"Marks, how is it now?"

"It's so difficult, this group of people is amazing. It's so hard to do things without thinking at all.

Himeko and the rest of the team hid under the eaves of the roof.

This was already the safer area they were looking for, and it was unlikely that anyone would come.

Today, they are located in the suburban town of Yakutsk in southern Siberia, the village of Tsla

, which is covered with snow and ice all year round, but tourism and folk culture are extremely prosperous, and there are still ancient relics and even rare animals from that time.

For Himeko and Scar, the current village of Chra has undergone a drastic change.

Almost all of the inhabitants have become believers in the collapse of the faith.

When they first arrived, many of the villagers had already built various defenses.

These defenses seem to have been designed in the first place to deal with the arrival of the Fire Chaser Moth.

Surrounded by many villagers, Himeko and Scar tugged at each other. However, these ignorant villagers threatened with their own lives, which made them give up and withdraw from the village of Chra and hide on the other side.

Originally, the two of them were going to want Qiao Zhuang to enter the village again to find out, but these villagers discovered the clues at a glance as if they had opened their perspective, resulting in the failure of every operation.

"It's so reactive right now, we have to think of something else.

"Himeko, I want to, too. But these villagers are really outrageous, they don't even want their own lives in order to defend against us. This...... Pure foolish behavior.

Himeko shook his head helplessly, helpless for the villagers themselves.

"That's right, marks. Was there anything else on that card

?" "Anything else?"

"I remember, like, there was a company. Be...... Siberia...... What what factory?

""Siberian Technical Printing Plant.

Himeko said lightly in accordance with the scar's words.

"Himeko, is it difficult, do you want to?"

"Well, if you can't break through here, then you have to go to this printing house.

Himeko and Scarlet gestured to each other, and with a single nod they knew who was going to do the task.

In this way, he led a small group of people to the Siberian printing house, where Himeko watched the changes.


"Maple Leaf, now is not the time for you to mess around!" Ling

Shuang grabbed Maple Leaf's ear and kept talking about the importance of safety.

"Oh, no. Sister Ling, how about you save some face for me.

"Face is more important or life is more important. On the battlefield, everything must be under command, do you still think that you have too many lives?"

Ling Shuang overwhelmed Maple Leaf with absolute momentum and strength.

At this moment, Elysia on the side and everyone were laughing from ear to ear.

People who were originally a little confused about the relationship between the two are also like waking up from a dream because of this, there is no doubt that these two are pure mother-son relationships.

"Oh, Sister Ling, don't pull it, it hurts to death.

"Next time, you won't be obedient

!" "Listen! Listen! Whatever you say, you will never go west!" Ling

Shuang listened silently, put his hands on his shoulders, and said resolutely: "Maple Leaf, you are my brother." I can't let anything happen to you no matter what. I...... I really can't lose you anymore, can you promise my sister to cherish your life.

Maple Leaf looked at Ling Shuang, although his tense face was full of seriousness, the shaking of his eyes and the loss of concentration seemed to make him feel a trace of warmth.

“...... Good.

He choked up a word.


A phone call suddenly rang, interrupting the atmosphere at this time.

"Hey, I'm Ling Shuang. "

Frost, we've captured the people who put an unknown liquid, and they're smuggling across the river. My troops will be there soon, and I hope you will be able to intercept them. "


As soon as the words fell, Ling Shuang changed his state just now, and he said to the rest of the group: "I don't need to say anything more, let's go now

!" "Yes!"

The team members shouted loudly.

Soon, they piloted the fighter plane to the coastal port of Changkong City.

It is the most prosperous port in the entire city and the only way to connect to the sea lane. Many smugglers have reached the city near Changkong City through this sea transport.

"Captain, there are too many people in the port now, it's hard to find out.

"Indeed, although the entire port has now entered a state of lockdown, it is still extremely troublesome to search for them one by one in the case of a large number of people. "

Ling Shuang, I have a solution.

Elysia said.

However, in the next second, he was directly ravaged by Ling Shuang.

"If you want to call Sister Ling, do you know

~" "Oh~ Okay, Sister Ling."

Ling Shuangmei's smile appeared on her face, and now there was another sister.

"I think that since a certain liquid they put in is responsible for the frequent occurrence of Honkai disease, then this liquid may have a lot of Honkai energy in itself. "

Ellie, what do you mean—

" "That's right, Maple Leaf. Since it has Honkai energy, and these people are Honkai Faith. I think they're going to have something left, and for people whose faith is broken, they're not going to put it all out. And that's the kind of thing that we can detect with the Honkai Energy Meter. This will be more efficient.

Ling Shuang listened to Elysia's explanation in shock, she didn't expect this method.

"Ellie, you're really a brainstorm, why didn't I think of it.

"Hmph╯^╰, I'm pretty good.

Elysia said without any modesty.

"But we don't have a Honkai Energy Detector right now.

"Maple leaf, don't worry about this. Originally, Command was going to send a doctor to help us, and this happened to coincide with this incident.

"The most important thing for us right now is to get these people under control and then look at every area, no area can be spared.

Maple Leaf looked at Ling Shuang and nodded.

Subsequently, Ling Shuang, Maple Leaf, and Elysia's teams joined forces with the Changkong City Armed Forces of the emergency organization to carry out all-round sub-control management and inspection of the port at this stage.

No entry or exit is allowed in this area.

You can only pass until the Moth of Fire has delivered the instrument and inspected it.

At this time, another voice suddenly came from the ears of Maple Leaf, who was far away.

"Report, Captain Kaede, we've arrived in Canghai City now. When

Maple Leaf heard this, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, do as I said before. Find her. "

Understood. "

Oh, yes. Another point, call me captain in the future, don't add a maple word in front of it, it will make me look crazy. "

Understood. "

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