Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 147 Banquet By The River! (4 More Updates Please Subscribe)

As Ding Hao talked, he couldn't help but scream on the other end of the phone.

There was no family in the desolate home, so her return was a matter of helplessness.

But who would have thought that in that already-lost home, among the photos hanging on the wall, there would suddenly be an additional photo of himself?

The audience in the live broadcast room of Ding Hao's shock can clearly feel it, and what she cares about most at the moment is that she is afraid that people will not believe her.

"Really, I didn't lie. Although I grew up in a single-parent family, I was not very obedient when I was a teenager, and I was also naughty and could lie. But everything I said is true! The reason why I lied before was because I was naughty. Because I want to attract other people's attention, I have never seen my mother a long time ago. I really hope that I can be protected by others, so I am naughty and lie, trying to create a perfect image in everyone's heart. ”

"But I always make mistakes, but I'm really not a bad girl. Now that I'm 26 years old, I won't lie to people anymore. I'm really haunted by ghosts [Why do I tell others when I tell others They don’t believe me!”

"Who said no one believes you? Xiaohao, I am telling you very seriously now, even if everyone around you thinks you are abnormal, in the hearts of me and the hundreds of thousands of viewers in my live broadcast room, you are very Normal...We will believe everything you encounter in 210!"

"You see, some people may not be able to meet hundreds of thousands of people in their lifetime, let alone gain the trust of hundreds of thousands of people. But now in my live broadcast room, no one among the 560,000 people will doubt what you are saying. the words said!"

To coax a girl, you have to go along with her, and probably nine out of ten girls want to be protected.

So Jiang Ye subconsciously ignored the fact that she was actually younger than Ding Hao at this time, and just tried his best to use his gentleness to resolve the fear in her heart.

Ding Hao's mood on the other end of the phone gradually eased, and he said in a choked voice: "Thank you for being the host, I...I..."

"You don't need to say thank you to me, and you don't need to think about whether you will be trusted by others. You just need to tell everything you know. And whether the people around you believe that you are really that important Whether they believe it or not, that is their business. Now that you are in a whirlpool, you just need to understand that you have someone to rely on, and your reliance is not on others, but on me. "

Jiang Ye's words made the audience in the live broadcast room not know what to say.

Aite could only drink in silence one by one, and the latter asked a series of questions: "Who am I? Where am I? Why are you calling me?"

Jiang Ye automatically filtered out these barrages and continued to guide Ding Hao: "Did you do anything when you saw the photo with your portrait?"

"No, I ran out without doing anything. At that time, I knew that it would not be safe anywhere, so I ran to a place. There was a temple by a river not far from my hometown. There were worshippers in the temple. There was a very efficacious Bodhisattva, and the temple was built there to ward off evil spirits, because people would always drown in the river every summer vacation.”

"I ran to the small temple and finally reached the place. I knelt on the futon and kept kowtowing. I don't know why, but at that time I started to feel a warm feeling. I think it must be The Bodhisattva appeared, so I thanked the Bodhisattva, and the tension in my heart gradually eased."

"But I only dared to look up at the Bodhisattva once, and I didn't dare to look at it again. I don't know why, but I always had a very ferocious feeling about the Bodhisattva statue. So I huddled there, hugging my knees and kept looking down. The ground. I don’t know how long it took, but I finally couldn’t resist the fatigue and wanted to sleep.”

"Hutching my knees and leaning my chin, I started to hear some noise again in a daze. It wasn't calling my name, but the sound of pots and pans. The (adae) clanking noise at that time disturbed me all of a sudden. I woke up. Maybe it was because I was too tired. When I woke up, my mind was still blank. '

"I subconsciously raised my head and looked outside the temple. There were many people...there were really many, many people. They were all sitting at the Eight Immortals table, and there were many, many dishes on the table. People were sitting at the table Smiling and chatting, or drinking wine and eating food. But the more I looked, the more familiar some people in the crowd seemed to me.

"The old man sitting at the head of one of the tables, isn't he my grandfather? Why is my grandfather crying? And my grandma, my grandma is actually there! I saw someone following me, my dad... ..My dad came out of a tent. Those who were smiling at first stopped laughing when they saw him.

"Dad cried. His eyes were so red. The moment I saw him, I stood up from the temple, although there was a voice in my head telling me all the time. Grandpa is dead, grandma is dead, and my dad is dead. He has been dead for several years, and the people sitting on those tables are all my grandparents and uncles in the village, and there are even some people who may be older than my grandparents."

"When I walked out of the temple, the people at every banquet table by the river slowly looked at me. I ignored them and just walked forward, in the direction of my father who was lying in front of the shed. Let's go. Finally, I walked to the shed and there was a coffin."

"The red coffin was filled with incense and candles, and there were paper money burning on the ground. But what I saw with my eyes was the photo of the deceased placed on the coffin, or me... But this time I didn't Laughed. Dad was crying very sadly, but I couldn’t hear what he was crying.”

"I only know that the banquet has started again, and the dead people are happily sitting at the table, drinking and mingling. Are they celebrating my death?"

Jiang Ye frowned slightly when he heard Ding Hao say such words.

He could feel that Ding Hao's state seemed to have entered a very subtle state. He said that she was afraid, but it didn't seem that she was afraid. She said she was relieved, but she didn't really feel relieved.

"Hey, how long did that banquet last?"

"It didn't end until almost dawn. Then I saw Uncle San and Uncle Hong in the village taking away the bench that was pressed under the coffin. They found ropes and big wood, and then eight people carried my coffin to Walking up the mountain. My dad was also walking with the impression he was holding on to. As he walked, he disappeared in front of his own grave...

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