Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 109 The Fear Of The Voiceless! (Please Subscribe For 5 More Updates)

"When grandpa went to catch the car, he didn't let his family take him away. So when my uncle dragged him back, he was covered in injuries. But my uncle kept covering his mouth and didn't let him make any sound. There was a road outside the door. It’s empty and you can’t kick anything.”

"In the middle of the night, my grandpa was dragged by my uncle at the door. Fortunately, he only covered his mouth. If he had also covered his nose, I might have died that night."

"The whole night, my grandpa was controlled by my uncle and hurt all night. When my grandma got up early in the morning to make breakfast, she opened the door and saw a very weak grandpa staring at the door. It was also there. After a moment, my uncle let go of my grandpa. At that time, my grandma was crying hard and kept beating my uncle and calling him unfilial and crazy.

"But my uncle refused to fight back or retaliate. He just stood there and allowed grandma to beat and scold him. After my grandpa treated the wound and was carried back, he told me about my uncle's disappearance. Then everyone knew that my uncle was missing. It’s about going to school.”

"It's just that when my grandpa and many people asked my uncle where he had been for more than a month, my uncle still didn't speak. In the end, my grandpa knelt in front of my uncle, but my uncle just shed tears and refused to say a word. After kowtowing to my grandpa a few times, he locked himself in the room.

"At that time, many people saw him like this and said that my uncle must have gone crazy and needed to find a doctor for treatment. But who could treat mental illness at that time? Unless he went to a big city far away, but at that time the family was really He didn't have that condition. Moreover, my grandfather never thought that something was wrong with his uncle, and he wondered if he had made some mistake, which was why he was like that.

Until nightfall, when it got dark, grandma was cooking on the stove with tears in her eyes. At that time, maybe because my uncle was distracted, he accidentally broke ten bowls. "

"The sound of the bowl breaking was heard by my uncle, and he rushed out, staring at grandma with bloodshot eyes. Grandma scolded him as a bastard, and the scolding voice was very loud, but my uncle suddenly hugged his head and shrank into the firewood. My mother saw it at the time and told me later. She said that my uncle buried his head in the firewood and kept waving his hands back as if he was not afraid of the pain. This seemed to discourage people from going over there, but he kept staring out the window with his head buried inside.

"My mother and my grandma remember very clearly that there was nothing outside the window, but he kept looking, waving his hands while looking, and tears were streaming down his face. My mother said that there was fear in my uncle's eyes at that time. It was obvious that he was not. Dare to look, but it feels like someone is forcing me to look. The eyes are wide and round, shaking the head with pleading...

"It didn't take long for my grandpa and aunt to come over. The more people talked and the more people called him, the more frightened my uncle became. His hand kept waving. Finally, my grandpa was the first to react. He rushed out and cleared the house. The throat of one of the roosters was cut on the spot, and the blood was poured on the small window in the kitchen."

"In this way, my uncle slowly calmed down, and then passed out in the firewood pile. That time, he slept for a full day and two nights, and did not wake up until the morning. As soon as he woke up, his grandfather had already found a famous Taoist priest nearby. I came here to perform rituals and invited the goddess."

"My uncle was sitting in front of a bunch of people, and he was sprayed with talisman water and rang with a bell. He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. Both the Taoist priests and the goddesses said that he was struck by evil spirits. In fact, at that time, my grandfather knew that the words of Taoist priests and goddesses were all deceiving people. Who didn’t know that his uncle had fallen into evil spirits? But my grandfather thought of a way. My uncle was a scholar. He must have encountered something, so he couldn’t speak or make a sound. , but uncle can write!"

"So grandpa went to get paper and pen, put them in front of uncle and whispered to him no matter what happened, write it down. But uncle looked at the paper and pen indifferently, he didn't even dare to write. Grandpa was so angry at the end Just get angry and run to the train station every night. "

"He thought there must be something wrong with the train that his uncle took, but he took it again and again and nothing happened. Finally, grandpa couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't hold on any longer. He returned home and didn't ask his uncle what was going on. He locked his uncle in the room every day, and the doors and windows were so thick that he couldn't hear any movement.".............

"Month after month, year after year passed, and it seemed that everyone was used to the appearance of his uncle. Grandpa also aged very quickly since then. He turned from a chubby old man into a skinny old man soon...haha."

At the end, Daniu chuckled, and his laugh was very bitter.

From his narration, not only Jiang Ye, but also the more than 300,000 viewers in the live broadcast room felt that Daniu must have a deep affection for his grandfather's family.

You can see something from the way he raised his hand to secretly wipe away his tears.

But, Jiang Ye said at this time: "It shouldn't be over yet? Is your uncle still alive?"


"He's dead, he's been dead for many years. That morning, grandma brought food to my uncle as usual. When she opened the door, she saw the quilts that were originally stored at home were covering my uncle's bed, arched high. It was summer, and grandma knew something was wrong. She opened the quilts one by one, and my uncle shrank inside, staring and dead... When he was put into the coffin, his hands were still holding his feet and he couldn't break them off. After trying many times, it was my grandfather who said that if I broke them again, they would break, so I guess my uncle doesn't keep that action until now.

Daniu laughed twice when he said this, and Jiang Ye didn't speak for some reason.

Maybe it was too quiet, Daniu couldn't stand it, and asked: "Anchor, why are you silent?"

"I was thinking about taking a closer look at your environment, Daniu...you should turn on more lights in your room. ’

At that moment, Daniu's body trembled slightly, and he stood up to turn on all the lights in the room.

After finishing, he sat back in his chair, took a long breath, and said: "Host, what did my uncle see at that time? What kind of thing could make him remain silent for several years [not speaking, not writing, not showing up]? In the end, he was still scared to death?"

"What about you? Have you been to that station and seen that train?" Jiang Ye suddenly asked. .

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