Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

483: Animated Short Film Graduation Trip!

Just as everyone in the question-and-answer space was discussing, the picture on the screen suddenly changed, accompanied by the familiar electronic synthesizer sound.

[Question 5: Among the following options, after Kiyana landed on the train to the moon, who was the first person she met on the train? 】

【A: Empty Myriad Zang】

【B: Otto Apocalypse】

[C: Herrscher of Corrosion]

[D: Herrscher of Domination]

"The first person you met on the train?"

Qiyana frowned, her expression was a little speechless: "What, why are they all a group of guys that this lady hates!"

"And to be reasonable, can they really be called human beings? They are obviously a group of Herrschers and God's Key~!"

"still have a question......"

Bronya crossed her arms: "Except for option A [the rest of the masters are already dead, right? Isn't this really directly revealing the real answer E?"

"Bronya means—the answer is A?"

Mei asked.

"Bronya is just guessing, and there is no real evidence."

Bronya said: "As for the answer, let Qiyana decide for herself."

"Huh? It's up to me to decide again!"

Although Qiyana seemed a little reluctant, this was a question and answer related to herself after all, so after thinking about it, she decided it was her duty to do so!

So Qibao took a step forward, and after thinking about it for a second, she decisively chose one of the options: "It's decided! Choose A: Void and Ten Thousand Zang!"

"Hmph~! According to Bronya, this lady also thinks option A is the most likely!"

[Wrong answer, the correct answer is B: Otto Apocalypse]

[Punishment measures: Herrscher of the End · Experience card time reduced by 30 seconds]


Qi Bao was stunned, and quickly asked Bronya: "Hey! Bronya, didn't you say that option A is the most likely?"

"It's just a mistake in the analysis and judgment, which is normal."

Bronya was unapologetic: "Bronya thinks that Kiyana lacks her own opinion and doesn't have her own judgment, so this is also Bronya's tip to the stupid Kiyana—don't trust anyone!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bronya!!!"

All in all, leaving aside what happened in the question-and-answer space for the time being, as the answers to the questions and answers are completed, the pictures on the screen continue to play

The first thing that came was the sound of running rails, and then the figure of Kiyana leaning on the railing of the train came into view.

The slightly dim incandescent lamp shone on the girl's fair face. She slowly retracted the phone, her slender and curly eyelashes drooping, as if casting a shadow on her soft cheeks

【“When a story is about to end, we always remember its beginning.

"It's like——everything is back to the past."]

As if recalling those good memories from the past, a slight smile appeared on Qiyana's face.

The train continued to move forward, passing through a scene as gorgeous as dusk.

The tree of imaginary numbers penetrating the ground exudes dazzling brilliance, rendering the entire space vividly.

Accompanied by a familiar figure sitting on the train, he spoke softly.

【"Like now, isn't it?"

In the transparent goblet, the red wine as red as blood swayed slightly, and Otto's figure quietly appeared on the train.

He looked at Kiyana through the red wine in the glass, and Kiyana raised her head slightly and glanced at him. 】

"Ah! It really is Otto!"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana looked at Otto who suddenly appeared: "He will really appear!"

"After all, Otto was also a Herrscher in that world line."

Bronya said.


Teresa stared at Otto's figure, with a little nostalgia in her eyes.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that, as a person whose story has already ended, I can still appear in the memory at the end."

Otto smiled softly: "That's really true."

【"You don't seem surprised."

Otto put down the goblet, turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window, and said softly: "Isn't this scenery very memorable?"]

In the next second, the light faded like a tide, turning into a darkness like the setting sun and night.

The swaying light and shadow shone on Qiyana's body, and her appearance changed into that of the Herrscher of Fire.

At the same time, another mocking voice sounded——

【"Don't be so sentimental~!"

The control doll also appeared on the train silently, showing off her flexible joints: "She is different from us, and she will continue to move forward!"]

"It is the Herrscher of Domination!"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana saw the familiar appearance of the puppet, and her expression seemed a little uncomfortable: "Sure enough, this guy is still so annoying!"

"It is indeed a Herrscher who can easily raise blood pressure."

Bronya nodded, and made a sharp comment: "If possible, I hope that it would be better for her not to speak."

"Hmph! If you let me do it, I will smash her wooden mouth!"

Zhibao snorted coldly, with a look of disdain.

"However, I didn't expect the future Qiyana to be so calm, she didn't even react at all."

Teresa looked at the indifferent Kiyana on the screen with relief: "Sure enough, after going through so much, Kiyana has grown to the point where we can't even compare to us now."


Ji Zi also nodded in relief.

【"Hey~ Hahaha~ How are you, are you surprised to see me?"

The puppet ran and jumped on the train recklessly, and her laughter echoed in the whole carriage.

However, Kiyana just kept silent, as if she hadn't heard anything.

"—But, is there a guy missing?"]

As the puppet's voice fell, the scene outside changed again, turning into a modern city brightly lit in the middle of the night, and the electronic screen above the train also turned into a huge eye.

When the puppet saw this scene, it immediately laughed happily——

【"Oh~ everyone is here!"】

"I didn't expect that the Herrscher of Corruption would also come to the train~!"

Seeing this scene, Alicia looked a little happy, but a little frustrated: "It's a pity, I thought the Herrscher of Corruption would continue to appear in my form.

"If I remember correctly, Qiyana in that world line probably hasn't seen me yet, right?"

"Oh~ I wish Kiana from that world could meet me too~!"


On the other side, the train passed through a long tunnel, and everything in the train was quietly darkened.

Kiyana straightened up silently, passed by everyone, and left the carriage.

In the darkness, only Otto's melodious laughter came——

【"But unfortunately, our story is over."

