Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 115 The Mystery Of Longxing Pass! (4 More Updates Please Subscribe)

That girl...she is so fierce!

Is that girl fierce?

Jiang Ye asked almost immediately: "Your mother saw that the person pestering Uncle A Liang was a girl?"

"Yes, my mother said she saw it from Uncle Aliang's mouth. On the day when she went to call the souls, after my mother finished calling the souls, she looked at Gary's rice and quickly asked Uncle Aliang to open his mouth.

At that time, she saw a girl wearing red clothes with a person lying next to her mouth. "

"She also met my mother's eyes at that time, but my mother didn't elaborate on what happened. She just kept telling me that the girl was very fierce. She had been a spiritualist for decades and didn't even look at it. She was so angry. Then, she told me something...

"what's up?"

"My mother said..." The old aunt said, looking at Daniel with complicated eyes, and said: "Do you think your uncle will harm others?"

Daniel was stunned for a moment: "Harming people?"


"Probably not. Although I have never met him, I have heard from my mother and grandparents that when uncle was not in trouble, he was kind-hearted, handsome, and smart. And 27 did not I’ve heard that he was very naughty and mischievous in the past, so he probably won’t cause harm to anyone.”

When the old aunt heard this, she said in a low tone: "But my mother said that in all likelihood, it was your uncle who killed Miss Ren, and then Miss Eight came to him!"

Daniel was speechless for a moment, but Jiang Ye didn't try to tell whether Daniel's uncle was harmful to others. He asked a crucial question: "Did the old lady say the words Longxingguan before she was alive?" "

"Longxing Pass, how do you know Longxing Pass?" the old aunt asked in surprise.

Jiang Ye said: "When A Liang's mother gave birth to him, Uncle A Liang's ghost went to the delivery room. He said he must not go to Longxing Pass!"

"Longxing Pass is a small road. It is close to a mountain stream in Ama Mountain. Ama Mountain is close to the town. Longxing Pass is a road that no one remembers long ago. Not even the older generation. You must know that my mother is familiar with every trail because of soul summoning. She also used to summon souls in the town, so she knew about Longxing Pass. He said you couldn't go to Longxing Pass. Did you go?"

The old aunt asked Daniel, who shook his head and said: "I don't know if I have been there, but I have been to the town. My parents often took me to play in the town at that time. Is there a mountain stream? My dad seems to be there. He took me to take photos when we were young. That year he earned money and bought a camera and took pictures everywhere!"

As he spoke, Daniel took out his mobile phone and pulled out a photo.

"This is a photo I took from my old photo album. I didn't have this mark on my face at that time. Old aunt, can you help me see if this is Longxing Pass?"

Daniel was already anxious. When I saw it, I patted my leg and said, "This is Longxing Pass. Your parents are fooling around! Your uncle haunted you and came to tell you that you can't go to Longxing Pass. Why are you still here?" Go. If you can save your life, I will let you go!"

When the old aunt said this, it seemed that all the puzzles were beginning to be explained.

The mark on Daniu's face is because his father once got a camera, so he went around taking pictures and accidentally entered Longxing Pass [hence Daniu's disappearance later.

"Now it's called Hua'erjian, and no one calls it Longxing Pass anymore. Many people in the town like to go there to play in their free time. I didn't expect... I really didn't expect that the girl was killed in Longxing Pass. Got someone!"

The old aunt sighed again and again, and Jiang Ye said: "Daniu, let's go to Longxing Pass immediately."


Jiang Ye's die-hard audience is not very afraid of the girl who is described as extremely fierce, because he knows that with Jiang Ye's presence, there seems to be no ghost that cannot be dealt with.

As soon as he got up, the old aunt said: "A Liang, and the young man, do you really want to go?"

"We must go. This matter has been immersed in the past for decades. If we can figure it out, why can't it be cleared up?"

Jiang Ye replied, and the old aunt nodded: "Okay, then you should pay attention. My mother didn't make it very clear back then. She just told me to tell you about the girl when you come. Now. Now that I have spoken out, this matter has nothing to do with our family, but I still hope you can find out whether uncle A Liang has harmed anyone. If he has harmed anyone, it would be too much for my mother's life to be lost! "

What the old aunt said was not unreasonable. If Daniel's uncle really killed a young girl, then he deserved to be killed. Naturally, the old goddess's life was unjust.

Daniel left Dongshan Village again and drove to Longxing Pass behind the town.

When we arrived at the place, it was still dark. As we got closer, we could hear the sound of running water in the mountain stream.

The camera in the live broadcast room is always facing forward. If there is really any monster in Longxing Pass, it will appear in the live broadcast room immediately.

And because of his childhood experiences, Daniel's eyes can see things that others can't.

On the way into Longxing Pass, Jiang Ye said to Daniel: "If this matter is resolved, I'm afraid your eyes will no longer have such special abilities."

"Hey, I've always dreamed of becoming a normal person. Anchor, to be honest right now, I feel like I have seen hope. You guys have no idea how painful it is to have a pair of special eyes!"

Daniel seemed to be laughing when he spoke, but there was a hint of ferocity in his laughter.

He really has hope, and it is precisely because of hope that he will hate the evil spirit that has harmed him for so many years even more.

When we reached the edge of the mountain stream, the surrounding scenery was indeed very good.

Just as he was walking, Daniel stopped. His eyes were the same as Jiang Ye's, staring at a pile of bushes more than ten meters away from the mountain stream.

Daniel's body began to tremble slightly, and Jiang Ye's eyes slowly narrowed.

"Now that you've discovered it, go find her and ask her to find out."

Jiang Ye said, and Daniel nodded heavily, but his body still couldn't stop trembling.

He slowly approached the bush, stretched out his hand and slowly landed on the bush.

The bushes were so cold, so the big cow gritted his teeth and suddenly pushed them open. There was a pale face in the bushes, staring at him with big eyes!

PS: 113 is still blank. I have slept through it. The editor is not here at the moment. I continue to wait for news. Then there is today’s update. I have to drive back to my hometown to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, so the update will have to wait until the evening!

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