Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 124 An Unexpected Fatal Disaster! (2 Updates Please Subscribe Automatically)

The audience in the live broadcast room is actually still a little confused, or to be more precise, they can't get around it.

Lao Yang killed the owner of the head and hid the head in Lao Lin's home. Later, Lao Lin met Lao Yang who had drowned, and finally witnessed Lao Yang being dragged into the water and drowned in the lake.

The last head kept haunting Lao Lin until he discovered it tonight.

"Anchor, the owner of that head died half a month ago. Yang Tianming drowned for ten days. Later, his soul spent four or five days with Lao Lin, who liked night fishing, and finally fished with Lao Yang at the lake. That head also witnessed Lao Yang’s death.”

"Am I right in my analysis?"

An audience member made a summary. Jiang Ye nodded and said: "That's what I mean. The surveillance clearly captured Lao Yang hiding his head in the water tank of Lao Lin's house. This "zero zero zero" has basically confirmed that he is the murderer." The murderer, at least he has a crucial relationship with that murder case."

"So Yang Tianming's death may be caused by the ghost of the owner of the head. But for many people, dying without a complete body is an extremely miserable ending. The ghost has no ability to take away his own head, so he must We have to use living people to help, which is why I said this incident is similar to the Jinlong Lake Ghost Face Incident that Lao Wu encountered!"

Jiang Ye sorted it out for the audience in the live broadcast room, and everyone suddenly realized it.

"Thinking about it this way, it is really not that different from the Ghostface incident that Lao Wu encountered. But who was the person Lao Yang killed and what happened between them?"

Jiang Ye was naturally curious about the audience's inquiries.

The policeman leading the team took a look at the live broadcast room at this time and said: "We received a report half a month ago that a body was floating on the coast of Panjiang. After salvaging it at the location, it was discovered through identification. The deceased died of He died with his head cut off, and there were no traces of fighting on his body. He should have been killed instantly. Later, it was verified that the deceased's name was Ma Jianjun, and he was also a fishing enthusiast who came to Panjiang for night fishing at the time of the accident. There was no hatred caused by the rain, and there was no surveillance near Panjiang, and there were not many traces left at the crime scene, so the case has not made much progress for half a month. "

"I just never imagined that the head would be found at Lao Lin's house some distance away from Panjiang. I never thought that the relatively hidden surveillance camera on the roof of Lao Lin's house would capture all of this."

The policeman leading the team said, Jiang Ye said: "After this person dies, he will always stay at the place where he died. It seems that Lao Yang was fishing in the lake that night, and Ma Jianjun died in Panjiang. Lao Lin, although Ma Jianjun's death has You have a good idea, but your matter is not over yet. Now go to the night fishing lake to see if you can find Yang Tianming. If not, go to the place where Ma Jianjun was salvaged in Panjiang.

"Mr. Jiang, can I go with you? This case has been quite sensational these days, so..." the policeman leading the team asked.

Jiang Ye smiled and said: "Of course, this is your responsibility, I'm just a horror anchor."

Hearing these words seemed calm and indifferent, but the policeman who led the team felt a little grateful in his heart.

Nowadays, people like them can almost hear Jiang Ye's name intentionally or unintentionally.

Even in cities where supernatural events have occurred in Jiang Ye's live broadcast room, his colleagues there are full of praise for Jiang Ye.

Giving Jiang Ye the greatest convenience and cooperating with all of Jiang Ye's actions were the two sentences the superiors told them before they came!

The policemen drove Lao Lin to the lake where he fished that night. When they arrived, they stood on the dam of the lake. Lao Lin pointed to where he was standing and said: "That's where I fished the head that night. Yang Yangtianming, the murderer, was not far away.

"Mr. Lin, you stand where Lao Yang was sitting before."

Jiang Ye said, and Lao Lin did as he said.

After standing there, Jiang Ye stared at the shore and the lake, and shouted in a cold voice: "Aren't you ready to come out?"

This sentence made several people at the scene feel trembling. Then they saw a pair of hands slowly emerging from the lake on the other side of the shore.

As soon as he saw those hands, Lao Lin shouted excitedly: "It's Lao Yang, it's him... That's how he emerged after he was dragged into the water that night! Look at those hands, they are half-bent." Holding it high and spreading all ten fingers, he looks so scary!"

The soul body of Lao Yang that surfaced is indeed scary, but he looked like this when he died, and he also became like this after death...

He lay on his back on the water, slowly turned his head, looked at Jiang Ye with horrified eyes, and said: "You, you..."

"Did you kill Ma Jianjun?" Jiang Ye didn't waste time with him on irrelevant questions, and started asking about serious matters.

"I..." Yang Tianming hesitated to speak.

But Jiang Ye saw the clues from his appearance and said, "Why, do you regret killing him?"

Yang Tianming, who got up from the water, looked like an extremely timid person.

"I regret it. I was just angry for a moment. I don't know why I suddenly went crazy and took out a dagger and stabbed him in the throat!"

"It was him. I was sitting fishing with him. But he kept catching fish, and I didn't hear anything. He just yelled at me, saying, brother, you are not good at it, brother, what kind of fish can you catch with your skills? Anyway, what he meant was that I was useless, and when we went out that night, I happened to have a fight with my wife, and I was very angry. When he provoked me, I


Yang Tianming was not as vicious as he imagined, but instead kept repenting of what he had done.

But Jiang Ye looked at him directly and said coldly: "You are fishing for fish and you still carry a dagger with you?"

"2.8 I'm used to it. I always bring a dagger to defend myself every time I go fishing at night. Really, believe me... I know I was wrong. I shouldn't kill people because of my emotions, let alone between him and me. When I was showing off, I stabbed his throat with a dagger and cut off his head!"

"I was wrong!"

Yang Tianming knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing. This was an incident in which a patient with rage disorder killed someone after being provoked by others.

Perhaps Ma Jianjun never understood until his death that his pride in his words could actually lead to death.

While Yang Tianming was kneeling on the ground and constantly repenting, a pair of red eyes slowly appeared on a treetop in the woods by the lake.

Those eyes stared at Yang Tianming and said: "It's time now, don't you want to lie to others?!"

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