Fire Moth Command Room:

Jons stands beside Erwin, sucking on the cigarette in his hand, and occasionally exhaling a distinctive smoke that seems to be enjoying the moment.

"Boss, can you please not spit smoke at me?"

"Why? Could it be that you don't like it, I remember you also smoke, this little smoke should be nothing." "

Even if I smoke, who can stand it, you blow it directly in my face!" Erwin

complained speechlessly about the dissatisfaction in his heart.

However, Jons ignored him and continued to look at the computer screen in front of him.

"What's the situation?"

Elwin shook his head helplessly, and then said, "Now all the members of the Fire Chaser Moth have retreated from Sky City and Canghai City. Except for Elysia and Ling Shuang, who were seriously injured, the rest of the team members were all slightly injured.

Jons listened quietly and did not answer.

"In addition, the weapons consumed in this operation, as well as the various expenditures and even the data of the reconstruction mission, are here.

Erwin opened the confidential folder and was greeted by an excess record of data.

Jons looked at the materials silently, he didn't expect that the two Great Collapses had almost emptied all of the Fire Chaser Moth's weapons.

With the exception of special and expensive ammunition, the most common ammunition was almost drastically reduced during these two collapses.

Not only that, but the casualties caused by the Third Lawgiver this time were much higher than the injuries caused by the Second Lawgiver.

"Boss, the damage caused by the Third Law this time is far more than that. Its effects have reached the whole world.

Erwin opened the information material on the other side.

What greeted him was all kinds of unbelievable news, and even a series of videos of various Honkai beasts and destruction.

"Sure enough, sooner or later, Honkai can't hide from anyone in this world.

Jons shook his head helplessly.

"Boss, there's actually a little more..."

"The destruction of Changkong City and Canghai City caused by this third collapse, we can be sure... Honkai is really getting stronger and stronger.

Jons looked at Erwin, and as he said, what should really be thinking about now is not this one thing, but how to improve the overall strength to deal with the next collapse.

"It's really a headache..."

At this time, the door of the combat command room was suddenly opened. Himeko, Maple Leaf, Scar, Bligh and others were greeted by him.

"Report, Fifth Squad Himeko, has returned.

"Team One, Scar, has returned.

"Fourth squad, Bligh has returned. "

The second squad for the time being, Captain Maple Leaf, has returned.

Jons quietly looked at the people in front of him, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

"You guys have had a very good fight.

"That's a must, our squads were specially created to fight against Honkai, no matter what kind of law it is, it's just easy to handle.

"You guy, what else can you do but laugh at yourself here?"

"Hey, you're lonely here, I have a lot of things to do besides this mouth." Maple

said to it unabashedly, but in the next second, she received a head-on blow from Himeko

, and this blow was not a small fight before, but a real punch.

Maple Leaf, whose face was full of grievances, couldn't do anything but look at Himeko quietly.

At this time, the scar on the side looked at him with a wicked smile, as if as long as he saw Maple Leaf being beaten, it would make him feel more comfortable.

"Don't be so light and heavy next time, understand?"


Jons and Erwin looked at the scene in front of them, and couldn't help but sigh that Maple Leaf could only be cured by Himeko and Ling Shuang.

"Jons, the body of the Third Lawgiver has been transported to the lab. In addition, this time several squads were injured together and the number of casualties exceeded the expected value, I want to temporarily help them..."


Understood. "

Alright, then, Bligh you stay alone, and the rest can go to rest."

At this time, when Maple Leaf heard the word rest, his originally sluggish spirit seemed to be sublimated, and he was awake again in an instant.

So, without saying a word, he immediately took Himeko's hand and hurried out of the combat command room.

However, Jons's words then interrupted him directly.

"Maple Leaf, after this break, don't forget to hand in a report. "


"If you say anything more, I promise none of you will want to rest.

As soon as the words fell, the mark standing nearby suddenly became nervous, and immediately came to Maple Leaf's side to cover his mouth.

"Rest assured, we will never say any more. "

Remember, the report explained to me why I brought a stranger to the Fire Chaser Moth without permission.

When Maple Leaf heard this, he suddenly understood something.

Himeko and Scar, on the other hand, looked at him suspiciously, when Maple Leaf had brought a stranger to the Fire Chase Moth.

"Ahh One thing to say, I actually discussed it with Dr. Mebius, so I didn't introduce it privately.

Maple Leaf looked at everyone embarrassedly.

However, he was greeted by Himeko's death-gazing eyes.

In fact, there is a clear rule in the Fire Chase Moth, and individuals cannot privately introduce or tell any information about the Fire Chase Moth.

"Even with Mebius's recommendation, it is forbidden to lead without permission and give away information about the Fire Chaser. This time, I won't bother with you, and I hope there will be no next time. "

Haha, good, good.

Maple Leaf nodded hurriedly and said.

The three of them then left the operations command room.

"Boss, Maple Leaf is doing quite well this time. The woman he had successfully recruited, I had heard of her before, was a top-notch genius, and even the many researchers of the Fire Chaser might not be as good as her.

"I know what you're saying, but rules are rules and can't be changed.

Jons said with a serious face.

Seeing this, Erwin on the side didn't say anything more.

At this moment, Bligh, who had been standing nearby, came to Jons.

"Commander, do you have anything to tell me about?"

"This third collapse has made the whole world aware of the great catastrophe that humanity has faced so far. Large-scale transmissions have been carried out around the world, so I sent you to various regions to conduct correlation surveys and pass on the information to me later. "

Understood. (


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