"Whew... Whew..."

The inside of the exercise ground, which simulates the urban environment, has been reduced to ruins in the fierce battle between the two sides not long ago.

Origami hides behind the ruins and uses [Random Domain] to enhance her vision, observing the petite girl with a single blue ponytail suspended above the ruins from an angle that will not be discovered.

Although the most memorable thing about the [Random Domain] is its powerful defense, it also has the effect of strengthening the abilities of the people in the field, as the name suggests, [Arbitrary Domain].

A person who is equipped with a manifestation device to open up a random realm is called a magician.

The strength of the arbitrary realm is determined by the amount of magic power of the magician, and the amount of magic is determined by the processing power of the brain.

And being able to be the world's fifth-ranked magician, Shina's random realm strength and magic power origami finally have the most intuitive feeling

... Not long after the exercise began, all nine AST team members had been defeated, except for himself.

Feeling Zhenna's overwhelming strength, at this time, if she was able to hunt elves alone, the team members who had experienced fighting with her would probably agree.

"The rest of you, no matter which direction you attack from, come out quickly, otherwise the time will be almost up~" The

girl was dressed in a prototype manifestation device with a double shield, which was quite different from Origami and the basic manifestation device of the team members, coupled with her powerful magic control skills, Origami knew that her hope of victory was infinitely close to zero.

But she didn't want to give up.


Origami flew at full speed in Shina's direction, throwing the propulsion device towards Shina with the help of thrust and the reinforcement of the random field.

"In this direction? But if it's a sneak attack... That's not enough!"

said Shina, smiling slightly.

"[Cluster Cloud] - Double-edged form. "

A huge blade of light appeared at the tip of the twin shields, slicing off the incoming items.


"It's now!"

In an instant, origami appeared behind Shina.


Shina was slightly surprised, she was already so close, and she didn't feel the collision of the random realm just now, could it be that she closed

the random realm? Origami compressed the random realm to the extreme, covering the lightsaber [No Pain], and slashed towards the blind spot of Shina's perspective.

But when it comes into contact with the manifestation device on the surface of the real body, it is no longer possible to move forward, let alone actually cause damage.

At the same time, his body could no longer move, and was fixed in mid-air by an invisible force.

"How could it be ——!"

Origami knew that Shina's casual realm was extremely powerful in all aspects, but he didn't expect that it would be difficult for him to move in his casual realm by compressing the casual realm to such an extent, and his expression couldn't help but flash a trace of bitterness.

Such an opponent, if it was Mu Qing, would she be able to defeat it?"

It's really dangerous, if your magic is any stronger, Sergeant Iris, maybe I'll lose. "

That's the truth.

"But it's a pity, General.

Shina slowly turned around and pressed the blade of light against Origami's shoulder.

"The exercise is over, Second Lieutenant Shina Chongmiya wins!" At

the same time, the origami communicator and the exercise ground resounded with such a voice.

"Even to this extent, you can't beat ... It's a girl who has killed an elf..."

Liaozi, who was watching everything in the exercise ground from a distance, couldn't help but sigh.

On the second day, AST gathered as usual to watch the video of the battle with the elves in the earlier days.

According to the captain, this "learning from the past" can increase the combat power against the elves.

Of course, the purpose of this is more to show Zhenna, so that she can have a general understanding of the elves that appear in the area of Tiangong City.

There are also a small number of reasons... It's because Origami and Shina didn't grasp the "degree" in yesterday's drill and broke all the expensive equipment, so they simply didn't let the AST team members practice.

After yesterday's battle, the team members understood that this girl who looked no more than 15 years old was a real first-class magician and a genius.

Because of this, the team members also respect him very much, which makes Shina very embarrassed.

The video was playing from now on, until she saw AST fighting [Princess], but Shina's gaze was strangely attracted by an inconspicuous boy next to [Princess], and she murmured unconsciously.


Is it your brother? But I've never heard of Shidao or your sister.

Origami, who was sitting next to Shina, was a little puzzled and pointed at the boy with short blue hair on the screen.

"Huh, do you know my brother?!"

Shina opened her mouth wide in excitement, turned around and held Origami's hand tightly.

"Where does he live now?and, what kind of relationship do you have with your brother?"

"If you tell me more later, of course I'll give you an answer... As for my relationship with Shidao... It's lovers. "

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