Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

470: Qibao's Farewell To Everyone! Everyone Was In Tears!

"Well, even if you ask me to guess, I can't guess it..."

Looking at the several options on the screen, Qiyana couldn't help but feel embarrassed: "Everyone is very important to me..."

"Well, if it's up to me..."

Teresa crossed her arms and pinched her chin: "I think it should be Siegfried, right? After all, Kiyana has been trying to find this guy all along.

"But but... I think my sister and Mei are also very important to me!"

Kiyana blurted out subconsciously.

"what about me?"

Teresa glanced at her.

"Auntie is also very important!"

Kiyana hurriedly continued.

………Actually, in my opinion, any one is possible.

Ji Zi spoke slowly: "Didn't Qiyana in the picture just say that, she herself is not very proficient in the power of the end, and she doesn't even know that someone has come to this space."

"——So, it's completely random possibility."

"If that's the case, why don't you just choose one?"

The law of knowledge spread out his hands: "Anyway, judging from this situation, it is estimated that we will say goodbye to everyone later.

"Okay, since that's the case!"

Qiyana pointed to "527" and pointed to option A on the screen: "Then just start with the first option first!"

"—I'll pick A: Teresa Apocalypse!"

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Qiyana Kaslana, Herrscher of the Last End Experience Card Time +1 Minute]

"Eh? Only for 1 minute?"

Kiyana was a little disappointed: "This is too short."

On the other side, following the completion of Qiyana's answer, the picture on the screen started to play again


Hearing the familiar voice from behind, Qiyana froze for a moment, then turned around immediately.

It was Teresa's figure that appeared in front of her: "Ah, great aunt!"

"I didn't expect the power of the end to be so convenient..."

Teresa was also quite curious about her sudden appearance here: "Aren't we going to need to make phone calls anymore?"

"Haha, maybe."

Qiyana smiled lightly and scratched her head, then said seriously: "However, after actually experiencing it... I also truly understand the danger of this power.

"For Common people to live in harmony with this power, we should spend a lot of time solving practical technical problems."

Kiyana put her hand on her chest: "Specifically-I want to work and live on the moon for a while. In this way, at least it will not directly fall on the unprepared earth

"Wait a minute, since you want to work and live on the moon......"

Padofelis seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but said: "How can we do without supplies? Besides, Qiyana came to the moon to fight, so it is impossible to carry such things as beds and quilts with her. "

"Honkai can be such an inconvenience."

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread his hands: "Don't forget, the clothes Qiyana is wearing now can all be transformed by Honkai.

"However, I really didn't expect... that Kiyana would become like this one day."

Seeing Qiyana's mature speech, Teresa's expression also appeared very complicated.

She glanced at Qi Bao, who was wearing double ponytails and braids, and then at the mature and stable Qiyana on the screen, and sighed.

Kiana: "?"

【"But if you are a person with strong adaptability to Houkai, you won't be easily influenced by you, right?"

"Well, because my aunt is too."

Kiyana smiled and nodded: "The moon is very interesting, you want to come and play when you have time?"


"But ... everyone will have a job and a life of their own—

Kiyana added: "So don't worry too much about it.

A look of sadness flashed across Teresa's face: "When I was in Kolosten, Sushang once said something to me. At that time, I didn't understand her state of mind, so I didn't have much emotion."

"She said, 'Look at the clouds in the sky that day, they gather and then disperse, and they disperse and gather again. They don't just stay in one place, right? People are the same.

"—Looking at it now, for those of you who have actually graduated from St. Freya, this passage is surprisingly appropriate."

"Hey, aunt..."

Kiyana put her hands on her hips, as if she had reached her original appearance in an instant: "Is this an excuse for you to be lazy and not play with me in the future? Be careful that I ask Bronya to hack your game console?"

"Haha, of course not."

Teresa smiled softly: "But the work of the Bishop of Destiny is indeed busier than I imagined——I think the anti-entropy doctors may be ahead of me, so let's go to you to help get busy.

"——That's a matter of work."]

