Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

471: Final Yan Qibao! Approval From Thirteen Yingjie!

"Ah! It really is Dad!"

Kiyana stared at Siegfried on the screen in surprise: "Speaking of which, Dad hasn't joined the Q&A space until now!"

"——Obviously there are many plots about Dad, could it be that the question and answer space has forgotten?"

"The essence of the question-and-answer space is an alien space, which directly and forcibly transfers us in the real world.

Otto explained intimately: "As for the paradise of the past...it can be regarded as a transfer of the spiritual body."

"As for Siegfried...well, he may be imprisoned in the stigmata space now, which is why his spirit cannot be transferred.

"I see."

Urandale understood: "In this case, it is imperative to save Mr. Siegfried... our common father!"

"Hmm! With new power this time, we will definitely be able to successfully rescue Dad!"

Kiyana nodded vigorously: "Together with my sister!"

While the Kaslana sisters in the question-and-answer space were discussing how to save Siegfried in the real world, Qiyana on the screen also slowly walked up to Siegfried, "waiting and saying hello——

【"Hi~ Dad."

".....…nailed it?"

"Well, it's done."

Kiyana nodded: "Speaking of which, Dad has been to the moon before. It seems that he still needs to wear a space suit?"

"Yeah. I was amazed at the time to see Walter can act directly in a vacuum."

Siegfried seemed to have a feeling: "I heard that the current 'New Atra' is a place with artificial air... the environmental conditions should be much stronger than ours at that time.

"Of course."

Kiyana said proudly: "It has everything from artificial hot springs to video game consoles - except that there are no green plants, it is not much different from ordinary resorts.

"Haha, I'm going to find a chance to experience it." Siegfried smiled. 】

"Oh yes!"

Qiyana suddenly realized 06: "I forgot that there is such a thing as 'New Atra'! No wonder the future me doesn't seem to be very entangled in the issue of daily necessities.

"So Sora and the others are still on New Yatra, right?"

Raven couldn't help but sat upright: "I don't know what happened to them? In the future, I should move them to a safe place."

When the stigmata plan was implemented before, New Atra located on the moon was undoubtedly the safest shelter, but with the termination of the stigmata plan, Kiyana became the herrscher of the end——now In a way, the moon is the most dangerous place.

Although Kiana herself didn't mean that, but the power of the end horse in her body, Shishin, approached Kora and the others in New Yatra... It's hard to guarantee that there won't be any problems.

"Miss Raven mentioned it before."

Mei said: "With the help of Yutu, you also came to New Atla. Now that the stigmata project has been terminated, you should also embark on the journey back to Earth."

"I hope so."

Raven shrugged: "I've gone through all kinds of storms, I don't want anything to go wrong at the last moment.

Leaving aside the conversations in the question and answer space for the time being, Siegfried on the screen restrained his smile, and then continued to ask Qiyana——

【"Qiana, what are you going to do next?"

He paused: "I mean, after this 'job' on the moon is over."

"Well...you have to think about it."

Qiyana was lost in thought: "After all, sleeping late and playing games can be done now..."

.......ah. How about growing a field of flowers? Xia Tian in Siberia is too short-lived, and the balls are not suitable for plant growth. "

"Although traveling around the world is also a good idea-but for the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, it doesn't seem to be a challenge.

"So, can the power of the Herrscher of the Sky cover Venus or Mars?"

Siegfried asked curiously: "Maybe we can visit these places in the future?"

"That shouldn't be possible..."

Qiyana scratched her head in embarrassment, and then said: "However, maybe Arahato can do it?"

"---In the cartoons, don't those huge robots move freely in the entire galaxy."

"That may depend on the design skills of anti-entropy." Siegfried said.

"If Bronya also joins their design team, it will definitely work."

Qiyana said firmly: "Although in the near future, due to the siphon effect of the final power, most of your Herrscher cores will slowly become silent and disappear..."

"But the important thing is not the power itself, but our imagination, right?"】

"Oh my God!"

Teresa was stunned: "Qiana... the future Kiyana, even knows the 'siphon effect'!"

...... This is indeed a very incredible thing.

Ji Zi was also very shocked: "That Qiyana who can't even understand the most basic parabola, since she can understand the siphon effect?"

"Hey! Auntie, Teacher Jizi! You guys look down on me too much!"

With her hands on her hips, Qiyana looked very angry: "No matter how you say it, I will become the Herrscher of the Last End in the future. Even if I know this kind of knowledge, it's no big deal!"

"However, let Bronya join the anti-entropy design team......"

Bronya folded her hands on her chest, with a thoughtful expression: "No wonder the future Bronya will become an anti-entropy game producer... So there is another reason for this."

It is true that Bronya really likes games, but playing games and making games cannot be confused.

For now, Bronya doesn't seem to show any obvious intention to make games and become the producer of anti-entropy during the collapse of the store. I'm afraid there is also the meaning of realizing Yana's wish in it.

"Oh! No wonder Captain Bronya will become a game designer!"

Carol finally understood why the hero who saved the world ended up working as a producer in a game company. There was also a reason for this.

