"Erwin, what's

the situation?" "Boss, now the infection in the entire Sky City has been temporarily controlled, but the current situation is still not optimistic.

"The Honkai disease paralyzed most of the hospitals in Changkong City, and a small number of infected people became dead.

Jons shook his legs, his hands tapping his sleeves from time to time.

At the moment, this situation is really difficult for him to manage.

After all, only a handful of people were infected with Honkai disease. Now, overnight, the number of infections has skyrocketed, and the number of infections has instantly exceeded the previous number.

Not only that, but this also made the long-silent word of Honkai disease appear in front of the public for the first time.

This situation will also increase people's awareness of Honkai, and it may even lead to the difficulty of hiding the secrets of Honkai.

And all this is the last thing that those at the top want to see.

"Jons, long time no see.

A familiar voice interrupted Jons' thoughts.

"Ahaha, Haas, it's been a long time.

With a smile on his face, Jons hugged his former friend.

"Hey, can't

you change the way you greet you?" "Look at what you said, this represents the friendship between the two of us. The

two of them greeted each other with a smile and a smile.

"How do you feel now? After a few years of contemplation, have the shackles in my heart been lifted?"

"The past few years have made me deeply aware of my own heart, and I think I have the answer.

Jons couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart as he listened to the shackles of his former teammates let go, and patted him on the shoulder from time to time.

Erwin on the side quietly looked at Haas in front of him, he had a little impression of this person.

The most famous medical scientist of the Fire Chasing Moth has a unique insight in the field of human medicine, and some people even call him a titan in the medical field.

And his research on Honkai disease can be described as extremely in-depth. But for some unknown reason, he suddenly disappeared from the moth of fire one day.

Although everyone was not surprised by Haas's sudden disappearance, this time the disappearance was extraordinarily long. Some people say that he has been infected by the Honkai disease, and others say that he will inevitably do something earth-shattering when he returns.

Now, Haas's return seems to have developed a miracle drug that can cure and even alleviate the dead.

"Haas, it's up to you to do the rest.

"Don't worry, I know a little bit about the study of Honkai.

Hearing this, Jons couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder.


"Fire Chaser

?" "Is that some kind of special organization?"

Sue looked at Maple Leaf with a little confusion, and then at Kevin.

And this unfamiliar name is also helpless for Kevin, after all, he himself doesn't know.

At this time, Maple Leaf also knew the situation of Kevin and Su, but he was not in a hurry to answer, but kept looking at the other person in front of him - Mei.

"I think this organization should be a little better for May.

Maple Leaf's words instantly caught the attention of Kevin and Sue, who looked at them with curious and questioning faces.

"To be honest, I don't know much about the Fire Chaser Moth. Just know some basic information. As a combat organ of military significance of the United Nations, it specializes in dealing with the occurrence of some special incidents.

Kevin listened to May's explanation, and in fact, he summed it up as a military agency that specializes in dealing with special situations.

"The agency that deals with the special situation, could it be that everything that is happening in Changkong City right now?"

Maple Leaf was silent, and did not answer Sue's words, but greeted him with a smile.

"Maple Leaf, I really didn't expect it. At first, I thought you were just a fan like me, but it turned out to be hidden. "

Kevin, don't just look at the surface. Don't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things.

Kevin looked at him speechlessly.

"Then I want to ask, what are you here for, just because you know Kevin?"

said Mei indifferently.

However, Maple Leaf on the side did not answer immediately, but looked at Mei with interest. However, in the next second, Kevin was directly in front of him.

"Uh... Well, I'll get straight to the point this time. May, I would like to invite you to join the Fire Chaser Moth.

As soon as these words came out, Kevin and Su who were present instantly felt a little surprised.

"May, I admire you.

Kevin couldn't sit still in his heart when he heard this, and looked at Maple Leaf with an imposing boyfriend image.

"Kevin, don't get me wrong. I admire May's talent, her abilities and wisdom are the most valuable treasures of the Fire Chasers. I know that you are going to Mu Dalu to give a speech soon, but I don't think this is necessary, and your talent should stay in the Fire Chasing Moth.

"May, you have your own unique perspective on scientific research. I've looked at your profile, and the theories are unique in a variety of fields. Therefore, it is this kind of talent that the Moth of Fire wants. Maple

Leaf said enthusiastically.

At this moment, Kevin and Sue were a little incredible, they didn't expect Maple Leaf to give Mei such a high evaluation.

"May, I know what your heart wants. As long as you join the Fire Chaser Moth, you will receive any funding and you will be able to get a glimpse of everything in this world and even the truth you seek.

Mei silently listened to everything that Maple Leaf had given, and instead of responding immediately, she kept pondering.

"Kevin, what is your dream?" Maple

Leaf suddenly said to the two.

Kevin and Sue looked at each other and didn't say anything.

"Hmm... If you don't want to say it, you don't have to. But I tell you, whatever your dreams may be, in this age of dying, everything will be in vain. Everything will be empty and sink into the abyss. Maple

Leaf changed his usual hippie playfulness, staring at the three people in front of him with his eyes tightly, and there seemed to be a kind of piercing majesty.

"What does that mean?" said

Kevin, unsteadily.

However, at this moment, there was a glimmer of light in Mei's eyes, as if she understood something from Maple Leaf's words.

At this time, some kind of white light flashed next to Maple Leaf's ears again.

After a while, the originally majestic face suddenly dimmed.

"Ahem. I can give you a day to think about it, and I hope you take it seriously. With

that, he jumped straight down the window.

Kevin and Sue looked at Maple Leaf in shock.

The two of them didn't expect Maple Leaf to jump directly at all.,The outer wall of this school park is very high.。

Boom ~

A strong rumbling sound instantly ignited the entire Thousand Feather School Park,For a while, many students looked out the window at what was happening。

I saw a white fighter plane appear in front of everyone, and a man sat on it.

Kevin and Sue stared dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Because, the one sitting on the fighter plane was the maple leaf that jumped from the window just now.

"I hope you will think about it, and even though it is only one day, I am confident that you will make a satisfactory choice. I'll come back to you again!" Maple

Leaf said loudly. Then,The fighter left the Thousand Feathers School Park in an instant.。

Only a group of students are left to discuss in silence, and even in the near future, this matter may become the most mysterious event.

"Kevin, Sue, gone.

Mei on the side said to the two.

Seeing this, Su didn't continue to wait and see, and walked away from the window. Kevin was the only one left here.

At this time, he said silently: "cool~".

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