"Didi! Didi!"

"Report, HQ. This is the third team against Honkai, and I'm Captain Maple Leaf. It has now arrived near the outskirts of Vostok.

"Honkai Fifth Squad, Captain Himeko, has now arrived on the outskirts of Vostok. The

two of them reported their current location to the radio communication equipment next to their ears, but they were greeted not by an answer from the operations command room, but by the sound of a rattle and a mess.

Maple Leaf shook his head a little helplessly, after all, the Dr. Mebius was present in the operation command room.

God knows, what she'll do there.

Then, he looked at Vostok not far away.

Vostok used to be a military launch site, but it was abandoned due to frequent collapses.

Over time, it has evolved into a collection of villages.

It's just that this place isn't the first time Maple Leaf has visited.

A strange phenomenon was detected in the town of Vostok-51. Therefore, Maple Leaf took the initiative to ask to be the Investigator, the purpose of which was to be able to meet the girl of this town, Elysia.

The girl who is as gorgeous as a flying flower.

As for why he knew, after all, Maple Leaf had already traveled to this extremely cruel world of Honkai a year ago.

That's right, Maple Leaf is the traverser.

Originally, he was sitting at home waiting for the 6.4 update of Honkai Impact III.

In order to be able to draw the final Kiana, he prepared 3w of water and 10 expansion supply cards, plus three or four 648.

However, the most unexpected thing happened to Maple Leaf, the first ten consecutive after the update directly came out of ten final Kiana, and the frightened mobile phone smoked on the black screen on the spot, and he fainted at that moment.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in an area full of Honkai beasts. In the end, he was rescued by Himeko and became a warrior against Honkai.

"Maple Leaf, losing your mind on the battlefield is not a wise choice. Himeko said suddenly.

"Oh, it's rare that Sister Meko cares so much, my heart is about to melt. Maple

Leaf replied without shame.

"You guy—"

Himeko looked at him speechlessly.

In the year I've been with him, it's been like this every time.


At this moment, there was a sound of sizzling from the radio communication equipment next to my ear.

"Inform the third, fifth squads. The annihilation plan has officially begun!" Maple

Leaf and Himeko heard the message from the combat command room, and their facial expressions instantly became extremely harsh.

Nowadays, Vostok's Honkai energy concentration has reached 400HW, which can be regarded as a complete paradise of Honkai, where dead soldiers and Honkai beasts are shuttling back and forth here.

And the so-called annihilation plan, as the name suggests, is to annihilate all the Honkai beasts and dead soldiers, and expel them without leaving one of them.

"First Squad, all obey!" "Fifth Squad, all obey!" the

two said in high spirits.

"The annihilation plan begins

!" "Yes!" replied

the soldiers sonorously.

In this way, the two squads marched inside Vostok.


The war has begun, and the corpses of Honkai beasts and soldiers are everywhere in the rain of bullets.

Although Honkaimon uses its powerful body and excessive Honkai energy as a means of using it, it is not difficult for humans with special weapons and armor to deal with.

"Quick, quick

!" "Rush forward!Compress space!Surround them!"

"Successfully break through the perimeter of Vostok

!" "Now head to

the center!" "Discover a large number of Honkai Beasts in the center of Vostok!" "

Request support! Request support!"

Third, the fifth team reports to each other on the current situation and information.

"The third squad shoots from a distance, covering the raid of the fifth squad!" Maple

Leaf said loudly, and then drew his great sword from the Honkai Beast's body.


sound came to his mind.

[Weapon: Blazing Trial has broken through Lv3]

[Lv5 can be upgraded. Maple

Leaf looked at the information prompt in front of him, this is the system that he has crossed into this world.

[Honkai Database Start!

] [Load Personal Information

...] [Loading...

] [Name: Maple Leaf

] [Honkai Energy Erosion: 5%] [Continuous Rising

] [Weapon: Blazing Trial] [Lv3] [

Skill: Bloom Absorption: Forcibly absorb the surrounding Honkai energy and turn it into your own use. This greatly strengthens all of its abilities, but it does great damage to itself. [

Zero rated power: incinerator out of the sheath. 【

Ability: Beyond Time and Space: Suspend world running time.】 Maple

Leaf silently looked at his panel, and suddenly a large sword instantly passed in front of him, straight into the body of another Honkai Beast.

"Maple leaf, don't get distracted!" shouted


In fact, he had already noticed that there was a Honkai Beast beside him, but Himeko was one step faster than him.

He sighed a little and looked at Himeko as he walked in.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

At that moment, he remembered the scene when he was rescued.

A touch of fiery red hair flutters in the air, and the bright red eyes give people the beauty of direct gaze. The eyes reveal maturity and perseverance.

It's like a god descending.

"Hey, what are you watching me for?"

Himeko pulled out the greatsword he had already inserted.

"It's beautiful. Maple Leaf said subconsciously.

However, the next moment, his face suddenly turned slightly red, obviously a little shy about his unintentional act just now.

Himeko looked at him with a slightly expressionless face, but she didn't feel anything about Maple Leaf's words.

Maybe it's because I'm nearly 30 years old, and I've long since passed the hazy feeling of my youth.

"Dididi, Didi!"

"Report, Captain Himeko. Now all the Honkai in the center of Vostok have been cleared. "

Roger. Next, the members of each team take turns to rest and recuperate, and the team that does not rest will be vigilant in each area, and report immediately if they find any suspicious situations.


Himeko finished his final speech and looked at the maple leaf that had been bowing his head.


Himeko tapped him on the shoulder, then turned away.

Maple Leaf looked at her back and didn't speak.

Together, the two of them arrived in the center of Vostok.

Maple Leaf looked at all the team members gathered in the center, and couldn't help but feel a little relieved, after all, there was basically no big loss this time.

In the year of fighting Honkai, he learned the most real Honkai. Although he also knows it in the Honkai Impact III game, his personal experience is far more real than the game.

Especially in these times of despair, human beings are as small as ants.

"This time, our plan of annihilation went very well. But for now, we must not let our guard down.

Maple Leaf said in a high-pitched voice again, and Himeko on the side continued to speak after his words: "Now, the third and fifth teams are in groups of four, and they are free to match. Decentralized surveys began in the center of Vostok. Remember, report anything that happens. "


Under Himeko's command, everyone began to combine freely.


radio communication rang out again.

"Hey, this is Team 5 of Honkai, I'm Himeko.

"Captain Himeko!Now that Vostok Honkai Energy has risen sharply!It has reached 1000HW!" "


Himeko couldn't help but be shocked by the concentration of Honkai that the combat command room said.


The sudden loud sound instantly caught everyone present off guard.

Himeko and Maple Leaf had huge pupils, and they looked at the billowing smoke in front of them in shock.

A strange figure slowly walked through the smoke.

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