Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 163 The Oil Is Running Out! (2 More Please Subscribe)

"Go home, go home...

"Why did she say she was going home in which car? I didn't know her? We have no grudges, so why did she tell us to go home? Was she talking to the driver or the nurse? "

"Why did she never turn around? After I died, my wife and I have become what we are now, and we have never been able to reincarnate. The two nurses and the driver have all gone. Every time we think about it, When I go to reincarnate, if I can’t find the path, I just follow it, but as I go, I get sidetracked.”

"Is it because the child in the belly was not taken out?" Jiang Ye said.

"Yes, we later met an old woman. When she saw my wife like this, she said, you can't reborn. The child is already full-grown, and he has to take a look at this world before he can leave. That's it, We have been hoping to find someone to help us take out the child, but we don’t want to harm anyone, so we have been unable to reincarnate for so many years.”

"Why this time?"

Jiang Ye's voice was a bit colder. The man coughed twice and said, "I'm sorry, we...we saw that woman coming out again, so we thought about whether we could solve it easily." That’s why we got into trouble with that little girl!”

"I see, then you still don't know who the woman in the red dress is?"

Jiang Ye asked, and both husband and wife said at the same time: "I don't know, I have never seen her face~.

"Does your wife know a woman named Honggu?"

"Honggu? I don't know. I've never heard of it."

Who is Hong Gu?

Just when Jiang Ye was confused, Director Cheng in the live broadcast room suddenly sent a message: "Anchor, I just received a call from the nursing home. My nurse there told me that Zhou Ling's mother has been doing something It was a very strange thing, and he even took a video of it for me.”

"Okay, I will connect the video for you now, and then you can play the video sent to you in the live broadcast room."

Jiang Ye said, and Director Cheng's video was connected.

She didn't show her face, the camera was focused on the video on her other phone.

The video became clearer after Jiang Ye's adjustment, and there was an old lady in it.

The old lady's hair is also very long, but most of it is white.

There was a dressing mirror in her own ward. The old lady sat in front of the mirror and got a red dress that was as red as blood. She didn't know where to get it.

She put on the red dress and draped her white hair on her back.

Through the mirror, you can clearly see the old man looking back at you, and Kouchi is also mumbling something.

"I have to leave. I have lived too long... I can't pay back the sins I committed back then!"

Jiang Ye saw this scene and immediately said to the live broadcast room: "Director Cheng, call the nursing home immediately and contact the doctor immediately. The elderly woman is dying, give her treatment immediately!

"Ah good!"

Director Cheng went to make a call, but the video was still playing.

The old man in the video picked up a wooden comb, combed his originally messy white hair, and made two braids.

Seeing himself in the mirror, the old man seemed to be grinning, but Jiang Ye saw a trace of self-blame in his eyes and hummed an unknown song in his mouth.

"Ms. Zhou, can you hear this sound?" Jiang Ye hadn't hung up the phone yet, and she could hear Zhou Ling, the pregnant woman who drowned ten years ago.

"Yes, is it my mother?"


"Can I, can I look at her?"

Jiang Ye hesitated for a moment and said, "Maybe you will meet soon, just do your best. If she is really dying, I can't save her."

"Okay, Xiaoqing, you can show your face, and the others can open their eyes. But it's best not to stare at Ms. Zhou and her husband, and then you can send the video to my live broadcast room."

Jiang Ye said, and soon the video on the other end was connected.

The figures of Zhou Ling and her husband appeared, and the two faces were indeed miserable.

Because they retained their appearance after death, many viewers in the live broadcast room did not dare to look directly at them.

In the two videos, the ghost Zhou Ling looked at the mother in the other video, silently... did not express anything.

The old man seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and Jiang Ye knew that his arrangement just now might really be ineffective.

I am afraid that no matter how good the doctor is, he can't save the old man who is already dying.

0...Please give flowers:0

Director Cheng is in Jiang Ye went to the nursing home in person. There were quite a few people in the room where the old man was at the moment.

But the old man in red was already lying on the bed, his eyes were sluggish. His mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something, but he had no strength to say it.

"Director Cheng, please put up your phone, let the doctors and nurses go out, and don't let anyone enter the room."

Jiang Ye said, and Director Cheng did it. Soon, there was only the old man who was about to die in the room.

Jiang Ye looked directly at Zhou's mother and said, "Old man, you can say whatever you want to say now. Your mouth is sharp and your eyes are clear, right? Can you recognize who they are?

With a slight smile in his voice, the Zhou Ling couple, who originally looked terrible, actually became normal at this time.

Zhou Ling was not so beautiful, and her husband was not so handsome. They were the most ordinary couple among the masses.

"Lingling? Ouch... I'm going to die, and my eyes are so blurry. "

"Mom." Zhou Ling and her husband both shouted.

When the old lady heard the call, she suddenly sat up from the bed. Her eyes were wide open, and she stared at the live broadcast room on Director Cheng's mobile phone carefully. "Really?" "Old man, what you see now is true. They are your daughter and son-in-law. You have seen the child they are holding, it is your grandson." The old lady was silent at this time, her mouth was trembling, and it was obvious that she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything. "Old man, tonight is indeed your last night in this world. Although you still have to say something after you are gone, I think some things may be more meaningful when you are still alive. And at this moment of death, your mind is clear, so can you tell us who Hong Gu is?" No one can figure out why Zhou's mother's mind suddenly became clear, but the audience knows that the old lady can go from dying to now like a last breath, it should be because of Jiang Ye. As for how Jiang Ye did it, the audience didn't want to care, they all cared about one thing: Hong Gu, who is it? "She, she is... I killed her!"

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