Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 114 She Is Really Fierce! (3 More Updates Please Subscribe)

The ashes of paper money beside the bed made everyone pause.

If they remembered correctly, Daniel said that this house had been abandoned for many, many years. In other words, it was extremely unlikely that anyone would burn paper in this house at this time.

But who burned the ashes beside the bed?

This is the room where Daniel's uncle passed away. If it was to pay homage to him, why not burn it in the cemetery instead of coming to this room?

Could it be related to the death of Uncle Daniel?!

All kinds of questions came to mind at this moment, but not to mention the big guy, even Jiang Ye couldn't explain this problem at the moment.

"Daniu, do you have a good relationship with anyone in the village? Go knock on his door and ask if anyone has been in the house these days."

Jiang Ye reminded him, and Daniel thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to my cousin's house. His dad and my grandpa are cousins, and we are still related to each other in the "953" family."

"Then go now, it's already very late."

After Jiang Ye said this, Daniel left the house first, went to the door of another house in the village and called the door.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in his forties came out. When he saw it was Daniu, he was surprised and asked: "It's A Liang, why are you here so late?"

"Uncle, it's like this. I just went to my grandpa's old house, and I saw someone burning the embers of paper money in the house where my uncle died. Do you know when someone went in?"

When he mentioned Daniel's biological uncle, the cousin's expression also changed, then he thought for a moment and said: "Oh, I remember, the daughter of the old lady in Dongshan Village came here a few days ago and went to your grandfather's house. Here, she said that her mother showed it to your uncle and she came here to take a look. "

"I wasn't willing to give in at the time, but she didn't seem to have any bad intentions, so I took the key you gave us and opened the door for her."

The daughter of the old lady of Dongshan is also the daughter of the goddess back then.

After hearing this, Daniel came to understand and said: "I know, cousin, please go on and rest while I go.

"Ah? Why don't you leave now? Let's rest at home for the night!"

Daniel said nothing and left quickly. He didn't want to waste time on such a thing.

And after watching Jiang Ye's live broadcast so many times, he intuitively told him that the goddess's daughter must know something.

Although he has not gone out to meet people for more than thirty years, and always comforts himself by saying that the mark on his face is nothing, in fact he wants to find out what Longxingguan means more than anyone else!

I got in the car and headed further back to Dongshan Village. Ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of a house.

Daniel went to knock on the door, and after a while, a nearly sixty-year-old woman came over.

She was the daughter of the goddess. When she saw Daniel, she was stunned for a moment, but she was not particularly surprised. She opened the door first and then asked: "A Liang, why are you here?"

"Aunt Cui, you know why I came here, right?"

Daniel was also direct. Aunt Cui, the daughter of the goddess, smiled awkwardly and said, "I didn't expect you to come so fast and at such a late night. Come in."

The old woman held a flashlight and went inside with a slightly stooped back.

She turned on the lights in the hall and sat face to face with Daniel, but her eyes were always looking at the mark on Daniel's face.

"Who did you find out about this and then come to me?"

Before Daniel could say anything, Jiang Ye smiled and said, "Auntie, I'm A Liang's friend. I know something about those things."

Daniel heard Jiang Ye's voice and handed the phone to the old woman.

The latter saw this and said, "Then what did you see?"

"The reason why your mother suddenly suffocated in the rice vat back then was because she had something to do with Uncle A-Liang, right? She said something she shouldn't have said, and that's why she suffered.

When she heard this, the old lady's eyes became stern.

"It seems that you are a really knowledgeable person. It just so happened that you came to the door again. I can finally tell this secret."

The old aunt glanced at A Liang with complicated eyes as she spoke, and said: "My mother was the most famous soul-caller in these ten miles and eight towns, and has been working for decades. Dongshan Village is not far from your grandfather's house, so My mother went over to see your uncle when he was in trouble."

"The first time we went to see him, my mother didn't get closer. She just looked at your uncle quietly outside the door a few times. That first time, my mother came back and said she was scared. She said your uncle's There is something hidden in the eyes. Later, your grandma came to visit. Your grandma and my mother had some friendship. At that time, your grandma cried every day [and begged my mother so hard that she had to go to call your uncle's soul... …

"You don't know how frightened my mother was when she came back that time. It was also a hot day when she summoned the spirits. After she came back, she wrapped herself tightly and huddled in the corner. I asked her what was wrong, and she Don't let me go there. She has to bask in the sun and get rid of all the dirt in her body.

"She was so exposed that she almost collapsed. After finally taking off the wrapping, she grabbed my hand and said, "My dear, I may not be able to save my life, but I have to tell you something!"

"When she said these words, her face was pale and her eyes were always looking into the house. The old house at that time didn't get much sunlight, and it was shady and cool even in broad daylight. I watched my mother talk. It looked like there was someone in the room, but she kept holding my hand and told me that she had messed with something she shouldn't have messed with today and would have to go underground in a few days."

"But before she left, she asked me to remember a few things. The first is to remember everything she said, otherwise I will suffer. The second is that I can no longer interact with your family, unless one day Your family members have come to you personally to ask what the words they said during the soul-calling meant, so that they can tell you."

"I didn't expect that decades have passed and you have only come to find me now. So, do you know why my mother died? She wanted to save your uncle, but your grandma and grandpa I don’t understand, I don’t understand what my 3.3 old lady means at all…Hey!”

The old aunt sighed again and again as she spoke. Jiang Ye listened and said: "What kind of changes did the old aunt have before she died? In addition to suffocating herself to death in the rice vat, she should have been there in those few days." It’s not normal.”

Listening to Jiang Ye's words, the old aunt's eyes narrowed and she said: "In those days, especially at night, you don't know where my mother lives."

"Where do you live?"

The old aunt stood up, walked to the threshold, pointed to a mountain in front of her and said, "Have you seen that mountain? My grandfather, grandmother, and ancestors of my family are all buried on that mountain. She slept on the tombstone every night, leaning against my grandfather’s tombstone, hoping that the ancestors would show up and save her life!”

"But it's no use, daughter-in-law...she is so fierce!",

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