Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

484: Talk About It Later? Kiana, Attack!


In the question-and-answer space, Mei's voice revealed a trace of sadness and anxiety: "...don't leave..."


Teresa also stared at Qiyana, who seemed unwilling to disturb everyone and left alone, and her eyes instantly became moist: "You.....idiot...!"

Bronya also pursed her lips lightly: "Idiot Kiyana..."


Fu Hua stared at Qiyana who was leaning against the car door alone in the picture, as if feeling the feeling of losing a friend again after 50,000 years.

"Tsk... Really..."

As if Zhibao couldn't stand the atmosphere, he turned his head and remained silent.

"Even if you're smiling, it's true that at the moment of parting, people can't help but feel sad..."

Ji Zi also sighed helplessly: "After all, parting is never a happy thing...

"Especially this kind of separation that has to be chosen."

In the picture, the laughter and voices of friends fade away like a tide, and finally only the dull sound of the train is left.

Qiyana lowered her head, and the bangs on her forehead covered her face. Even under the light, there was still only a shadow, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

After an unknown amount of time, she sighed silently, then straightened up and walked slowly towards the front of the train "390"—as if she was heading towards her own end.

But at that moment——


A familiar voice sounded from behind, and Qiyana instantly raised her head and opened her eyes wide.

— She couldn't wait to come back to her senses.

White's petals fluttered in the wind, and on the wide street of St. Freya Academy, the former partners stood there.

Teresa, Mei, Bronya, Fu Hua, and——Teacher Ji Zi.

They all stood there, smiling and watching Qiyana, as if saying goodbye to her silently.

Ji Zi also had a gentle smile, watching her quietly, just like in the past.

At the same time, melodious music also sounded—

【When good old friends are going away (when good old friends leave)】

[Will you wish them to remember your name (do you expect them to remember your name)]

The warm and moist feeling came from the sockets of the eyes, and the haze on Qiyana's face was swept away. She showed the confident and cheerful smile like in the past to everyone, and then turned around resolutely.

In an instant, the scene of St. Freya disappeared, and she returned to the empty train.

But there was no trace of haze on Qiyana's face, she raised her head, her pupils were shining with the same confidence as before.

【When good old days are passing away (When good old days are passing away)】

[Will you promise your heart remains the same (whether your heart remains the same)]

Staring at the huge final cocoon, as if about to throw himself into its embrace.

The train gradually entered the final cocoon, and the colored light enveloped the head of the train, gradually turning into colored light and dissipating.

[Never can we suspend the time (We cannot stop time)]

【Hauingtoleauethetracksbehind (have to leave the ruts behind)】

But Qiyana opened her arms and let her body fall straight down, with that original smile still on her face.

[There is a longer way ahead, after all (after all, the road ahead is longer)]

As soon as the screen turned, what appeared in front of everyone again was a world of ice and snow.

And on that piece of snow, rows of footprints were clearly displayed on the snow, and a white-haired girl carrying a heavy backpack was walking on it panting.

【Thereusedtobeastoryteller(There used to be a storyteller)】

【Who always painted the sunshine and the rain (depicting the sun and rain)】

However, suddenly her feet slipped and she accidentally fell on the snow, her backpack fell into the snow, and she also slipped down the slope.

The girl struggled to stand up from the snow, but her hands slipped again, and she fell into the snowdrift again.


In the question-and-answer space, Mei couldn't help but let out a soft breath in worry.

But before the worries in her heart fermented, another white-haired girl appeared in front of the little Yana on the screen.

【Onehastoeventuallygrowup(And people will eventually grow up)】

【Spending a life time to taste the love and pain (experience love and pain with a lifetime)】

She gently patted the snow off Little Qiyana's head, looked at the little girl who stood up again with her own strength, and nodded to her with a smile.

And little Qiyana nodded in response to her, and then passed her by. She squatted down to the position of the backpack, and staggered back to carry the bag.