Otto shook the goblet lightly, and whispered softly: "So those who have passed away, let them stay in the past." 17

The Herrscher of Corrosion closed her eyes without saying a word, and at the same time, the words NoSighall' appeared on the train's screen.

And Otto also disappeared on the train without making a sound, just as he had come quietly.

The last Herrscher of Domination shook his body following the rhythm of the train, and slowly stretched out his hand: "Then, goodbye~"

The next second, the train was empty and empty again. 】

"Eh? In the future, where am I going?"

Qi Bao looked at the screen curiously.

As soon as the screen changed, the future Qiyana had already appeared on Huberian's bridge elevator, and the elevator was slowly rising.

"It's Hyperion!"

Qi Bao recognized it at the first sight: "But, why did I turn into the appearance of the Herrscher of the Sky again?"

"From the Herrscher of the End to the Herrscher of Fire Flame, and then to the Herrscher of the Sky, will it become Moonlight or Bailian next time?"

"Perhaps the change of armor reflects the story that Kiyana experiences at each stage.

Fu Hua said in a deep voice: "The tribulations and the beauty are all memorable experiences for Qiyana."

In the picture, Qiyana stretches out a hand lightly, touching the glass that reflects her figure, through the glass she can see herself in the mirror—the Herrscher of the Sky.

This was the appearance she had feared the most, and it was also the nightmare she could not escape from in the past.

But time has passed, and now she is able to face all of this calmly.

Kiyana gently closed her eyes and asked in a low voice

【"Don't you say something?"

At that moment, the figure in the mirror retracted his hands, then hesitated for a moment, and stuck them together again.

Sirin slowly opened a line of eyelids, and the cruel and cold gaze in the pupils of the gold-plated eyes became much softer.

She snorted softly: "Huh..... you did a good job."]

In the next second, everything around him dissipated like a feather.

And Qiyana also let the pull of gravity, her body fell straight towards the ground.

The whistling wind sounded in her ears, like a ray of breeze hugging Qiyana's back, she slowly opened her eyes, the familiar figure was reflected in her pupils, and a smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

She slowly stretched out her hand, whispering that person's name——

0...seeking flowers...


"Mei! It's Mei!"

Kiana happily called Mei: "Finally it's Mei's turn!"

In the picture, Mei also stretches out her hand and pulls Qiyana to her side, and the scene changes instantly.

The down-to-earth feeling was conveyed to the body, and Qiyana also changed back to the former Sky Ranger, and the two reappeared on the familiar rooftop of Changkong City.

And Mei, who is in the form of the Herrscher of Thunder, has also turned into a ghostly snake shadow.

The two stood on the roof of Qianyu Academy, looked at each other and smiled but remained silent, as if all the words were self-evident in their hearts - only their hands, from the moment they held each other, have never been separated.

Qiyana suddenly turned her head, looked at the playground outside the iron fence, and whispered——

【"Exactly the same as before."

"Yeah." Mei nodded slightly.

...... A lot of things happened. "

"...Really, a lot of things have happened." Mei said softly.

"This time, we will also be separated here."

Kiyana looked back at Mei, Wei Blue's pupils showed a bit of reluctance.


However, Mei held Qiyana's hand even tighter, and looked directly at her: "This time——

We go to the end together. "]

"Together to the end!"

In the question-and-answer space, Qibao was moved to tears: "Woohoo! Mei! Sure enough, you still love me the most!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry."

Seeing the scene where the two hold hands tightly together in the picture, Mei felt shy but also very moved.


"Mei and Kiyana...how nice~!"

Alicia was also moved and wiped her tears: "It reminds me of my good Eden~"

Eden: "Hehe~ If Ellie wants to hold my hand, you can do it anytime.

On the screen, Kiyana stared blankly at Mei, as if she could see her heart through her firm eyes, so a shy blush appeared on Kiyana's face, and then

That is to say, a happy and joyful smile appeared.

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually fell, and the blazing red light shone on the two girls, everything was so beautiful.

Kiyana took Mei's hand, ran to the gate of the rooftop as if she couldn't wait, and pushed it open!

In the next second, the crisp birdsong appeared in front of everyone along with the clear sky, and the green sky city with green hills glowed with vitality.

And in this verdant and green city, Kiyana and Mei seem to have returned to the past. They wandered every step they had been to, leaving behind their own memories in every place.


—Hiora looking at the sky from Long Sky City.

— Li Sushang eating meat buns in Tianqiong City.

——Jurlandelle and Rita teasing the cats on the side of the street.

— Siegfried and Cecilia shopping with Sirin.

——Orphanage group playing on the beach.

Bronya who joined in midway.

Sakura and Karen from Yae Village.

-Anti-entropy member on the streets of the city.

——Heroes of the Golden Garden.

—Kevin and May passing by.

"We saw a lot of people along the way."

Alicia stared at the places where Mei and Kiyana had been on the screen: "It has been a long time, but it seems like yesterday.

"Yeah, we think so too!"

Paduofelis also nodded, agreeing.


Ji Zi responded softly: "Really, it's been a long, long time."

【"Yeah. We have been to various places and left a lot of memories."

"It's a story about love."

"It will also have an ending of love."

"So, it's the same as before - one step, one step, keep going."

"Look, the footprints we left behind———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"

At the last stop, Yusanjia was standing in the waiting area of ​​the subway station, while Teresa took pictures of them with her mobile phone.

At this moment, Fu Hua also patted Qiyana lightly from behind, and several people gathered together to discuss the scene in the photo.

The warm atmosphere continued to spread, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

And in the distance—the train slowly entered the station and opened the door.

Kiyana looked sideways slightly, silently, step by step, backed towards the direction of the train without anyone noticing.

One step, two steps.

After taking a last look at the people who were eagerly discussing, Qiyana turned around and stepped into the train alone.

And the doors of the train were also closed.

——As if to isolate her from everyone. .

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