"All the team! Disperse to find cover!Shoot at my command!"


Himeko calmly commanded the whole team.

Now they are completely in combat readiness, and everyone is tense. After all, what they were going to face next was something beyond their imagination.

It is quite possible that one mistake will end in total destruction.

At this time, Maple Leaf, who was hiding in the corner of the wall, was thinking about the First Law.

In fact, his knowledge of pre-civilizations was limited to the games he played.

And there is very little information about the former civilisers.

But the only thing that is certain is that the power of the law of the current civilization and the previous civilization should be almost the same.

Construct parsing, analytic construct.

For the first lawgiver of the pre-civilization, structural analysis may be the ability of 'him'.

Anything can be constructed directly, first constructed and then analyzed.

By manipulating the Honkai energy enriched in the body to reverse the order, these items can be created that are equivalent to the originals.

This is the power of the First Law.

But at the moment, Maple Leaf still has a little doubt about something, if the first law is not conscious, then how can it be constructed and analyzed like a human being.

In other words, the lawgiver may well be a consciousness in itself, and this consciousness is precisely an instinct that uses and urges the body of the original owner.

"It's coming.

Himeko's voice came from the radio communication next to his ear.

Maple Leaf tilted out a small portion of his head, observing the First Lawgiver.

He is actually no different from ordinary people, both have a complete human body, but due to their high concentration of Honkai energy and only aimlessly destroying.

In this way, the First Lawgiver gradually entered their encirclement.


Himeko ordered, and many soldiers leaned out and bombarded the First Law in a frantic manner.

What explosive grenades, small electromagnetic cannons, light mortars, rocket artillery, etc., all give it a friendly hospitality.

For a time, the entire area was under constant artillery fire, burning with thick smoke.

The smoke soon overshadowed the soldiers.

But even so, they still didn't stop shooting and bombing indiscriminately, after all, they had to do their best in the face of Honkai.

In the event of a surprise, the enemy must not be left with any respite.

Explosions, destruction, and devouring everything around them.

Maple Leaf and Himeko were engrossed in observing the Lawgiver under the thick smoke.

At this moment, a slightly vague form caught the attention of the two.

It seemed to be a vague FI-92 missile.


cover-up!" shouted to each other.

But the surrounding team members did not react, and countless missiles and various rocket artillery burst out of the smoke, blowing up all the surrounding cover in an instant.

Those who did not arrive and fled for their lives fell under the missiles.

Mutilated bodies, skulls, limbs, internal organs, and blood splattered around every corner.

Here, in just a moment, it has become a hell of a human prison!

A man rises from the ruins.

His blood was strewn all over his body, and his body was covered in open flesh foam and cracked blood stains, and the unbearable pain made his pain unbearable.

However, the moment he saw the corpses around him, fear, trembling, and regret filled his body.

"Hey... Red Rebuke!Crimson!Volley...!"

Maple Leaf kept calling out his teammates' names in his trembling voice.

However, he was greeted only by infinite silence and emptiness.

At this time, Maple Leaf once again remembered another person, so he dragged his broken body and excavated his figure step by step.

At this moment, he is completely different from the past, crazy and irrational devouring everything, as if finding her is like finding the Dinghai Divine Needle in his heart.

"Sister meko!Sister meko!Himeko!Himeko!"

Maple Leaf shouted in a frenzied manner.

"I... It's okay. A

slight sound came out of the air.

Himeko struggled to his way up from the rubble on the other side.

Seeing this, Maple Leaf immediately ran to her side regardless of the physical pain and hugged her.

The sudden hug startled Himeko.

But instead of resisting, she patted him on the back and looked silently at the ruined ruins.

"It's okay, it's okay.

Himeko said softly.

Himeko is well aware of the current situation.

With the power of one person to destroy two teams and raze the surrounding buildings to the ground, it is conceivable that this battle is no longer in suspense.

The near-annihilation of the third and fourth squads has become a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, the missiles flying in the sky flew into the air in unison, as if they had been aimed at the two of them at the moment of their fall.

"Well, it seems, here we are.

Himeko said lightly.

"Don't worry, it won't... Even if I'm dead... I won't let you die either.

Himeko stared at Maple Leaf as if he was no longer the person he knew.

"Sister Meko, next, I hope you can keep it a secret for me.

Maple said to Himeko with a smile, and then picked up the blazing trial in his hand and suddenly stuck it on the ground.

"Bloom absorption.

He said indifferently.

Suddenly, the chaotic air currents around him instantly condensed into a ring, surrounding the maple leaves.

Immediately after that, in this area, the purple liquid slowly rose, converging around the maple leaves like a line. Even the purple energy in the First Law's body continued to flow into Maple Leaf's body in accordance with the steady air flow.