The two people in the picture are chatting happily. Although there are smiles on each other's faces, the sad atmosphere keeps surrounding them.

Even so, they still pretended to be relaxed, chatting happily with each other about those old things.

Until the two looked at each other speechlessly, they didn't know what to say for a while.

"It is clear that in the end everyone successfully protected the world, saved the earth, and saved mankind..."

Alicia lowered her eyes, and her face seemed to be covered with a shadow: "But, in the end, is it still going to become this kind of ending that has to be parted......"

"However, it is enough to achieve this result."

Sakura said softly: "At the very least, everyone has fulfilled their own missions and fulfilled their long-cherished wishes...... Isn't it?"

Su slightly nodded: "Yes."


"What's wrong, Kiyana?"

"Actually, it's nothing...it's just a feeling that I've been calling you 'big aunt' for several years—"

Kiyana said softly: "But I didn't expect to have a wonderful 'sense of reality' today."

"I mean... the great aunt is indeed my great aunt.

Teresa couldn't help laughing: "What nonsense are you talking about, Kiyana..."

"Ah...... Is it really hard to express this feeling......"

Kiyana scratched her head in embarrassment.


Teresa smiled lightly and shook her head: "Whether you two sisters, or me and Siegfried, of course we are all one family."

"Even if you can't return to Earth temporarily, just like you said, we can go to the moon to play with you."

...... It is not necessary. "

Kiyana said euphemistically: "Everyone has their own job, and also has their own life they want to live—

"Ah, I didn't mean to refuse... If you have the opportunity to come and play, I welcome it..."

Ha ha. "


Teresa smiled lonely, staring at Qiyana: "Before you know it, you have really grown up."

"Of course."

Kiyana patted her chest: "To put it bluntly, I am now the god of the earth in a literal sense."

... However, there is no real feeling. "】

"God of the Earth..."

In the question and answer space, Qiyana muttered to herself: "I never thought that one day, Miss Ben would become such a great person!"

Although she has been clamoring to become the strongest Valkyrie before, but now, after watching so many episodes of the future, she has witnessed how the future self grows step by step, and how she becomes the ultimate hero step by step. After Yanzhi Herrscher——after all, I was quite emotional in my heart.


Teresa also stared at the picture on the screen, unable to express her heart for a while.

Although the body is a child, Teresa has spent almost half of her life compared to the Common people, so she is naturally very clear about what Kiyana means by "temporarily staying on the moon".

—Let’s go and say goodbye, and it is very likely that we don’t know when we will meet again.

Thinking of this, Teresa couldn't help but feel pain in her heart, and her eyes couldn't help getting slightly moist.

But even so, she still insisted on her spirit... After all, since Qiyana wanted to say goodbye to them in a relaxed and unrestrained way, Teresa, as an elder, could not show her weak side in anything.

【"Although I call myself an elder, this is beyond my experience.

Teresa said: "Maybe Urandelle can talk to you about this? After all, she once saved a world with a large population."

"Ah, indeed."

Kiyana nodded suddenly, then fell into silence again:

"What's wrong, Kiyana?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly feel a little regretful." 1.0 Qiyana said.


"Yeah, after all, I don't think there will be any chance to steal Auntie's comics to read."

"Hahahahahaha, you—"]

The two chatted for a while, talking and laughing, until the special space maintained by authority became unstable.

'Theresa', 'Stupid Niece' - when they realized that this exchange was coming to an end, they all chose such gags to bid farewell to each other.

【"Well... In this way, let's talk about it with my aunt."

Qiyana stared at the light gate in front of her, and walked over slowly: "Then, the next second..."

"...Hey, I see."]

At the moment when Qiyana on the screen reached out and touched the light gate, a grand ray of light hit her like a tide, enveloping her.

"Second, who will it be?"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana also stared at the screen expectantly: "Sister, dad, or Mei?"

Her question was quickly answered, and as the light gradually dissipated, a tall and familiar figure appeared in front of her not far away.

——It was Siegfried Kaslana!.

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