Serya's words were like a stone thrown into the surface of the lake, causing great waves in the hearts of the other two gods.

Wisdom God - Metis: "You mean that this world has its own consciousness?" "Wisdom God - Metis: "

And the consciousness of this world in order not to change the world... So you're doing your best to eliminate Mu Qing, an existence that is strange to the world?

"God of Destiny - Serya:" That's it"God of

Fate - Sayra:" Wars between worlds and worlds are usually fought by devouring, and whoever has the strongest power will win the final victory

" Grim Reaper - Morse: "That's judging from the final result... The one who won was Mu Qing

?"God of Destiny—Serya:" That's right

"God of Destiny—Serya:" This world no longer belongs to the original world consciousness, but to him

"Death—Morse:" (Wondering) Can an ordinary reincarnated person defeat the consciousness of a world?

"Wisdom God—Metis: "... Anyway, there's still the system I gave, okay?"

Grim Reaper-Morse: "... After

all, Metis and Morse don't manage small worlds very often, and they are not familiar with the situation in small worlds, and it seems that they have not yet discovered the real reason.

Serya decided to go into more detail.

God of Fate - Serya: "The world cannot discover the reincarnated person in the early stage of the reincarnation's entry, and at the same time, it also gives Mu Qing a chance to breathe

" God of Fate - Serya: "Of course, Mu Qing doesn't know at this time that if the world finds her, it will have a strong hostility towards her" God of Fate - Serya: "

It means that before the world discovers Mu Qing, she can always live the good life she wants"

Death—Morse: "The Good Life?"

"Fate—Serya: "Well... That is, the "main characters" related to the main plot of this world watch movies together, go to the playground together, go on a date together or something... "

God of Destiny - Serya:" By the way, because Mu Qing has a system, she is also recognized as a "elf" in this world"

Saya said... Morse was interested.

Grim Reaper Morse: "Could it be that Muqing is also like other elves... And that boy in this world... Date?"God

of Fate—Serya:" (squint) Why do you care about this?"Death

—Morse: "Curious!"God of Fate—Serya:" It seems that your wish has been frustrated, and the relevant information has been erased directly from the world level, and I can't be sure"


looked full of regret.

God of Wisdom - Metis: "Serya, don't let Morse talk nonsense, she's just having fun

" God of Fate - Serya: "Okay" God of Fate - Serya:

"In the end, the consciousness of this world still discovered Mu Qing, and in order to maintain this world and the plot of this world from changing, he began to manipulate the power of the world to attack her" God of

Destiny- Serya: "The Reincarnated One" Mu Qing dies one day earlier, and her impact on the main line

of the world will be smaller"God of Fate - Serya:" The main plot has not changed, and the world will operate as usual, which means that the original world will be preserved

" Death - Morse: "But... Years ago, I remember hearing it... It is...... What's that

?"God of Wisdom—Metis:" "The world cannot directly affect the living beings of the world""God of Wisdom—Metis:"

That's what you're trying to say, right?"Death—Morse: "Yes, yes, yes!

"God of Fate—Serya: "You're right, but do the Reincarnated really belong to this world?".

God of Wisdom - Metis: "What do you mean by this...!

" Death - Morse: "Use the power of the world to strangle directly

" Morse said coldly This sentence is related to death, then she is very familiar with

Death - Morse

: "Hehe... There aren't many worlds with self-awareness, but there are quite a few, and it's fairly common. "

Grim Reaper-Morse:" It is not without a world that will block or even eliminate the influence of the reincarnated through indirect influences... "

Grim Reaper—Morse:" But directly use the power of the world to strangle the reincarnated... It's really rare

"God of Fate - Serya:" That's right"Death

- Morse: "But in that case... How could Mu Qing... Defeat a world, even if there is a system, you can't do it, right?"

Wisdom God - Metis: "... In order to protect the host, the system will take all means to keep the host alive according to the actual situation: "

The spirit of death, the system, the hostility of the world... Metis had come to understand the truth of the matter.

Wisdom God - Metis: "And at that time, the system would give only one suggestion... "

God of Wisdom - Metis:" That is to deny this world and completely destroy the main story "God of Wisdom - Metis:" That is, to kill all the elves in the main story, and at the same time seize their power to enhance themselves, and finally kill the consciousness of this world "

Death - Morse:" Wow, is your system so cold?"

"God of Wisdom-

Metis: "... The system has no feelings, it will only give the most rational judgment

"God of Fate - Serya:" Metis guessed eight or nine is not far from ten

" God of Fate - Syar: " In short, Mu Qing was under the double pressure of the physical injury strangled by the power of the world and the mental influence of the system's repeated urging, and finally went insane" God of Fate

- Serya:" In order to survive, Mu Qing began to hunt the elves who were friends, and as he killed, his last consciousness became more and more blurred. "

God of Destiny - Serya:" That is... What we just saw

" As Serya's words fell, the three gods floating next to the tree fell silent, and they didn't know how to speak for a while—

Morse: "We... Isn't it a good intention to help a bad thing?"

Grim Reaper-Morse: "Such a result is for the little one... Is it really good?

" Grim Reaper-Morse: "Alas... Obviously, this is a very strange thing, but it actually makes me unhappy"

Suddenly, the tree with the fruit hanging next to the three gods began to vibrate violently, exuding amazing power.

Fate God - Serya: "This feeling...!is divine power?!" Fate God - Serya: "She will become a god from a young world?!" Fate God - Serya: "


this makes me feel a little frightened... Is it the power of destruction?!

" Metis, the god of wisdom: "... Not

to the "god of wisdom—Metis:" She does have the qualifications to become a god, but... "

God of Wisdom - Metis:" She gave up"

accompanied Metis's words, and the aura that frightened the superior gods gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Metis, the god of wisdom: "Wait, though the power of authority is gone, the power of gathering has not yet dissipated... Could it be that she is going to...!

" Suddenly, the fruit containing the world of "Dating Wars" began to rapidly turn yellow, shrink, and finally fall off in the void, never to be found again.

Like a new life, the tree once again blossoms and bears fruit, and over time, only the last fruit is left hanging from the branches.

The god of fate, Serya: "She used the power of destruction to reset the whole world... "


Author: "Tonight will resume a double change a day

" Author: "Why don't you pay attention for free?"

Author: "Comments and cosplay are fine! Make the book look more vibrant!".

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