"Hello, we are the Moths of Fire that belong to the United Nations. I'm Maple Leaf. "

Call me Raymond, I'm the chief of this village. "

Nice to meet you.

Maple looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Is there anything you're doing here?"

"It's not a big deal, except that we've detected a peculiar energy fluctuation in the area, so we're here to check it out." Rest assured, it won't take too much time and it will be over soon. The

village chief listened silently to Maple Leaf's words, and from his tone and actions, he didn't seem to show any hostility.

"Village Chief, don't worry. We didn't mean anything malicious, we just wanted to check it out. "


Raymond replied slowly.

Then, everyone in the village was gathered in the central square.

Maple Leaf carefully looked at everything in front of him, and at this time, a woman led many children to appear in his field of vision.

And he also found the person he wanted to meet among the many children.

"You continue to inspect the entire area. "

Yes, Captain.

After the arrangement was made, Maple Leaf walked straight towards the group of children.

"Mother Selia, someone is coming towards us.

Elysia said, leaning beside her.

"Hmph, that thing knows it's not a good person at first glance. Ellie, Mother Selia, if he comes here, I won't even beat him as a pig's head. "

Marianne, don't do that.

Elysia hurriedly stopped her, but she didn't listen.

At this time, the maple leaf had already come to their side.

Elysia looked at the person in front of her, and for some reason he didn't feel like a bad person, but had a gentle aura.

"Hey, stop. If you dare to go any further, I'll break your legs.

Marianne was the first to speak.

Maple looked at the weak girl in front of her, although she was very young, she was not inferior to an adult at all in terms of momentum.

"Marianne, you come over to me. How to speak.

Selia's mother on the side tugged at her ears and said with a little reprimand.

"I'm sorry, this kid is like this, no matter how much he persuades him, he can't be obedient. "

Haha, it's okay, it's okay. The vigor of children is just the nourishment for their growth, and it's okay. Maple

said with a smile, and then took out the candy that had been prepared.

"Here, it's delicious, one for each person. With

that, Maple Leaf distributed candy to the rest of the children, but none of them were willing to take it, even if they were very eager for it. After all, strangers' stuff can't be eaten.

"It's okay, take it.

With Serya's mother's response, many children were able to happily pick up the candy in Maple Leaf's hand.

"You can't eat it! This guy is not a good person at first glance, and he must not eat it!" Marianne

said strongly, but the next second, Seria's mother directly covered her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

It's okay, it's okay. Kid, that's all.

After that, the two got to know each other about the current situation and chatted a few words.

At this moment, Elysia is holding the candy in her hand, and its appearance is the head of a panda, which is very cute.

"What, Ellie, isn't it delicious?"

"Ahh I was thinking that if I finished eating this thing, it seemed that there would be no more~

" "Haha, don't worry. Ellie, if you want this, I can give you a few more. "

Ahh Well.

With that, Elysia began to suck on the sweetness of the candy.


"No, this is the latest candy to come out. The sweetness is suitable, and the appearance is also very beautiful.

At this point, Maple Leaf was interested in talking about things outside of this world, which couldn't help but attract Elysia's attention.

Marianne looked at him a little puzzled, but finally dismissed her thoughts.

Elysia listened carefully to Maple Leaf's story about the outside world, and at that moment her heart seemed to become more determined.

At this moment, a member of the team came to his side.

"Report, Captain. Examination was completed, and no unknown energy was found.

"Okay. "

Next, do you want to test the crowd?"

Except for the child, everyone else should be tested. "

Understood. With

that, the people of the village began to be tested.

And Maple Leaf was entrusted by Selia's mother to take care of this group of children temporarily.

"That's... That—"

Elysia tugged at the corner of his coat.

"What's wrong? Ellie?"

"That's... What are you guys doing?"

"Well... Secret. "

Maple Leaf put on a mysterious look. Elysia, on the other hand, puffed out her cheeks, visibly angry.

"I won't tell you this, but I can tell you something else.

Elysia suddenly changed her previous state.

"I know that you want to go out, you want to leave your own footprints in this world, on this continent. But when you actually leave, and you really understand what the world is really like, will you regret your choice?"

Maple said to Elysia in a Q&A manner.

"No, it won't. Because that's the choice Ellie made, and it's what I really want.

Elysia's words couldn't help but make Maple Leaf a little shocked.

Maybe that's what Alysia has to say.

Maple looked at her with a smile and said no more.

As time passes, the task of Maple Leaf has been completed. Then they left the village.

Elysia looked at Maple Leaf's departure, remembering his appearance and the silver-white moth in her heart.

A few days after Maple Leaf and the others left, Elysia once again embarked on her own path.

Although I don't know what the future holds, I still have to move forward on the path I have chosen.


The afterglow of the morning slowly rose, and the warmth shone over Elysia's body.

She slowly woke up from her sleep and walked to the window to look at the scenery in front of her.

At that time, the rising sun was spreading over the earth with its gentle soft light.

The originally silent scenery was instantly full of life.

After experiencing the Second Lawgiver incident, Elysia still has no regrets about her original choice, because it was Ellie's own choice, because it was her own experience.

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