Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 146 Fear Is Everywhere! (3 More Updates Please Subscribe)

"Ding Hao... Ding Hao... Ding Hao.......

Ms. Ding on the other end of the phone seemed to be possessed, and she kept repeating the call.

Jiang Ye felt something was wrong, so he said: "Hello, Miss Ding... Miss Ding, are you listening?"

"I... woo woo woo, I'm listening. Anchor, please help me think of a solution. My ears are full of this voice, I'm going crazy... I'm really going crazy. '

"Who is the woman who called you? Do you know her?" Jiang Ye asked.

Ding Hao said: "I know her, I'm very familiar with her.

"Oh? Who is that to you?"

"It's me... It's me, you know? I was standing by the window, but why is there another me downstairs! She looks exactly like me, even the clothes are the same. Same hairstyle, same slippers, standing downstairs with head up, calling me!" Ding Hao's words shocked everyone. Even Jiang Ye couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Who do you say is downstairs?" "Myself! Myself! Myself!!" Ding Hao's voice became louder and louder, and Jiang Ye fell silent. But immediately Ding Hao said, "When I saw her face clearly, I was stunned. I looked at her for several seconds before I reacted. I quickly turned around and pulled up the curtains. Then I turned on the lights in the room. I didn't dare to go out. I was afraid that I would meet the same person as me as soon as I went out. " "I wanted to cover myself with the quilt, although I didn't know if it would work, but at that time I could only think of these ways to protect myself. But, but when I just thought of going to bed, my ankle suddenly felt cold. " "Really, it felt like someone suddenly put a piece of ice on my ankle. I subconsciously looked down and saw a hand... a hand tightly grasping my ankle! I screamed loudly at that time, and I kicked my feet hard, trying to get rid of the hand. But it was so heavy that I kicked off my toenails. Only then did I feel my feet loosen~" "I got on the bed and called my best friend to come and save me. When my friend came, I kicked off my toenails and there was a lot of blood on the floor. My friend was also shocked when she saw that and helped me downstairs. "I don't know how I got to the hospital at that time. I was in a daze. I only remember that when I left the room, I kept staring at the bottom of the bed. Although I couldn't see anything, my intuition told me that the woman who looked exactly like me standing downstairs must have come upstairs at that time, and that hand was hers!"

Ding Hao's tone became more ferocious, and Jiang Ye couldn't help but said: "Miss Ding, did anything happen after you went to the hospital? Did she also look for you in the days that followed?"

"After I went to the hospital, the doctor kept looking at me very strangely. He even pulled my best friend aside, and I actually heard them talking. The doctor gave my best friend advice, saying that it would be best to treat her feet after treatment. It’s time to go to a psychiatrist.”

"Haha, they suspected that I had a mental illness. How could I have a mental illness when I was fine? They didn't see why they suspected me so much! Later, my toes were treated and bandaged, and I left by myself. When I left, I told my best friend that I was going back, so that she didn’t have to worry and asked her to go back and rest early.”

"But actually I didn't go home. I didn't dare to go back at all. I booked a room in a nearby hotel. I was probably too tired in the hotel. So I lay on the bed and fell asleep soon after. It was finally quiet that night, and I slept until early morning. But my foot was injured and I definitely couldn't go to work, so I asked my supervisor for leave. "

"After I asked for leave, I sent Xiao Zhao a WeChat message and asked him why you suggested playing such a game last night? Xiao Zhao said he was just bored and hungry at that time, so he wanted to I was just looking for someone to buy me a late-night snack. After thinking about it, I felt that I wouldn’t be able to get anything out of him, so I decided to go and see for myself.”

"Although I don't know if it has anything to do with that game, my intuition tells me that it is possible that these things happened after playing that game. My name is not popular, especially the surname, although it is not a rare surname. But the probability of encountering someone with the same name as mine is really low among those express mails.”

"So I looked for the address of the express mail in my memory. Because the recipient was named Ding Hao, her express mail was in Jinjiang at that time. I left the hotel, took a taxi, and said No. 366 Jintu Bay.

"The taxi driver was an uncle. When he heard where I was talking about, he gave me a strange look. But he didn't say anything and pulled me to the place. He drove for a long time, and I didn't I don’t know if there is a detour. Anyway, after I slept, the driver called me and said, “Girl, Jintuwan No. 366 is here.”

"I glanced at the meter, paid more than 80 yuan with my mobile phone, and then opened the car door and got out. But as soon as I got in, I was shocked. It was a cemetery. It was next to the cemetery. There is a sign on it, Jinjingwan weighs 366 pounds!”

"`々How did the express arrive at the cemetery? When I think about what happened the night before, the sun was shining brightly in broad daylight, I feel creepy all over. But at that time, I still had a sense of luck, I was thinking Maybe the person who guards the cemetery is called Ding Hao?"

"So I walked to a guard room at the entrance of the mausoleum, and I asked his master, do you have a man named Ding Hao here? The master guarding the cemetery was very old. He looked up at me and quickly closed the window. When I got up, he didn't say a word, and I saw from the window that he was actually lighting incense and worshiping something!"

"The strange taxi driver and the even stranger mausoleum guard let me know that something was unusual. I quickly went back, but there were no taxis at the cemetery and I couldn't get a taxi. If I hadn't stopped a kind driver on the way, , I guess I have to walk for a long time before I can go back.

Jiang Ye heard this and asked Ding Hao: "What happens after you go back? When did you meet her for the second time?"

"I went home after that day. My mother ran away with someone in the early years because the family was poor, and I was raised by my father alone. But two years ago, my father also passed away due to an accident, so my hometown It was just me. That night I returned home, did some simple cleaning, and laid out my bed to rest.”

"I still slept until midnight, and the voice rang again. Ding Hao...Ding Hao, she screamed so eerily, especially when she shouted the last word, her voice was still trembling. I was suddenly woken up by her. I was afraid that she would pull my feet again, so I jumped out of bed without paying attention to where she was shouting. I turned on the lights at home and ran to the photo of the deceased in my house. ”

"At that time, I was kneeling in front of my father's photo, crying and saying, Dad, if you are a soul in heaven, please save me. I kowtowed to my dad several times, but when I looked up, my dad's photo on the wall was Next to the deceased photo, there is still a photo of me!"

"It's black and white, with a frame... I'm in the framed photo, grinning silently... Ah!".

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