Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 148 The Death Of Best Friend! (Please Subscribe For 5 More Updates)

Ding Hao's tone already revealed endless fatigue.

Everyone is immune to fear, just like to antibiotics.

When I first started using antibiotics, the effect was excellent.

Gradually, it will lose its original effect, and eventually it will no longer work~.

The same is true for fear. When a person is numbed by fear, he will slowly begin to become numb.

It's like a state of despair to the point where it doesn't matter anymore.

Does Ding Hao really not matter?

If she didn't care, she wouldn't have been so excited when she made this call tonight.

"I watched them carry my coffin up the mountain with my own eyes, and I also watched them get into the grave one by one. Haha, I really wasn't afraid at all at that time, really... just It felt like my heart felt empty all of a sudden. I was wondering, are those who died longing for me to die?"

"Just die, I'm not afraid anymore. Anyway, I have no relatives in this world, although I always look so sunny and cheerful in front of outsiders. Even where I work, many people say that I am a pistachio that will not grow up." , but they have no idea that my laughter sometimes is all fake.”

"Only in this way can I make myself happier. After all, when I smile, I think I am really smiling...

Ding Hao's tone was full of self-deprecation, but soon her voice became nervous again.

"That night I sat by the river until dawn, as if I had watched a play all night. When it got dawn, I felt ridiculously inferior and afraid of being seen, so I would ask questions again. So I had no choice but to leave. But where could I go? My home was cold and cold, and the rental house was where she first appeared. I had nowhere to go, and finally it was broad daylight and I had no choice but to be strong. I bravely went back to my rental house.”

"On the way back to the rental house, I called my best friend. I just wanted to talk to her. Although she was told by the doctor that she had a heart attack the night of my accident, I was angry with her. But the two of us Our relationship has always been like that of sisters, and she has always liked to call me Haojie like my biological sister. But when I arrived in Jinjiang, I called her, but the person who answered the phone was her mother."

"As soon as her mother answered the phone, she cried and said to me, OK... Huahua is gone! Huahua is my best friend's nickname. When her mother said this, I completely forgot about myself. I asked her why Huahua disappeared? Her mother said that Huahua didn’t come back for many days. She went out on the 6th and never saw her back again.

"I asked Huahua's mother if she had called the police. Her mother said that she had called the police, but the police could not find anyone. When I heard that, I became anxious. But when I thought about it carefully, it was wrong. I was the one who had an accident on the 6th. That day? I clearly called Huahua on the night of the 6th, and when we left, she went to the hospital with me, "Huahua said she was going home!"

"I feel very strange, because Huahua is a very well-behaved girl. Although she is younger than me, sometimes she does things more appropriately and maturely than me. She usually says she is home, which means she is really home. . I asked my aunt what time Huahua left home, and she said it was around four in the afternoon. I told her that it was impossible, and I called her in the evening and asked her to accompany me to the hospital. ”

"After I said this, Huahua's mother paused, and then said... Impossible, who did you call? I checked all the call records on Huahua's mobile phone, and there was no call from you at all. Phone call! Okay, where did Huahua go? Did you hide it? And I’ve called you these days, why don’t you answer any of them!”

"My aunt's words made me confused. There were no calls on my mobile phone those days. I explained to my aunt, but she didn't listen and asked me where I was. I told her the address and she came to find me. Arrive. The police came in front of me, and I explained to them that I really didn't receive any calls. Then the police went to check my number, and really...no one called me. Telephone."

"But the aunt obviously doubted me. She grabbed my hand and said to go to where I live. I wanted to go back, and of course I wouldn't refuse. So I took my aunt and a few police officers to where I lived, and there On the way, a policeman asked me where I had been these past few days. I said that I had been staying in a hotel and then went back to the countryside. The policeman nodded and followed me and said that I had not been at home these days and you had not gone to where I lived. Have you looked for it?"

0...Please give me flowers...

"The police said they went there, and they found my master's place the next night, but they didn't see anything. I also thought it was impossible for Huahua to hide in my house, because if something happened to her, her mother would definitely be the first He would come to me when the time came. And her mother didn’t realize that Huahua was missing until the next day. The reason why she didn’t find her that night was because Huahua had to work the evening shift that day.”

"Although I was full of wonder, I didn't say anything and took them to the place where I lived. When I took out the key to open the door, I stood at the door and smelled a smell inside my house. That smell police They also smelled it. When I was about to turn the door lock, the policemen pressed me against the wall with terrible expressions. Then a policeman opened the door and went in. "


"The smell in the room came out all of a sudden. It smelled so bad... It smelled like something rotten. As soon as I smelled that smell, I forgot about the pain. Not long after, I heard To the cry of the aunt who rushed into the house, she was calling Huahua...my daughter...Huahua!"

"Huahua's body was rotten and died under the bed in my room. There were maggots crawling on her body, but her head was always raised and embedded in the bed board. There was still a knife on her hand. A ring, she bought it for me. When it fell under the bed, she crawled in to pick it up. "

"Because it will be my birthday in a while, and she always says, honey, I will give you a surprise on your birthday. When I ask her something, she always doesn't say. I think the birthday gift she gave me should be That ring. But why was she so stupid? Why did the ring fall under the bed? Why did she crawl from the end of the bed to the head of the bed? There was a nail at the head of the bed, a very big cement nail. Why didn't she pay attention and put her head in when she picked up the ring?"

At this point, Ding Hao on the other end was already bursting into tears. .

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