"Captain, what are they doing?" said

the team member next to him, confused.

At this time, Himeko did not respond, but quietly watched as the villagers of Tsla Village were gradually withdrawing the trap that was originally used to restrain the Fire Chasing Moth.

This was followed by the decoration of the motif, which is a minaret-like plant motif.

"We haven't moved, and they probably thought we were gone, so they went back to the way we were. But another possibility is not ruled out, these patterns are welcoming someone's arrival.

"Then we should hurry into this village?"

"Don't worry, just wait and see. If anyone really wants to enter this village, then this is the only way to go. "

Understood. With

that, let the rest of the team members hide around, and they can be arrested immediately as soon as they give an order.

At the same time, the other side.

"Hello, subordinate to the anti-entropy reporter, trace. "

Hello, I'm the owner of this factory, just call me Lao Bi. The

two men gestured to each other.

In order to hide his eyes, Scar came to the Siberian printing house alone at this time, and the rest of the team scattered around to ambush nearby.

And as a reverse entropy reporter, he came to ask about the village of Czla.

After the casual greetings, the mark directly indicated his intention.

"I see, you want to know about this card. "

That's right, I hope you'll cooperate.

Lao Chao looked carefully at the card in front of him.

"To be honest, I don't really know much about this card. I remember that the guest was very mysterious, and they had already left the money at my door when they came. And I agreed to all his requests without thinking. "

Do you remember what he looked like or whatever?"

"As I said, this guy is very mysterious, and he can't see his face clearly when he is dressed in black.

Listening quietly to his explanation, if this is the case, this is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack, and there is no way to start.

"Oh, yes. I remember one thing when I asked him what he wanted to engrave on the card. He told me to ask for a plant. "


"Right. I remember asking him what that meant, and he just said, "Moths to the fire and purify."

Scar listened to Lao Chao's words in shock, as if he understood something from his words.

Could it be that his goal is

the Moth of Fire? No? Purification and Moth

Scarlet Thinking carefully, it seems that this new religion not only worships Honkai, but also retains hatred for the Moth of Fire.

It's no wonder that the villagers met each other directly as soon as they saw the Fire Chasing Moth.

Subsequently, Trace and Lao Tan also chatted about the village of Cira at one time.

And he also learned from here that an inexplicable virus appeared in the original village of Chra Village, which swept through the entire village in an instant overnight.

Everyone became bedridden, dying in as little as a day or as long as a week.

This has brought great disaster to the village of Chrla.

However, at this time, a strange man arrived.

It brought a ray of life to the village, but the good times were short-lived, and the medicine developed by strangers was limited, and this only relieved the pain of the patients.

It seems that because of the blessing of God, a child appeared in this village, and his blood could cure the occurrence of this virus.

When they learned of this secret, they tied him to a pillar and offered his blood to comfort all the people of the village of Tsla.

Eventually, for some unknown reason, the child and the stranger disappeared into the village.

The shock in his heart stabilized, he didn't expect this matter to develop like this.

"How do you know this?"

"Because, I'm the one who survived."

The old man sighed meaningfully.

"You survived?"

"Hehe, am I surviving..."

, he rolled up his sleeves, and saw that the purple lines had already covered his entire arm, which showed that he had no cure at this moment.

"It's... Fate. His blood could be cured, but it was only delayed.

Scar looked at him quietly.

"Rest assured, we will definitely find a solution. With

that, he thanked him again and left, and he just shook his head.

"Hey, Himeko. "

What's wrong?" Marks

told Himeko all about what had happened in the village.

"What do you mean?"

"I think there's a good chance that the village is the one who will take revenge. And, do you have the impression that the Fire Chaser did seem to have sent someone to the village and that it seemed to be some kind of doctor?


Himeko thought carefully, but couldn't remember who that person

was in the first place, and just as she was about to ask Jons, the team members suddenly interrupted him.

"Captain, the man is here.

Himeko watched as a dilapidated car slowly approached the village of Czla, and the closer she got, the more she could see the car's overall appearance.

"Everyone, smoke grenades are ready. "

Understood. "

Five, four, three, two...",

Himeko cautiously counted down.


As soon as the words fell, the Fire Chaser Moth hiding in the shadows instantly burst out several smoke bombs, and for a moment the scene fell into a thick smoke.

Under the thick smoke, the villagers of Czla Village panicked.

What followed was the attack of the Himeko team, the Moth of Fire.

Himeko picked up his pistol and shot at the tires of the car, then came to the door at great speed and dropped the driver down.

Then he went to the door of the truck and opened it.

But who knows, at the moment of contact, an extremely strong noise instantly pierced Himeko's ears, and the radio communication device was also destroyed at this moment.

The loud noise made Himeko and the rest of the team feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly opened.

Himeko looked at what was in front of him in shock, and for a moment he was a little incredulous.

"Everyone, stop attacking!" a

loud voice told all the nearby players.

Immediately afterward, Himeko stepped back step by step, but in her eyes there was not fear but fear and worry.

As time passed, the smoke bombs gradually dissipated here.

The villagers who were originally rioting saw that there was another fire moth in front of them, so they started their traditional arts again.

And at this moment, Himeko is also here to witness, the mastermind behind all this.

"How is it?, what about the things that the sect leader has prepared for you?"

As soon as the words fell, the original carriage split from the top in an instant.

The powerful cracking sound instantly startled the villagers who were originally making trouble.

At this moment, a giant energy device appeared in front of everyone.

When the villagers saw the device, they knelt down as if to worship their faith.

"Do you want to die with us?"

"Haha, how can I die with the moths of fire. "

Who the hell are you, what is your purpose?"

"I'm just a small character, just dedicated to the cause of the Master. He

said impassionedly.

"Oh, yes, there's one more thing. Leader, let me bring you a word. Haas, I only respect you in this life.

With that, he bowed deeply to Himeko in place of the Sect Master.

However, at this moment, Himeko's face was full of shock.

Before she could digest it, the believer pulled open her clothes, and a circle of explosives appeared in front of her.

"All for the sake of the sect leader!" he

said, and directly ignited the explosives.

"Himeko! Get out of the way!"

a loud bang came with an explosion.

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