Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 123 The Incredible Murderer! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)

The audience in the live broadcast room were staring blankly at the head.

Even though many of them had guessed this result just now, when what they guessed was actually displayed in front of them, the feeling was completely beyond words.

Not to mention that Mrs. Lin, who was facing the rotting head, was so frightened that she collapsed.

But no one expected that a person walked out of the house at this moment, it was Lao Lin.

Lao Lin also held a kitchen knife in his hand, and his eyes were extremely fierce at this time.

He stared at the head fiercely, and spoke as if he was crazy. He raised the kitchen knife in his hand and was about to chop it at the head.

When Jiang Ye saw this, he immediately shouted loudly: "Stop!"

"Why do you want me to stop? It's him who makes me panic all day long. It's him who makes me be regarded as a lunatic! It's him who makes me almost become a madman. I want to chop him, chop this head!" "

As he said that, Lao Lin chopped it off with one strike.

However, the knife did not fall on the head, but was blocked by his wife.

"Aren't you crazy enough? Someone threw a head at our house. Someone killed someone. What if you chop off the head and destroy the evidence?"

When Lao Lin was yelled at by his wife, his arrogance seemed to fade away all of a sudden.


"What are you? Are you capable or do you think you are too old...ah? You still dare to run out with a kitchen knife and go crazy. After you chop off that head, do you have to chop me off too? "

Lao Lin is definitely henpecked, but Lao Lin's wife is also a very controlling, cruel woman.

Seeing his wife getting angry, Old Lin was more or less intimidated and stammered: "You don't understand, just get out of the way."

"I don't understand? At least I know better than you. If you chop off this head, someone may kill you tonight. This is a head, not the ghost that is haunting you. If you chop off his body, Can they still keep you until the third night?"

These words were so powerful that Jiang Ye couldn't help but smile and nod.

Especially Lao Lin's wife is still in extreme fear right now!

Jiang Ye also spoke out at this time: "It won't help if you chop that head into pieces, and it will only increase his resentment and make your situation more dangerous."

"Then what should I do? Yes, I am very scared now, and I even feel my heart trembling. But no matter how scared I am, I can't let him pester me anymore. "Otherwise, I won't be able to survive this because I have no calendar!"

After saying that, Lao Lin seemed to feel that it was not enough. He looked at the head that frightened him with resentment in his eyes and said, "Yes, he may have died unjustly, and even his head was cut off and thrown into the pickle jar at my house." But I don’t even know him, why should he come to me?”

"Just because he is a ghost and I am a human? So I have to suffer whatever he does? Can't I even take revenge?"

What Lao Lin said seems to make sense if you think about it carefully.

After all, this ghost still has some advantages over people. If the ghost wants to deal with people, it is easy, but if people don't know the skills and want to deal with the ghost, it will be very difficult.

"What you said does make sense, but your revenge on his body will be useless. If you find his ghost, wouldn't it be better to give you the right to vent at that time?

Jiang Ye asked back. Lao Lin's wife didn't know whether she thought Jiang Ye's tone was cold or worried that Jiang Ye would mind. Anyway, she misunderstood Jiang Ye's meaning and quickly grabbed Lao Lin and said, "What are you doing? This anchor is definitely a big shot. We all listen to him. If he asks us to chop his head, then chop it. If he asks you to wait, then we will wait. If it hadn’t been for him, God knows whether we would have eaten this pickled head! "

Lao Lin actually lost his temper. Looking at that head, he was still more frightened.

He swallowed hard and asked, "What should we do now?"

"Wait, someone should be going to your house now. Wait a moment and someone will arrive soon. By then, it will be clear who the head is, why it died, or who killed it."

As Jiang Ye said, it didn't take long for several police cars to arrive outside Lao Lin's house.

The policeman leading the team took a complicated look at Jiang Ye, and then led the team directly into the investigation without saying anything.

After a preliminary examination of the body, the forensic doctor who came with him replied: "Judging from the degree of decay of the head and the storage environment, the time of death is about half a month. There is surveillance in this yard, and the murderer may not know it. Let's investigate first." Let’s check the previous surveillance to see if there are any images of the suspect.”

0…Please give me flowers·…

The policeman leading the team nodded and led people into the house to adjust the surveillance. But at this moment, someone thought of something and said: "Captain Hu, do you still remember the body we found half a month ago?" ?"

"Huh? Is it such a coincidence?"

"It's not a coincidence. We have been unable to find the head for so many days, but now we have found a head in this water tank. The two may be the same person. Take it back and compare it. It's certain.

"It feels like there is no need to be too sure. They are basically the same person. Check the surveillance to see if there are any images of the suspect."

The police officer leading the team said as he walked to Lao Lin's computer.


Combined with the images from half a month ago, we started to retrieve the surveillance.

After checking, it turned out that a figure appeared outside the yard of Lao Lin's house half a month ago.

Just when they saw that figure, everyone's expressions changed.

The figure in the video stood outside the iron gate, seemingly hesitant. But in the end he climbed over the wall and after searching in the yard for a while, he found the big water tank.

Then he put something he was carrying in the pickle jar, closed the lid, and left quietly!

Seeing this figure, the police officer leading the team immediately shouted: "Old Lin, come in and identify him."

Lao Lin came in, and after seeing the figure, his expression changed with surprise, and he shouted: "Lao Yang, Yang Tianming!"

"It is indeed him! The person with this head died half a month ago. Yang Tianhua drowned about ten days ago. It has been four or five days since Lao Lin's accident, right? Is this okay for him... !"

One policeman was so surprised by the simplicity of this incident that he swore, but Jiang Ye looked at the video and couldn't help but said: "It seems that this incident is somewhat similar to what happened to Lao Wu. The one who died He has no intention of harming Old Lin, he just wants to tell Old Lin that his head has always been in his home! If he finds his head, he also finds his murderer!"

"It's a pity that Lao Lin never discovered it, and because of this incident, even Mrs. Lin ignored the pickled cabbage jar. Everything in this case happened by coincidence, but who is the owner of that head? Why did Yang Tianming want to Kill him?"

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