Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 155 Stillborn! (6 Updates Please Subscribe)

In the live broadcast room, Jiang Ye sat like an old monk in meditation, with a solemn expression.

Above the barrage, hundreds of thousands of viewers in the entire live broadcast room were just curious to ask at first.

Later, seeing that Jiang Ye was silent, they began to attack each other one by one.

"Anchor, please tell me clearly, what did you mean when you said "f*ck"?

"Anchor, Yu Hao like you will be sad. How can anyone react like that after seeing a girl's photo? And now you have turned into a sage!"

"It's over. If I were Yu Hao, I would definitely buy a plane ticket and fly to the anchor right now, and ask him why with pear blossoms in his eyes!"

"Yes, it's too much! How can anyone react like this after seeing a beautiful woman? Anchor, we want an explanation from you!"

Looking at the thoughtful audience in the live broadcast room, Jiang Ye grinned: "After seeing Ruyu's photos, I feel like I have made her my friend. As for what you want to see? Haha, there is no way!"

"That's too much. Host, you are really going too far. You are only allowed to be friends with Yu Hao. We are also friends, okay? The first batch of veterans in our live broadcast room are all good friends DE!"

Jiang Ye watched the group of guys making more and more noise, so he made a gesture of silence.


Seeing him like this, everyone thought something had happened, and the live broadcast room became really quiet.

On the other hand, after Ruyu posted the photo, it never bubbled again and kept silently peeking at the screen.

As for whether she showed a coveted expression across the screen, Jiang Ye thought that a girl should pay attention to her own image, right? If she was alone in front of the computer, then let her do whatever she wanted.

"Okay, it's now 1:07 in the morning, and there's still half of the night before tonight's live broadcast ends. Let's continue to wait for the call.

Jiang Ye said something, and the audience stopped teasing.

But I saw that Jiang Ye picked up his mobile phone several times and seemed to be typing the content of the chat.

Finally, the phone rang at this time.

After hearing two beeps, Jiang Ye answered the call.


"Hello, are you the horror anchor Jiang Ye? I just entered the live broadcast room and saw that there was a phone number left."

"That's right, I'm Jiang Ye, the horror anchor, and I'll help you solve all supernatural incidents online. I don't know, what is the name of the brother on the other end of the phone, and what occupation is he currently engaged in?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was very young. Jiang Ye asked, and he replied:

"My name is He Liang. You can call me Liangzi as anchor. I am currently an intern at a private hospital. It started with an operation, but my girlfriend was involved in that operation."

"Well, what happened during that surgery?"

Jiang Ye asked, and Liangzi on the other end took a deep breath and said:

"The hospital where I work will not be named, but it is the best private hospital in the area, and it specializes in obstetrics and gynecology. I am the assistant to the director of our department, and my girlfriend is a nurse in the hospital, called Xiaoqing.”

"Xiaoqing and I entered that hospital in the same year. The best thing about a private hospital is definitely the facilities and services. After all, patients who treat themselves or give birth here will spend a lot of money. Each ward has a maximum of There are only two beds, and Xiaoqing and I are both in charge of patients in the obstetrics and gynecology department on the fifth floor. But even so, the hospital is never as overcrowded as a public hospital, and the hospital is always deserted. "

"That day, a patient came to the hospital. She was brought in at night. She was eight months pregnant. I remember that when she was brought in, her face was very pale, and her hair was all wet with sweat. And her lower body was covered in sweat. When he saw the blood, the director told him to send him to the emergency room immediately, but I was an intern so I couldn't follow him into the emergency room. It was Xiaoqing who told me."

"She said that during the rescue operation, both the pregnant woman and the child in her belly were examined. The examination results showed that the child still had a heartbeat, so the director recommended a caesarean section. After all, it is obviously unrealistic for pregnant women to have a natural birth like that. I don’t have much strength, and I’m only eight months pregnant and I don’t have the conditions for a normal delivery.”

"The patient's family members should have relatively good economic conditions in the city where I live, and both the pregnant woman's husband and her parents-in-law are very decisive, saying that there is no problem with caesarean section, and even specifically told them when signing. If the child If we really can’t save him, we must protect him.”

"In this way, the director started the operation. Although the pregnant woman fell down first, because she was already eight months pregnant, the child basically had no major problems at this time, and giving birth early would not have any impact. Director He is one of the most famous obstetricians and gynecologists in the area, so the operation went smoothly. ”

"Xiaoqing was helping at the time. Although everyone was worried, they were relieved to see that all the indicators of the pregnant woman were still very stable. However, after the caesarean section, we started to take the baby away. When I came out, things started to change.”

"Xiaoqing was crying when she told me. When she told me that the director took out the child, everyone's eyes widened. The child who had obviously been confirmed to have a heartbeat before the operation, It actually rotted after being taken out!”

"When I heard it, I felt incredible. How could a good child rot as soon as it was taken out? Xiaoqing said with certainty, really... when the child was taken out of the belly, there were so many There are already varying degrees of decay, let alone a heartbeat, there is no breath of life at all! It may even be a child who has been dead for a long time!"

"Spontaneous abortion usually occurs when the fetus is stillborn, but the child is already seven or eight months old, so natural abortion is definitely impossible. But if the child dies in the belly, as the child's mother, she should You know! Xiaoqing said that when the director took out the rotten child, his whole body was shaking [there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Xiao Qing, who was supposed to be wiping his sweat on the side, was frightened and forgot to wipe his sweat, and was yelled at by the director. But the director is the doctor with the best temper in our hospital. Don't yell at him normally. She rarely spoke loudly, and Xiaoqing also said that when the director yelled at her, her voice was trembling, as if... yes, it was like she knew something and moved it in her heart. The kind that comes from extreme fear.”

"After the director took out the child, he handed it over to others. After all, the pregnant woman's belly has been opened. No matter what the child is like, she still has to take care of the pregnant woman first and then suture the incision."

"While the director was dealing with the pregnant woman, Xiaoqing went to see the child again. She just looked back at it. The child was put aside at that time. Xiaoqing said she remembered clearly that the child's eyes were closed when it was taken out of the belly. It was like this for every newborn. But when she looked back, the child's eyes were open...!"

PS: Did some readers in the book review section read something wrong? We don’t have a female protagonist yet, ahem... When you read this book, please don’t judge it based on the routines or plots of other books on the website. The heroine of the book!

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