"Whoa! Is this the friendship between Captain Bronya and Senior Kiyana!"

Timido couldn't help crying: "It's so touching!"

Qiyana was also a little moved: "Bronya, although we used to quarrel together, I didn't expect you to do this for me!"

......Stop being so sentimental, idiot Kiyana. "

Yaya turned her head arrogantly and stopped talking.

On the other side, the conversation between Kiyana and Siegfried is still going on


Siegfried seemed to sigh with emotion: "So, many years ago, I really couldn't imagine that in the future, humans and Herrschers can live together and help each other.

"And now there is only one last step left--that is, the work that I have to complete on the moon, and the work that everyone has to complete on the earth!"

Kiyana smiled confidently: "We will make Honkai truly a tool for humans—just like humans conquered fire and electricity in the past."

"At that time, all human beings will be as powerful as the Herrscher, and as free as the Herrscher...but without losing their original purity and beauty."

"Hahahaha, isn't this what your mother wrote in her diary when she was eight years old?" Siegfried laughed.

"Huh? Is that so?"

Qiyana blinked in surprise: "But.........Thinking about it carefully, this is a simple and direct dream for everyone."

"Want to be happy, want to realize value, want to do whatever you want, want to live a long life—everyone devotes all his life's efforts to realize these wishes

"Yeah. 11

Siegfried stared at Kiyana: "And Kiyana, what makes me most proud of you is that you will always remember these simple ideals, and you will never forget your original pursuit."]


Looking at Siegfried's serious and proud appearance, Kiyana's eyes became moist.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and clenched her fists: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!"


Teresa also nodded, and said seriously: "Qiana is not a child anymore, she already knows everything, and she has indeed chosen to face her own truth.

"——— What's more, there are me and Youlandelle."

Teresa continued: "Until you come back, we will help you take care of Qiyana, she will be fine, don't worry!"

Ulandal put her hand on her chest: "I will take good care of Qiyana, Siegfried... Father..."

"Actually, I don't need to take care of it. I'm fine on my own!"

Qi Bao scratched her head: "Besides, Miss Ben just said that she would save Dad with her sister!"

【...Haha, what's wrong with me, why did I suddenly speak like Walter? "

As Siegfried was talking, he suddenly said haha.

"Because we're talking about serious stuff."

Kiana said seriously: "The most precious thing for everyone is life, but everyone can't stop the passing of life.

"Then, in this only life, we should not only live in the present, but also not leave regrets for the future."

"I hope that this world can become a better place, so that when everyone looks back on the past, they will not feel regretful for wasting their lives, and they will think that their lives have lived out their value."

- It was with these thoughts in mind that Kiana Kaslana became the Herrscher of the Last End.

Kiyana said softly: "After all, no matter what—the Herrscher cannot be saved independently of humans."

"If a Herrscher wants to save herself, then she must first save all mankind."]

"That's a great way to say it, Kiyana!"

Alicia couldn't help applauding for Kiyana: "As I have witnessed you all the way to the present, I can't help being proud of you!" 707 "Yes, yes! As expected of sister Mei people!"

Paduofelis also nodded.

Su slightly nodded: "It's worthy of being the offspring that Kevin agrees with."

Sakura: "This noble and unyielding quality is admirable.

Aponia clasped his hands together: "Noble man, please allow me to send you my best wishes.

Eden: "Kiana, I can't help but want to sing a song for you."

Gracie: "Sister Kiana, I want to draw a picture for you..."

Cosmo: "... handsome.

Kevin: ......cool.

Qian Jie: "Hmph, well done."

Mebius asked in a low voice: "Can't you really let me study it..."

Hua nodded vigorously: I have always believed in you, Yana. "

Not only the people in the Q&A space, but even Siegfried in the screen was shocked by Kiana's speech—

[.....My good fellow, you really speak better than Walter now. "

"Well, maybe I'm just being more honest?"

Kiana said: "After all, for a lot of people . . .

It would be very embarrassing.

"However, your father thinks that as long as it is an honest thought, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Siegfried encouraged her, and then scratched his head in embarrassment: Of course, maybe this is the reason why Teresa and Shigure Kira always think that I am thick-headed

Leave it.

"(No, Dad...that should be because you married your mother?)"

Kiyana smiled, but didn't say this: "Ahem. Anyway, Dad—that's all I want to say now. 17

"Taking this opportunity, I would also like to talk to other people in the same way... How about we talk about the rest of the topic slowly next time?"

"no problem.

Siegfried said generously: "It's better to say - this is indeed a good opportunity.

"Come on, Kiyana."

Accompanied by Siegfried's last words, a grand light enveloped the entire space, accompanied by Kiana's confident smile

"Haha, who do you think I am?"]

After bidding farewell to Siegfried, Kiyana also moved forward again, touching the next door of light ahead.

Aunt......Dad...I've met both of them. "

Kiyana muttered to herself, and then seemed to think of something: "Well, of course there is 'her'."

As soon as she thought this, she raised her head: "My sister!"


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