"This is?!"

Maple Leaf looked at the figure under the smoke in shock.

A strong sense of intimidation instantly came to my heart.

Fear and fear made Maple Leaf's hands and legs tremble, and even his breathing became extremely heavy.

Every time the figure took a step, it seemed to hear the sound of feet shaking the earth and the sound of a violent heartbeat.

Maple Leaf stared at the figure in front of him tightly, and now he knew very well what he had encountered.

There is such a feeling of pressure and a high concentration of honkai energy.

This...... Only a lawyer can do it.

【First Lawkeeper】


A familiar message prompt appeared in front of Maple Leaf's eyes.

"All the team! Evacuate quickly! Evacuate quickly".

Maple Leaf looked at the information in front of him, and without saying a word, he immediately woke up all the stranded team members with a furious roar.

Even Himeko, who was on the side, couldn't help but tremble.

The 3rd and 5th squads had just experienced the battle, and there were less than 30 people left.

Moreover, there are almost no ammunition supplies, mecha troops, and heavy weapons, so it is impossible to be the opponent of the First Law.

Now, the only way to go is to evacuate!

Maple Leaf grabbed Himeko's right hand without hesitation and fled from the center of Vostok at an extremely fast speed.

The rest of the team followed.

However, their facial expressions still revealed disbelief, and they didn't seem to have recovered from the coercion and shock just now.


, radio communication rang out.

"Hey, headquarters, I'm Maple Leaf. Vostok has exceeded expectations, and is now evacuating the center in order to ensure the safety of the squads. "

Inform the 3rd and 5th squads, new missions, please stop the enemy here. Maple

Leaf couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the words of the headquarters.

"Again, hold off the enemy here and wait for follow-up reinforcements.

At this time, Himeko was about to respond, but was suddenly interrupted by Maple Leaf.

"I'm blocking

you!" "We don't have any equipment now, this level

of Honkai, what do you let us block!" "Do you want to block your life!?"

"Now the Honkai concentration has exceeded 1000Hw!" None of us knows what it will be born of!" Maple

Leaf roared angrily, and his angry face even twisted into an angry lion, which looked particularly terrifying.

In fact, he was not incomprehensible to the instructions of the headquarters.

In the face of the Honkai, it is common for the public to cover up its existence by using military exercises and other reasons to avoid the panic and knowledge of the people.

If we fail to stop it this time, not only will the Honkai appear in the public eye, but the severity of the damage will increase dramatically, causing a devastating blow to humanity.

However, at this time, Maple Leaf didn't want to care about this, because the lawyer had already appeared, and he only wanted to protect the people he cherished the most.

In the face of the lawyer, even if the third and fifth squads are all wiped out, it is impossible to stop it.

Therefore, it is more important to survive now.

At this time, Himeko on the side put one hand on the shoulder of Maple Leaf, and for a while he woke up the hot-headed Maple Leaf.

In a trance, Maple Leaf chose to put aside his gaze with Himeko. But subconscious observation still made him see Himeko's eyes.

The fiery red eyes give people a kind of flame of hope, which is a kind of determination, with a hint of tenderness.

She didn't seem to care about that at all, and even knew that she was going to have the last scene she was going to be.

At this time, Maple Leaf suddenly remembered what Himeko said after saving him.

"If you choose this path, you'll have to carry it for the rest of your life.

Maple Leaf slowly closed his eyes, and with a little anger, he finally chose to calm his heart.

Seeing this, Himeko then said into the radio communication, "Report, headquarters. The 3rd and 5th squads, accepting the task, immediately implemented the blocking plan.

Her words did not carry a trace of hesitation, but more resolute and resolute. At this moment, she seems to be a real warrior.

"Headquarters, Roger. Please hold on, support will be there soon. As

the words from headquarters fell, their communication ended.

Himeko looked at the silent crowd and said, "I think you already know the seriousness of this incident, and its danger has greatly exceeded our expectations.

"However, I still want to say that since you have chosen this path, you must be determined to bear it!"

"I am not asking for your consent, but I am asking that you must carry out this mission!"

Himeko said in a very shocking and majestic voice.

Maple looked at Himeko with a wry smile, she hadn't changed for a year.

"Third, fifth, all obey!" Maple Leaf shouted.

"Yes!" the soldiers replied in slightly trembling voices.

"We're going to have a tough battle ahead. But our task is only to block his progress, so there is no need to go head-to-head with "him". So, protect your life. Maple

Leaf said in a low voice.


"Well, let's go!"


At the same time, the operational command room.

A huge display shows the current situation in Vostok, and the numbers on it are constantly jumping.

[Vostok Collapse Concentration:

1000HW 1200HW


"The first, second, and fourth squads immediately marched towards Vostok. "

Traces, for the commander-in-chief.

Jons stood under the large monitor and said to the captains of the three squads in front of him. And the leader is the captain of the first team.


said that, the three of them quickly left the place.

Jons lit a cigarette and looked at the rising Honkai energy concentration again.

"Dr. Mebius, what do you think?" he said with a puff of smoke.

"What do I think, Jons, are you confused to ask a scientist what he thinks about this?"

Dr. Mebius replied mockingly.

"So, what do you think of this Great Collapse outbreak?" Dr

. Mebius stared at Jons with his back to him.

"Hmph, Jons, whatever I think. It's hard for us to know what will happen when the Honkai energy concentration above 1000HW is generated, and if there is something terrible, then your behavior will undoubtedly kill the third and fifth squads.

Jons listened silently, thick smoke wafting around.

He seemed to be silent about what Mebius had said.

The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end.

Report. Thirdly, the fifth squad has begun to block. Now a confrontation with the enemy is underway.

Erwin on the side said suddenly, interrupting the stillness of the two.

As soon as the voice fell, the footage of the battle of the third and fifth squads was transmitted to the electronic display.

But what Jons and Mebius didn't expect was that in addition to the ruins, there were only the corpses of the third and fifth team members on the screen.

"It's... How could it be?!"

Jons looked at everything in front of him in shock, he didn't expect the battle to be over from the beginning.

At this time, a strange person appeared on the electronic display screen, and many modern weapons were floating around "him", including but not limited to machine guns, rocket artillery, electromagnetic guns, and various missiles.

"It's... What kind of monster?"

Jons couldn't believe his eyes, he could control so many weapons with just one person.

Mebius on the side looked at "him" on the monitor with interest.

She was a little different from Jons who was surprised by this "man", not so much not shocked but a new idea that naturally came out of her mind.

Suddenly, a glimmer of light flickered under the serpent's gaze.


white flowers instantly cover the original picture, and the next moment the screen is black.

Jons, who was a little calmer, said to Erwin: "Inform them, hurry up and go to Vostok." In addition, a massive missile deployment will be on standby. "

Jons, tell your stupid men to pay attention. The

sudden words interrupted Jons's conversation.

"Mebius... Doctor?"

"It's an important test subject, and if it's broken, there's nothing.

Mebius said lightly, then turned and left the operations room.


Publicly available information: Honkai and Honkai of the Law

are born with civilization, and the stronger the human civilization, the more powerful the Honkai becomes.

Honkai can take the form of dead soldiers, Honkai beasts, wars, infectious diseases, climate disasters, etc.

Ritsuri: When the area at the time of the Honkai outbreak exceeds 1,000 HW or more, there is a chance that a person called "Ritsushi" will be born in the area of the disaster. They possess unmatched power and can wreak havoc in an instant. In short, it is an apostle with the power of God, and we can call it: an apostle of God.

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