Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 157 The Thrilling Ferris Wheel! (2 Updates Please Subscribe)

Things seemed to become clear, and they became clear very quickly.

I just told the story, and I have already found the source.

Ten years ago, an ambulance crashed into the river, but the car appeared in the hospital again and transported a pregnant woman, so there was a case of a dead baby being delivered by caesarean section.

It's just that this matter doesn't seem to have much to do with Liangzi, right?

There is also Liangzai's girlfriend Xiaoqing, who has little involvement in this matter.

However, the person who called was Liangzi. Logically speaking, shouldn’t the person who needs help be the mother or her husband?

Jiang Ye was not in a hurry, there were still many doubts about this matter.

"The pregnant woman came in a ghost ambulance that crashed into the river ten years ago. What is the condition of the pregnant woman herself?"

"A living person, a big living person! She, her husband, and parents are all big living people. And I also asked her husband, and I said that the child had been dead in the belly for at least half a month to a month, so Why didn’t your family members notice it for so long?”

"At that time, the child's father still didn't believe it, and said that we had already done an examination before coming to confirm that the child had a heartbeat. Yes, the child had a heartbeat when we did the examination, and he was obviously a living child. Even the child’s father said that before the accident, the child was not only alive, but also moving!”

340 "Even the couple were in bed the night before the accident, and they kept looking at the woman's belly. Because the child was moving, her little hands held up the mother's belly. An eight-month-old child is indeed very tight in the belly. I'm very active. But I can't figure out why I gave birth to a dead baby. Besides, I've been an obstetrician and gynecologist for more than ten years, but I know there are some things that can't be explained when a woman gives birth to a baby. things.

"When I cut open the mother's abdomen that day, I actually noticed something strange as soon as I opened her belly. When I reached out to pick up the baby, although I didn't see it at the time, if someone noticed, they could see me. He was already trembling. Because he didn’t even move when I was holding him, I had checked before the operation to confirm that the child was alive, so I took the child out without thinking much.”

"The child didn't look miserable at that time, but it was indeed rotten. After I took the child out, I was stunned for a while and then put him aside. It was because I forgot to remind the people below not to look. I didn't expect Xiaoqing to actually look at it. As for Xiaoqing saying that she saw the child's eyes open, I didn't see it. Others also said that the child's eyes were always closed. "

"When we left the operating room, Xiaoqing and I were walking one behind the other. When we were about to reach the door, the clothes on her shoulders were stretched open, and I saw...I saw There are little hands inside her clothes that are supporting her, just like a fetus that has been in her mother’s belly for several months, waving from time to time!”

"No one knew how I felt when I saw that scene, so I quickly reached out and patted Xiaoqing on the shoulder. But I was afraid that thing would offend me, so I deliberately said that girls should pay attention to hygiene and so on. Xiaoqing didn’t understand what I meant. In fact, even I didn’t know what to do. I was always worried about what would happen!”

"A few days later, Xiaoqing got into trouble!"

Director Cheng told everything she knew. Not long after Jiang Ye listened, Liangzi continued to speak:

"After that operation, Xiaoqing and I treated the matter as a strange incident and didn't think about it at all. But the next night, something went wrong when Xiaoqing and I were on a date."

"Where are you meeting?"

"We had dinner at a hotel first, because the hotel was by the Red Fox River, and there was a Ferris wheel by the river. When Xiaoqing saw the Ferris wheel, she said she would go ride the Ferris wheel after dinner. Riding the Ferris wheel once was enough. It didn’t cost much, and the Ferris wheel was so slow. You could enjoy the night view of the entire city when you went to a higher place, so I agreed immediately.” (adde) “We went to the Ferris wheel because there wasn’t much traffic at the time. There was no need to queue up to buy a ticket and then go into the cockpit. When I entered, I saw that there was no one inside, just Xiaoqing and I. The Ferris wheel started to go up slowly, but when it was almost at the top, he kept holding my hand. Xiaoqing suddenly pinched me. I asked her why she was pinching me, and Xiaoqing said she was breastfeeding, so why are you staring at her? "

"When I heard her words, I was stunned for a moment. Where did the person come from to breastfeed? Xiaoqing thought I was scaring her, so she twisted my arm again and said there was a couple sitting in the seat in front of us. There were two rows of seats in the cabin. Xiaoqing and I were sitting in the back row, and the front row was empty. When I saw that Xiaoqing was talking very seriously, my heart trembled. "

"I told her seriously, Xiaoqing, there is really no one in front of us. Are you dazzled? Xiaoqing's face also changed, she became a little pale and said, didn't you see? There is really no one in front of us. , the man is wearing a sports uniform and glasses, the child is in swaddling clothes, and the woman is wearing a loose home clothes and is breastfeeding. "

"Xiaoqing is very naughty. Although she is in her early twenties, she always likes to play pranks with me sometimes. I thought she was playing pranks again, so I pinched her nose and said nonsense. There is really nothing here. Man! We are a family of three, and if we really have a baby in swaddling clothes, can the staff of the Ferris wheel allow us to come up?"

"As soon as I said that, Xiaoqing suddenly screamed. She pointed to the empty seat in front of her and said child, that child! Which child was I talking about? Xiaoqing said the one that was cut out last night. He smiled, and the child was talking to him again. I laugh!"

"After Xiaoqing said this, I finally understood what happened to her! I hugged her and stared at the seat in front of her. But I really couldn't see anything. Xiaoqing completely lost her mind. Although She was hugged tightly by me, but her hands and feet were constantly beating, and she was also saying in her mouth: Child, the child has opened his eyes again... Ah, don't pester me, don't pester me. .....I didn’t touch you!”

"Only Xiaoqing saw the family of three sitting opposite. She said that the infant children were rotten, and she could smell the stench. I really wanted to take Xiaoqing down, but the Ferris wheel was already at its highest point at that time. Even if we ask the staff to stop the Ferris wheel, we can’t get off.”

"God knows how panicked I was at that time. I only know that Xiaoqing was more panicked than me. While comforting Xiaoqing, I hugged her tightly. But Xiaoqing, who had just shrunk into my arms, suddenly lifted her up again She turned around. Her face was so pale, and she kept staring at the bottom of the Ferris wheel, saying ambulance, an ambulance is coming!"

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