"It was judged that the battle could not continue, and the simulation training ended. Accompanied

by electronic sounds, the simulated scene faded away, revealing the original appearance of the room.

"Goo... Sure enough, I'm still not strong enough now..."

The origami dressed in the manifestation device slowly climbed up from the metal floor.

The white-haired girl was scarred, but she didn't care.

"I'm like this... How could it be possible to protect Shidao and Mu Qing..."


The door to the simulated war room was opened, and a capable woman with a single black ponytail walked in, followed by a petite woman with a double ponytail on the side.

"Captain, what's the matter?"

The person who came was none other than Captain Hisakabe.

"Origami, this is the newcomer I mentioned to you yesterday, Miki Megumi Okayamine. When

the petite woman heard her name being mentioned, she quickly bowed to the origami, and said in a bit of panic.

"Hello Sergeant Ichi Origami! I'm a first-class soldier assigned from Lu Zi to Tiangong City today, Mikie Okayamine, please give me a lot of advice!"


Origami nodded, what a powerful word... But I always feel a little unnatural, is it nervous?"

"Origami, you are the only team member who is still training at the headquarters this holiday today, so the task of Miki Megumi's first sparring simulation battle will be handed over to you in a moment.

Liaozi smiled.

"Don't be negligent, this recruit's performance on the Apparatus Aptitude Test is said to be quite good. "

Is that so... I understand...... But why don't you, captain—

" "I'm going to watch the record performance.

Liaozi said with a serious expression.

Although in fact, I also want to be lazy, which is also one of the reasons.

“...... Good.

Ryoko walked out of the mock war room, leaving Origami and Miki Megumi indoors, and the two of them stood on either side of the room while summoning the manifestation device.

"Origami-senpai! Although this is the first time I've shown a device sparring, please give me a lot of advice!" Miki

Megumi was obviously quite nervous, so much so that she held the standard lightsabar in a very strange position.

Looking at such a girl, Origami smiled and nodded.

"I see. "


In the end, Origami defeated Miki Megumi even without using [Random Field].

And from beginning to end, Mikie's attacks didn't hit Origami.

In the end, because in the process, Miki Megumi stepped on the small stone simulated by the facility and twisted her foot and fell to the ground, and was urgently stopped by Liaozi...

"Alas, while wearing a manifestation device and summoning [Random Domain], you will be twisted to your feet by a stone... You should be the first one in the history of AST, right?Did I hear the high score on the test?"

Woooooooooo I'm sorry...... Captain, I... It's very easy to have stage fright, it doesn't matter if you take exams or anything like that, once you face actual combat, your whole body is almost immobile..."

Miki Megumi lay on the ground, looking pitiful.

"But!Someday, I'll be stronger!I'll be able to help others!Please, Origami senior!Please train again!" The

girl stood up with a lightsaber, her eyes revealing strength.

"Someday... Scold...... I guess you have a reason to be stronger, well, then I'll be a little more serious.

Origami activates the lightsaber, and the blade of the hot sword is pointed at Mikie.

"I'll do everything I can to train you until you don't die easily on the battlefield.

At this moment, the terrifying momentum emanating from Origami's body shocked Mikie and couldn't help but shudder, gritted her teeth, and raised her lightsaber as well.

"Thank you origami senior!" Looking

at the two people with high fighting spirits, Liaozi was quite satisfied.

"Well, it's been rumored that AST players have been attacked recently, and it's great that someone is willing to train new recruits to improve their strength. But...... Origami, remember not to go overboard. "

Got it. "


At night, origami returned home.

"Mom. "

Origami is back, it's been so late in training at AST today. A

tall-looking woman with beautiful long white hair sat on a sofa in the living room and quickly responded to the sound of origami.

"Your dad hasn't come back from overtime tonight, so keep your share in the refrigerator and heat it up in the microwave.

Origami's mother noticed that Origami had obvious scars on her body, and although she was a little distressed, she didn't say it.

This is the path she has chosen, and it is what she and her husband look forward to and support.

Now, like the one she used to be, she is a member of the AST team, which is enough to make the couple proud.

"Well, okay, I have class tomorrow, I'll take a shower after my meal and go to bed.

Origami smiled and nodded at her mother, then put the food in the microwave to heat it up, and took a quick shower while it was time to heat up.

When everything was done, origami went to bed.

The author is great: "The plot that started here comes from the official gaiden comic "Dating Attack", you can go to Baidu to take a look, it's also very good!".

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