the more interested cats are in you.

Cosmo: "...!"

Su: "So that's the case. So that's why Canned Food likes to pester Kevin."

Alicia smiled and said, "You guessed wrong! Canned Food likes Kevin because Kevin has been secretly feeding it~!"

Alponia: "Well...I've seen Kevin slip into the kitchen more than once in the middle of the night...

Qian Jie: "Huh?"

Hua: "No wonder the cans are getting heavier..."]

"these are......"

Su watched the scenes on the screen: "Is it Kevin's dream? Or, the past?"

"No matter what it is, don't you think this picture is very warm?"

Alicia smiled softly: "Everyone gathers together, there is no sacrifice or death, let alone any dramatic experience, just live an ordinary and harmonious life like this

-----Is not it good?"

Sakura: "...Ling.

Cosmo: Destobia. "

Gracie: "Dad..."

Mebius: "K Rhine......"

【"No, Boss Kevin! If this goes on... the canned food will turn into pigs!"


"Boss Kevin, don't pretend you can't hear it! You can't feed canned food anymore!"】

Accompanied by Padufelice's voice, the screen changes to another chapter.

There, the white-haired man and the woman wearing glasses lie together, as if everything in the world has nothing to do with them.

"This is... Boss Kevin and Dr. May!"

Patuo wiped away his tears and blinked hard.

"Yeah, their hands... are still holding each other."

Alicia also showed a sincere smile: "That's great, hey.

["Everyone seems to be talking about you, Kevin."

May smiled.

.......I do not know anything.

"Is it okay not to go to everyone's side?"

Mei looked at the man tenderly.

"It's quieter here. And..."


A shy smile appeared on Kevin's face: "...I want to stay with you longer."

Mei smiled slightly: "Me too."]

The two looked at the sky in silence, and the voices around them gradually faded away.

The wind blows and the birds glide by.

Everything is so (agec) calm, but infinitely beautiful.

Even the people in the question-and-answer space fell silent, as if they didn't want to disturb them.

【"May. When you look at the sky, what are you thinking?"

"Hmm... the weather is good? The view is wide and clear. At night, you must be able to see the stars all over the sky." Mei thought for a while.

"I remember you once said that the stars in the sky are enemies."


Mei said: "Those shining lights, beautiful and cruel, will swallow us all if we are not careful."

"Hmm. I once believed that too.

"what about now?"

May asked him: "Have you changed your mind?"

"Now I want to believe that those lights bring not only threats, but also..."

Kevin stared at the sky, and said softly but firmly: "Open up hope for the future."

Mei smiled: "I almost forgot that you are such a romantic person. You are firm and brave, but you can't let go of your innocence."

......Feel sorry. "

"No need to apologize, I like you like this."

Mei said: "It is also because of this that I... we will leave everything to you.

"I have worked hard for you all this time."]

"Yeah. I have really worked hard for you all this time, Kevin..."

Su spoke sincerely.

"Spanning 50,000 years, carrying everything."

Alicia also said softly: "Really, it's really not easy."

Paduo Feilisi: "But because we are the boss of Kevin, we believe we can do it!"

【"It's okay, this is what I should do.

Kevin shook his head slightly: "But...thank you."

"It's obviously a burden we forced on you, but you are really honest."

Mei Rousheng said: "If you want to thank you, why don't you go and tell everyone in person?"

Alicia's voice came over: "Kevin—the barbecue is ready!"

Weiwei: "If you don't come here again, you will be eaten by little Paduo

Patofelis: "That's not true! It's Sister Sakura who eats the most!"


"It just so happens that everyone is calling you."

Mei smiled and looked at Kevin: "Almost, it's time to go."

"Yeah...it's time to go." Kevin nodded.

"Don't worry. This time, I will be with you."

Mei said softly: "Everyone will accompany you."

"———We will never leave you alone again."

Kevin was silent for a moment, a happy smile appeared on his face for the first time, he looked up at the sky

"What a beautiful weather."]

Thousands of feet in the White Cloud, thousands of miles in the blue sky.

When the shepherd boy has become an old man, he will hear those immature songs on the hillside again.

【I have slept, I have slept,】

[I woke up from a deep dream——]

[The world is very deep. 】

[Deeper than imagined by day. 】

The old man knew that behind the blue sky, there was a starry sky that he could never see.

He remembered the lion saying in his dream: "When you want to rise, look up. I look down because I have risen."

The old man's world has long since died in happiness.

Its pain is deep.

In other words, the beauty of that world lies in the happiness piled up with pain.

—and that doesn't

A young man who has entered reincarnation is walking by the old man.

The old man lay down and saw the eagle in the sky.

This kind of creature, like the young man, does not enter reincarnation, and will not let anyone see any of his wounds.

— After all, it always flies high.

The breeze blew the grass, and a pine cone rolled to the old man's side.

It belongs to the spruce here, and it needs thousands of years of growth to become a resting place for eagles.

—However, as trees, they never mind their scars.

This is perhaps the place where they are most similar to old people.

The morning dew of love and hate, the hot sand of good and evil. When everything is reduced to memory, there are still people and trees still yearning for the sunshine of a new day.

There are still new eagles, soaring in places bluer than the sky.

The old man knows that there are always people who question everything down the mountain

[In them, everything is talking, but no one will understand it anymore. Everything falls into the water, but nothing falls into the deep well any more. 】

[In them, everything is talking, but there is no longer anything that is done well and done to the end. Everything is clucking, but who wants to lie quietly in the nest and hatch eggs?]

[In them, everything is talking and everything is persuaded. Yesterday was hard against time itself and its teeth, today is chopped and crunched, and hangs in today's

The lips of the people of the sky. 】

【In them, everything is talking, everything is leaked. What used to be called the secrets and privacy of the esoteric soul is today dismissed by street preachers and other idlers

Much fanfare. 】

It is in such a world. …

There is Carlos and his sun.

【"This world——is left to you, Kiyana.

This is Kevin's final farewell.


Kiyana agreed, and at the same time said in her heart: "Not only me but everyone. 1

She felt that she still had a lot to say to the other party, but she felt that what she said just now was enough.

What she wants to do will be completely different from the other party; but their wishes are wonderfully identical.

It was an expectation—an expectation for the "victory of mankind".

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