[Never can we suspend the time (We cannot stop time)]

【Hauingtoleauethetracksbehind (have to leave the ruts behind)】

[There is a longer way ahead, after all (after all, the road ahead is longer)]

The little girl looked up at the huge earth in the sky, with a stubborn expression on her face, then wiped the sweat from her forehead, and continued to set off step by step—forward to the future.

Kiyana stared at the little figure with a smile on her face, then turned around, and also moved towards her own future——and in front of her, she only needed to raise her head to see that A huge moon.

【If it's hard to say goodbye (if it's hard to say goodbye)】

【Giveusatrytosingarhyme(Then let's try to sing it)】

The girl raised her head, Wei Blue's pupils reflected the shooting star across the sky, she smiled lightly and stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to hold the shooting star in her palm.

Then she gently lowered her arms and continued walking.

As in the past, as in the future.

【Mayyou, the beauty of this world, always shine. (You are the beauty of this world, always shining.)】


When chanting Kiyana's name again, Teresa's face was no longer sad, but a tearful smile.

"Hey~ Sure enough, I should say goodbye with a smile!"

Kiyana grinned: "Don't worry, Auntie! This lady is just going to the moon to stay for a while, nothing will happen!"

"Mei and everyone, too, don't be sad!"


Mei's face was full of tears, but when she heard Kiana's comfort, she also wiped away her tears vigorously, showing a slight smile: "Yeah!"

"Stupid Kiyana..."

Bronya also turned her head, her voice choked up...

And with the final ending, the picture on the screen also changed to a new scene again.

This time, it is the scene of an armed doll named Kiana Kaslana, carrying a small bag, walking towards the only light curtain in the dark universe——

【"This is the story we created together."

"There is always an end to the story, but the memories left behind will not disappear, and the emotions conveyed will not disappear.

"They will be the keys to those who come after, and will be remembered...extend into the future, and exist forever."

Kiana's brisk voice sounded: "For example, whenever we open this time capsule [we will reconnect with a girl named "Kiana Kaslana"]

"At that time, she was still ignorant of everything in the world..."

"And we also know that on the road she chose, there will be suffering to come, and an inescapable fate.

"However, more importantly..."

Kiyana paused, then smiled and said, "...After that, she will also meet the most beautiful things in the world.

"A treasure named 'Love'."]


In the question and answer space, Qiyana smiled and nodded repeatedly: "It is the greatest luck in my life to meet everyone!"


Mei murmured, then smiled: "Me too."

Bronya put her hand on her chest: "Bronya too.

Fu Hua nodded: "I think so too, Kiyana."

"It's great to meet everyone~!"

Alicia also said happily.

Everyone in the question and answer space either acquiesced or nodded.

On the other side, the picture on the screen returned to the moon, and with the sound of the mobile phone vibrating, Qiyana took out the mobile phone with a curious voice——

【"Hmm...it's the news from Mei..."】

Kiyana took out her mobile phone, and the screen of the mobile phone showed everyone's chat records. Mei asked Qiyana if she got up, and told her that she already had a new earth-moon communication base station, and that Dr. Tesla was preparing to show his strength up.

And Bronya also sent a screenshot of 1.7, which marked the new broadband.

Kiyana looked at the information on the phone and smiled slightly—

【"Yeah, a new job...will start soon."

"Then, before that—"】

Out of the same mood, she also took a picture of the moon's surface.

The earth is blue and pure at the moment. Just like every day for billions of years.

The stigmata project seems to be just a dream, and the final reincarnation seems to have become an absurd Legendary.

——It seems to be exactly the same as the situation when she jumped off the drone in that distant afternoon.

In the next second, the picture on the screen changed to the shooting mode of the camera, and Qiyana's face also appeared on the picture.

She pinched her chin, as if lost in thought——

【"However, there seems to be something missing..."

"—Ah, yes!"

She set up the camera, tapped the screen a few times with her slender fingers, and whispered: "This...then this..."

"Just get one like this!"

Kiyana poses in a classic pose, eyes half closed, and her right hand gestures like a pistol. Accompanied by the sound of the automatic camera shutter, Kiyana's energetic voice also echoes on the moon——

"Qiana, attack!"]

PS: The plot of 6 years is not easy...

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