"That's... Koto, are you alright?"

Mu Qing and his party were sitting on the bench at the moment, and there was a face in the piano sitting on the bench, with "happy" written all over the face.

How to say it....

Because Qinli was obviously quite scared, but because of the strong character, he was reluctant to say the fact that he didn't dare to go, so on the jumping machine, the big pendulum and the roller coaster, Mu Qing, Shixiang and their friends successfully learned how sharp the screams of the girl in a state of extreme horror would be...

Mijiu had a "thank you for your hospitality" on her face...

I feel that since her appearance affected Miku, her gender orientation problem has become more serious...

Is it because there are too many elf girls I saw with me?"

"Okay, enough rest, it's time to go to the last stop of our amusement park trip."

Mu Qing stood up from the bench and moved her body slightly.

"Haunted house, how's it going?" Qin

Li didn't want to say anything more, but just threw a "warm" look at Mu Qing...

She felt that Mu Qing was definitely targeting herself...

"Haunted house, what is a haunted house?" asked

Shika curiously.

"Hmm... It's a house where there will be a lot of ghosts to scary. "

Ghosts, that sounds interesting!, I'll go check it out right away!" said

Toka, and ran alone in the direction of the haunted house.

It seems that Shika has been playing in the amusement park for a long time now, and her courage is getting bigger and bigger, and her curiosity about new things even exceeds the uncomfortable feeling of being alone...

But for Mu Qing, now is a good opportunity.

"Erya, Mijiu, please go and watch Shika, don't let her beat the staff... Of course, it also prevents her from demolishing

the haunted house..."Er Ya knew what Mu Qing meant, and she estimated that she had something to talk to about alone with the commander of Ratatosk, so she dragged Mijiu, who was full of reluctance, to the haunted house first...

As for why reluctantly, it's actually quite simple.

Because there are two here, and only one there...

"Heh, Mu Qing, see the right time and ask your friends to help create an environment where there are only two people, you are really well-intentioned..."

"Let's go, let's go too. "


The two walked into the haunted house.

The haunted house is rather dimly lit.

And for some reason, the contents were more dilapidated than the two had imagined, as if they had suffered a disaster not long ago...

It is precisely because of this that the damaged objects render an inexplicable sense of gloom, and the atmosphere is exceptionally in place.

From time to time, a staff member wearing a ghost uniform would suddenly come out, scared Qin Li with a spirit, wanting to lead Mu Qing but embarrassed to hold it, and the arrogant arrogance was vividly revealed.

Mu Qing is relatively bold, but her body can't help but tremble when she sees a person rushing out, after all, people are scared to death.

But Mu Qing's situation is still much better than that of Qinli.

"Grab my hand, it should be better. Qin

Li saw Mu Qing's outstretched hand, looking quite hesitant...

“...... I'm afraid. "

That's... Then I can't help you!Then I'll help you!"

Hearing Mu Qing's words, Qin Li immediately held her outstretched hand firmly.

It's okay for girls to hold hands with each other.

"But... Koto, you're afraid of this... Obviously-"

Mu Qing threw a meaningful expression into the qin, leaned into the qin and whispered in the ear.

"You're an elf too. "

“...... Do the elves with prophetic abilities even know this?"

In the darkness, Jean's expression changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.

After all, Mu Qing has the ability to predict, and she knows that this matter is not something to shock to Qinli.

"But... I never thought I was an elf, at most... It's just a human with elven powers.

"Well, maybe... I did know about this by prophetic powers, but... If you want to know about this, it is not difficult for me and my friends. Qin

Li raised her eyebrows, is this deliberately revealed to herself

?" "Is that elf named Erya an intelligence class?"

Mu Qing didn't answer, it was a tacit acquiescence.

Feeling that there was no drone from Ratatosk around at the moment, Mu Qing spoke again.

"Wondering about some comparisons... Interesting information?

""... What is it?"

Hearing Mu Qing's words, Qin Li raised her eyebrows slightly, interested, but her tone still looked indifferent.

Don't mess with yourself, especially in front of elves.

What's more, there is an elf with prophetic abilities in front of her, although she looks about the same age as herself, but who knows how old she is?

"... You can't be thinking about something very rude, are you?"

As if seeing through what Qin Li was thinking, Mu Qing in the dark made a puzzled sound, although she couldn't see her face clearly, but Qin Li could also imagine the brown-haired girl who looked about the same age as herself frowning at this moment.

"Nothing. Qin

hurriedly waved his other free hand.

"What you call ... Interesting intelligence ... Was it five years ago?"

Although Qin Li tried to make his voice sound calmer, Mu Qing still heard the eagerness in it, and smiled helplessly.

"I guess... I don't know if it's good to tell you now, after all, the prophecy of you learned all this some time later.

"That's it..."

Presumably Mu Qing has a lot of scruples about telling this matter, but she is now telling herself about it... What was she for?

Could it be that she wanted to sell herself a favor?"

"But I can tell you that there was only one thing about it five years ago, after all, I was just born at that time.

Kotori gradually held her breath...

But Mu Qing is only 5 years old? Could it be because I had the memory of prophecy at birth?"

"On that day, counting me, there should have been four... Oh no, it's five elves there, right? And one of the elves is the one who turned you into an elf and kissed Shido and washed away your memories of Shido at the same time. "

Take me... Turned into an elf... Elf?"

Jean's eyes widened, and suddenly her pupils narrowed, and she gradually remembered a lot of things... Also guessed a lot of things.


, in fact, the vast majority of them are transformed from humans... This is what my prophecy tells me.

Mu Qing's words were like thunder, exploding in Qin's mind.


The two were having a crucial conversation, but they didn't know that a staff member on the side was ready to scare the two girls...

Kotoli raised her eyebrows, is this deliberately revealed to herself?

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