Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 156 The Ambulance Crashed Into The River! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)

Liangzi on the other end of the phone obviously changed his tone when he mentioned that the baby opened his eyes.

But Jiang Ye did not interrupt, and still let him continue to describe what he had encountered.

"When Xiao Qing looked back, the baby's eyes were opened. But it was not opened before, or just opened when she put him down. But the moment Xiao Qing looked back, she saw the child. His eyelids were raised, and his eyeballs were exposed!"

"Xiaoqing said that she didn't yell or scream at that moment, mainly because her mind went blank when she saw it. However, she still screamed out in the end, because the moment she saw the child open his eyes, that The child's head turned slowly.

"She said that the child was placed on her side, so she didn't see the complete face when she looked at it. She just saw that he opened his eyelids and it was a boy. So when he turned around, Xiaoqing said her Her body felt numb, and the moment the child suddenly grinned, Xiaoqing screamed loudly uncontrollably. "

"Other people in the operating room were very nervous at that time. But they were attracted by Xiaoqing's scream. They asked Xiaoqing what was wrong. Xiaoqing said that the child had opened his eyes and was smiling at her. Operating room Others who were less timid were immediately frightened and cried. Although everyone had encountered some cases of stillbirth, they had never encountered anything as weird as that one, especially when they thought that the child was still alive during the examination. Why are they already rotten when I take them out?”

"Xiao Qing said that the director was the only one in the operating room who didn't watch at that time and continued to suture the pregnant woman. Although she didn't watch, she scolded Xiao Qing and said, "You don't want to die?"

Liangzai paused for a moment, and Jiang Ye also asked at the right time: "Liangzai, what does your director seem to know from your words?"

"The director may not know anything, but she has been doing childbirth surgeries for more than ten years, so she should know a lot of taboos."

"Well, how did you deal with this matter later?"

"After the operation, the pregnant woman was not very clear because of the anesthesia, and no one told her that the child was dead. But the family members outside the operating room were all still waiting. Xiaoqing went out with the director. She said When she walked to the door, the director patted her on the shoulder. Xiaoqing was startled and looked at the director, "The director told her that girls should take good care of their hygiene."

"This was said inexplicably, and Xiaoqing didn't even have a chance to ask. The door to the operating room opened. The eager eyes of the family members made many people lower their heads, including me, who were also waiting at the door. At that time The director stepped forward and asked who the pregnant woman's husband was. A man said he was, and the director called him aside. "

"I don't know what they said to each other. Anyway, after the anesthesia for the pregnant woman took effect that night, their family left. They also took the child away, and no one knows where they went after that."

After Liangzi's words, the matter seemed to be over.

But Jiang Ye asked Liangzi at this moment, "Then what happened to you? What happened to Xiaoqing?"

Jiang Ye asked, but another voice came from Liangzai's side: "Xiao He, let me speak."

Hearing the female voice, Jiang Ye was a little surprised and said, "Are you Liangzai's director?"

"Yes, he came to me tonight to ask about the operation. I didn't know how to tell him. I wanted him to leave, but I didn't expect him to search for dead babies on his mobile phone in front of me. Then I entered your live broadcast room out of nowhere.”

Jiang Ye hummed and said, "What do you call me director?"

"My surname is Cheng."

"Well, Director Cheng, please tell us about the operation in detail."

Director Cheng on the other end of the phone took a deep breath and said, "Xiao He has told you most of the things about the surgery, but there are still some things that he hasn't told you."

"Then you say.

"Before the operation, I worked at night and worked as another doctor during the day. The night before the operation, I felt a little bored, so I went downstairs for a walk. Well, it was in the hospital courtyard. There were a lot of wooden benches there. I just wanted to sit there. I went downstairs and walked to the bench while playing with my phone. When I got to the bench, it took me about three or four minutes. Suddenly I heard the sound of an ambulance coming from the hospital. I thought it was an emergency, so I looked over immediately."

"But that ambulance didn't belong to our hospital. I was wondering if it was a patient transferred from another hospital. After all, although our hospital is private, the obstetrics and gynecology department is very strong. Pregnant women with amniotic fluid embolism are sent to Come on, we also have a higher rescue rate than other hospitals, so when the ambulance came into the hospital and saw several people in white coats carrying a pregnant woman rushing into the hall, I walked through the other door. Those who go upstairs are ready to change clothes.”

"But when I changed my clothes and arrived at the operating room, the nurse looked strange when she saw me, and asked Director Cheng if there was any patient who needed surgery? I said yes, didn't there just be a patient sent down below? All the nurses were He said no [where did the patient come from?”

"`々I was surprised at the time. Didn't you hear the loud ambulance sound? Everyone said they didn't hear it, and indeed there were no patients coming for medical treatment. I didn't believe it, so I went downstairs. I took a look, but there was no ambulance downstairs, and neither was the patient. Am I dazzled? It’s impossible. It takes a minute from the time the car drives in, to parking the car, and then pushing the patient into the hospital building. No matter how dazzled I am, I can’t be dazzled for that long.”

"I still didn't believe it, so I went to adjust the surveillance. The surveillance also showed that there was no ambulance coming in just now. I was really dazzled. So in the end, I had no choice but to think that it was the continuous night shifts that made me mentally stressed. The illusion that arises.”

"It wasn't until the next night, that is, after the pregnant woman Xiao He mentioned was delivered, that the caesarean section took out the body of the fetus. The operation put an end to the risk of the pregnant woman being out of danger, but I had to give an explanation to the family if the child died. At that time, I was afraid The family members were so excited that they made trouble with the doctor, so I asked the child’s father to go aside to talk alone.”

"I told him what happened, and he certainly didn't believe it. But I didn't know what I was thinking at the time. I asked him if the license plate of the ambulance you took when you came was 03046? Ambulance Is the car a bit old? And there’s a lot of dust behind it?”

"As soon as I told him, the child's father said that the license plate number was 03046. He didn't pay attention to whether it was an old ambulance, but the tail of the ambulance was indeed dirty. When I heard this answer, I I know what’s going on [because the ambulance I saw driving into our hospital the night before was 03046!”

"I told the child's father what happened to me, and then I accidentally took out my mobile phone and searched for ambulance accidents on the Internet. When I checked, I found a piece of news that happened ten years ago. An ambulance crashed into a river. The two ambulance personnel, the driver, the mother and accompanying family members all drowned, and no one survived!"

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