At that moment, it seemed that the missiles operated by the First Law had lost their original effectiveness.

Himeko looked at everything in front of her in shock, she knew very well what this purple energy was.

Himeko looked at Maple Leaf in disbelief, she never thought that Maple Leaf, who had been with her for a long time, would be able to absorb the deadliest Honkai Energy for humans.

"Maple Leaf... You—

" "Roar!"

A roar instantly gave the most terrifying roar between heaven and earth.

At this time, purple lines gradually appeared on the face and body of the maple leaf.

[Honkai Energy Concentration: 15%] (Rising)

A familiar panel appeared in front of Maple Leaf again, and at this time, he only glanced at it.

Suddenly, a sharp pain rushed over him.

The whole body began to twitch and shake non-stop.


A mouthful of blood fell suddenly. Immediately afterwards, the arms began to be alienated to varying degrees.

"Maple Leaf! you are—

" "Beyond time and space. He

said again.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to slow down unusually slowly, like a frame by frame.

Maple Leaf picked up the blazing trial and swept it away.

The scorching red wave cut through countless missiles in the air in an instant.

Boom! The

huge explosion exploded in the air in an instant, like a spectacular explosion feast.

Countless explosives rained down like meteors everywhere around.

Himeko looked at all this in shock, as if this battle was no longer beyond the control of mortals.

Maple Leaf once again galloped to the side of the First Lawgiver at a very fast speed, slashing sideways with the momentum.

It looked like it was about to be cut off, but a transparent protective shield blocked the attack from Maple Leaf.

Seeing this, the First Lawgiver did not hesitate at all, and instantly constructed a highly lethal railgun, and immediately began to shoot at close range, seemingly not worried about harming himself at all.

A huge bombardment at close range pierced directly through the waist of Maple Leaf.

If it weren't for the fact that absorbing the Honkai strengthens itself and makes it react quickly, this blow might have killed you on the spot.

Himeko watched Maple Leaf fight back and forth with the First Lawgiver, and couldn't help but worry that the form that Maple Leaf maintained might not last long, and it was estimated that it would be very disadvantageous to fall into a protracted battle.

At this time, Maple Leaf, who was fighting on the side, had also thought of this.

So he clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, and injected all of his Honkai energy into the Blazing Trial, turning on the zero rated power.

A sense of extreme oppression came to his face, constantly condensing on this blazing trial.

The First Lawgiver seems to have instinctively sensed an extremely dangerous presence.

As a result, a myriad of weapons were constructed, including railguns, cruise missiles, and all sorts of new weapons.

However, at this time, Maple Leaf's eyes showed a purple shimmer.

"Blazing Trial, zero power rating. Flame out of the sheath!"

The giant fiery trial ignited in an instant, and the raging flames erupted like magma.

Then, a split fell.

All the weapons constructed by the original First Lawgiver burst into flames, and an explosive feast was born in the air.

And the moment it touches the shield of the First Lawgiver, it is directly broken.

As the fiery trial slashed towards the set target, the moment it touched the ground, the extreme heat rose up. A ring-shaped pillar of fire engulfed the entire body of the First Lawgiver.

Maple Leaf watched the First Lawgiver being submerged in the pillar of fire, and sighed in his heart.

Suddenly, a strong pain instantly invaded his brain, and his entire body began to twitch again.

In less than a second, the skin of the body appeared cracks of varying degrees, and blood was dripping.


A mouthful of blood suddenly spat out.

Maple Leaf fell to the ground in an instant, and Himeko on the side hugged him in time.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Maple Leaf, it's okay.

Himeko looked at the maple leaf who had fainted and kept saying.

However, just when they thought it was all over, a missile instantly struck Himeko from a distance.


A loud explosion rang out again, igniting billowing smoke.

"Ahem... Ahem.

Himeko, who fell to the ground, stood up in the thick smoke.

Even though she dodged the missile attack, the powerful explosion made her dizzy and her ears were bleeding.

As the smoke cleared, Himeko couldn't help but be a little shocked when he looked at the scene in front of him.

I didn't expect that the First Lawgiver was still alive!, but if you look closely, it seems that he only has one breath left.

It's just that in a daze, the first lawyer still crushes Himeko with an absolute advantage.

A variety of weapon constructs gradually appeared around the First Law.

Himeko couldn't help but smile as he looked at the scene in front of him. Then he picked up the big sword in his hand and pointed at the First Lawgiver again.

Countless missiles came at Himeko, and at that moment it was as if everything was no longer real.

"Him... Himeko...... Listen...... Hear it... ? "

I... I'm a trace... Suddenly

, a familiar voice came into her ears. But at this moment, Himeko, who was deaf, could no longer hear what he was saying.

But when she saw that the missiles flying in the sky were being intercepted one by one at the moment, she already had the answer in her heart.


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