"You're actually giving me some trouble, aren't you?"

"Eh, there's no such thing as Sister Meko. I've just recommended a few geniuses.

At this time, Maple Leaf and Himeko were arguing with each other on the corridor of the Fire Moth, and even the marks on the side would pop out a few words from time to time.

After all, this incident really violated the rules of the Fire Moth.

If it weren't for the fact that he had just experienced the big battle, it was estimated that Jons would have thrown the maple leaf directly into the recruit reserve camp or thrown the fire moth in the next second.

"Maple Leaf, you'd better listen to Himeko. It is not permissible to accept the moth of fire privately.

"Well, marks, didn't I tell Dr. Mebius. Isn't that counted..."Before

Maple Leaf finished speaking, he saw Himeko on the side looking at him seriously.

In desperation, he had no choice but to say nothing and silently lowered his head.

"Okay, just remember this one. Besides, you say hello to Ling Shuang and Elysia for me, I won't go, there are some things that need to be dealt with. Mark

said again.

Himeko nodded in acknowledgement, and then left with a silent maple leaf.

After some time, the two of them were already in the hospital room of Elysia and Lingshuang.

I saw that Ling Shuang was lying on the bed at this time looking at the boundless scenery in the distance.

Clear blue sky and clouds, soft temperatures and color differences.

At this moment, Ling Shuang's heart was somehow clearer than ever, and there was even a sense of joy. This is the second time she has regained this emotion since the loss of her own brother.

At this time, she once again remembered the scene when Maple Leaf called her sister, a smile spread on her cheeks, and the joy that could not be concealed was fully displayed.

"Hey, Sister Ling, how do you feel?"

A familiar voice echoed in her ears, Ling Shuang looked at the maple leaf in front of her, and suddenly a hazy illusion occupied her eyes.

"Come here, Maple Leaf.

Ling Shuang said softly.

However, at this moment, Maple Leaf looked at her blankly, as if he was very puzzled if there was anything that he couldn't say directly, and he had to come to her by himself.

Although I was very puzzled, I finally came to her side.

But who knows, in the next second, Ling Shuang raised her body and stroked Maple Leaf's hair with her hand, enjoying it with a happy face.

Himeko looked at the two of them quietly and didn't say anything, although Maple Leaf on the side kept asking for help but she still chose to ignore it.

However, at this moment, she suddenly remembered another person.

What about Elysia?

Himeko glanced around and looked at the neat futon in front of him, but he didn't see Ellie.

Just as she was about to ask again, the door opened and a familiar shout rang out.

"Ah, Lingshuang, help!"

Elysia gasped and came to the side of the crowd, looking at the familiar people in front of her.


At this moment, Himeko looked at the situation in front of her in confusion, and for a while she was a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, several more people in white coats walked in.

Himeko looked at them quietly, and Ling Shuang and Maple Leaf on the side also looked at the few people in front of them.

The scene fell silent for a while, and the silence had taken away the lively atmosphere just now.

"Uh... That one...... Are you...?"

"Ahh (╥_╥)


medical specialist on the side said.

"That's... Himeko, I'm a health care specialist. Ellie's arm injury is serious, and if left untreated, it is likely to leave a hidden danger, so we are going to help her treat and bandage it, but she still won't cooperate with us..."

Himeko looked at her with an anxious and embarrassed expression.

"Ellie, what are you doing here, how can you be so disobedient when people help you treat

your injuries?" "Yes, Ellie, your injuries are so serious, it won't be cute to leave a scar when the time comes."

Himeko and Maple Leaf said one after another.

"I don't... I just don't... (งǒdishǒ)ง⁼³₌₃, I don't want my arms to be wrapped in bandages, it looks even worse. Moreover, it could not be a better activity.

Elysia replied with a little brutality and hugged Himeko's body tightly, as if she was not ready to let go.

For a while, this situation stumped Himeko and Maple Leaf.

After all, neither of them is willing to force this matter, but if the injury is not dealt with, it will inevitably leave hidden dangers in the future.

"Just listen to Ellie, she won't do it if she doesn't like it.

Ling Shuang said suddenly.

At this time, Elysia on the side immediately ran to Ling Shuang's bedside and hugged her body, and left not far away.

"Woo woo woo (⋟_⋞), it's still Ling Shuang who is the best for me.

Maple Leaf and Himeko looked at Elysia in front of them, and couldn't help but shake their heads helplessly, and then motioned for several medical specialists to leave first.

Ling Shuang stroked Elysia's hair, slowly soothing.

"Ellie, I don't think it looks good to bandage my arm. However, if the injured arm is left untreated, it will leave a scar, which you may have to keep forever, which is even worse than bandaging the arm. "

Woo (ó_ò. I know, but I just don't like it. Besides, my arm isn't serious, it's almost healed. "

It's okay, if you don't like it, we won't do it." Come, let me see your arm.

Elysia slowly pulled up her sleeves, revealing her slender and smooth arms, all of which had recovered except for a few wounds.

Ling Shuang looked at the situation in front of him, and the scene of the battle against the Third Lawgiver suddenly flashed in his mind.

She looked at Elysia with a smile.

"Who said that, the injury is serious. It's not a big problem, so you don't need to use this bandage, or it's more cute to keep it as it is.

Listening to Ling Shuang's words, Elysia was very happy in her heart.

Himeko and Maple looked at the two in front of them, and their hearts were naturally much more relaxed.


message suddenly came to Himeko's ears.



"Scar, can you be quieter, my ears can't stand this. "

Ahh Haha, I'm sorry, Himeko. "

It's okay, let's talk, what happened to you again?"

"That... Himeko, I'm shocking to you, Ellie's record has been overtaken


"Hey!Hey!Himeko!Himeko!Why don't you speak!

""That... Trace, you're arguing so loudly, that's why?"

Himeko said, slightly speechless.

"Yes, Himeko, aren't you surprised? Before, Maple Leaf broke the record, then it was Ellie, and now there is another one, this is outrageous!"


" "Is it possible, this is really a talent generation, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves

?" "Do you know what his name is?" "

Oh, it seems that it was the one that Maple Leaf brought over not long ago, called... Kevin. "


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