Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 108 Uncle's Story! (4 More, Please Subscribe)

The ending of the codenamed Faceless and Codenamed Ghost Infant incidents seemed to make the audience in the live broadcast room feel a subtle change.

After a wave of rewards in the live broadcast room, I, one of the big guys in the live broadcast room, suddenly asked:

"Anchor, it seems that these two incidents are so different from the original incident. Although Wu Mian and Tan Zhou are two people with different extremes, they seem to be very powerful, compared to the ghosts they encountered back then. Much more ferocious.”

Looking at my barrage of Daniel, Jiang Ye thought that this was really the case, so he nodded and said: "When you meet, you meet. As the saying goes, it's all fate."

"Haha, I'm convinced by the host's insincere tactics. I originally wanted to find out more detailed information about the ghost, but it seems I can't hear it again.

I was talking loudly, and suddenly another message came out: "Anchor, I have a story, do you want to listen to it? It's still early in the morning, and if you get a call, I'll just stop. .

Sure enough, everyone who loves supernatural things has more or less stories about them.

"Of course, how about letting you go online?"

"Okay, but I won't show my face. I'm too ugly to see people."

Daniel seems to be a funny person. The audience in the live broadcast room sent 666 messages all over the screen in support of this acquaintance who calls himself ugly and had a back-to-back exchange.

The video started, and the big bull at the end had a buzz cut. Judging from his back, he must be in his thirties.

Wearing only a white T-shirt, he coughed twice, and Daniel's voice turned out to be hoarse:

"I'm sorry, everyone, but I can't show my true face when we meet for the first time. Brothers and sisters in the live broadcast room, please don't blame me."

"Daniu, looking at you like this, is it possible that the story you want to tell is a bit unusual?" Jiang Ye asked with a smile.

Daniel turned his back to the video and shook his head: "It should be very common to say it, but there is a saying that does not mean that laymen only watch the excitement, but insiders watch the door. Maybe my story will be interesting to you, the host. And all kinds of doorways, right?"

"Then let's talk about it before the call comes."

Jiang Ye smiled and nodded. In fact, he could see a little bit of Daniel's profile through the video and understood why Daniel was unwilling to turn his head.

"To be precise, this story belongs to my uncle. When he was young, he was a handsome boy, more than 1.8 meters tall, and his body was always straight. Although his skin was a little darker, his aura was always Full of masculinity, when he was twenty years old, he became one of the few college students in his grandfather's village under everyone's expectations. "

"At that time, college students were very valuable. If a family could produce a college student, it would be famous all over the country. My uncle became such a person, high-spirited and well-known. He was sent off by the whole family. , uncle embarked on the road to study in a big city. "

"At that time, if you wanted to travel long distances, you could only take the green train. The ride lasted for dozens of hours. Many people said that taking the train was a scary thing in the past. Many people didn't say that if it took a long time, it might even be possible. Drive those with low psychological quality crazy.”

"I have never experienced it. I don't know if those who have really tried it really feel like they are going crazy. But after my uncle was found, he changed. He stopped talking and said nothing all day long. Especially at night, there should be no sound in the house. As long as there is a sound, my uncle will become extremely panicked. That kind of panic is not pretentious, just like those who happened in the live broadcast room... Fear, unspeakable fear.”

Daniel exhaled a long breath as he spoke. Jiang Ye asked him at this moment: "Your uncle didn't go to college?"

"Yes, he didn't go. He needed to take the bus on the third day before he could get to school. At that time, his family told him to report that he was safe as soon as he arrived at school. But three days and four days later, Until a week passed, my uncle still didn’t call. My grandfather was so worried that on the tenth day he couldn’t bear it anymore and ran away to the university where his uncle was admitted.”

"My grandpa found the school, but when he asked the registration office, he was told that his uncle had not come to the school at all, and they were looking for his uncle's contact information and planned to contact his uncle's home in the village through the county seat and then the township. At that time, my grandpa finally knew that the university was out of school. In the past, things were not perfect. There were a lot of robberies and murders, especially in places like train stations."

"My grandpa went to the police station to report the case in desperation, and the police comrades began to investigate. But after a long period of investigation, the result was that my uncle did not get on that train at all, and did not even buy a ticket for that train. !Grandpa immediately couldn't accept this result, because he saw his uncle boarding the train with his own eyes. Although it was late at night, grandpa said he was definitely not wrong. "

''But he couldn't be found, and the police couldn't do anything. My grandfather searched for half a month alone in the city, but there was still no news about his uncle. So he had no choice but to return first. Because of the money he brought with him. "All used up" or something like that.

"Grandpa returned home and lied to grandma that his uncle was in school, but he accidentally broke his hand and forgot to report that he was safe. The reason why he hadn't come back for so long was because he was taking care of his uncle. This was a white lie told by grandpa at the time. , but my mother and the others could clearly see the worry and anxiety on my grandpa’s face. But my grandpa didn’t say anything to anyone, and instead took the money and prepared to go back to find my uncle a few days later.”

"But no one thought that when my grandfather was carrying his luggage to catch the only late-night train, he just walked out of the village and saw a person on the way into the village from a distance.

Although I couldn't see clearly from a distance, the moon was so big that night. In my vague mind, my grandpa felt that the man looked familiar and thought he was his uncle. ".

"Grandpa quickened his pace and ran, and finally he ran in front of the figure walking towards him (Hao Wanghao). Grandpa felt right, it was my uncle...the uncle who had been missing for more than a month! At that time, my uncle was still wearing the same clothes he had worn when he left home, but the luggage had disappeared. Grandpa couldn't care less about it and recognized clearly that it was his childhood.

He cried loudly while hugging her.

"But when he cried, my uncle trembled all over as if he had seen a ghost. When grandpa said it later, he imitated his uncle's behavior and looked around desperately. He looked behind him and then in front of him, and after looking in front of him he looked around again. Finally, he looked around. He covered his grandfather's mouth tightly and his eyes were so big.

"He covered my grandpa's mouth, just like me, holding one hand and covering his mouth with the other. He dragged me around the village like crazy, "Running faster and faster...Running faster and faster..." …!”

PS: There was a power outage in the community in the early hours of the morning, and the only laptop with light on made me feel pretty good, so I wrote an extra chapter and added a small update today! Well... I don’t want to be Gao Boyi!

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