Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 164 Hong Gu’S Death, Bad Words Hurt June Han! (3 More Updates Please Subscribe)

Mother Zhou's words surprised many people.

"I not only killed Hong Gu, I also killed my daughter. I killed you all!"

Mother Zhou shed tears of guilt as she spoke. Jiang Ye looked at her and asked, "Old man, does Honggu's death have something to do with you?"

"Our family didn't live here before. At that time, we lived in Laoyan Village on the outskirts. The village was very big. Now it has been demolished, so all the people from Laoyan Village are scattered in various places in the city. Aunt Hong, it's me. Sister, dear sister.”

"Honggu is five years younger than me, so she was almost brought up by me. At that time, my parents were busy with farm work all day long, and the eldest child led the younger ones, and they had to be responsible for the food at home. Honggu and I have a good relationship with her, and she is the youngest in the family, so her parents still love her "zero one zero."

"It was very rare for children of our age to go to school because they were all poor. But after Honggu was born, the family's situation began to improve. By the time she went to school, I was already eleven or twelve years old, and I was still half a year old at that time. A big girl. Hong Gu carries a schoolbag made by her mother and sings to school every day.

"At that time, Hong Gu was really innocent. She went from elementary school to middle school...until she was admitted to high school. My parents were getting older and older, and I never went to school. I was always busy at home. After going to high school, Honggu became more knowledgeable than before. Every time she came home, she always slept with me and only kissed me, because I spent more time with her than my mother. Spend more time with her.”

"She always told me, sister, the world outside is so big. The boys and girls outside are so beautiful, and there are many high-rise buildings. There are also planes and trains. She said she must wait until she Studying abroad. At that time, the trend of studying abroad was sweeping the country. Everyone wanted to go abroad, and Honggu was no exception. "

"Honggu, who has always longed to go abroad, studies diligently every day. But in the Mid-Autumn Festival of her senior year of high school, Honggu suddenly went home. She was no longer as energetic as before, and she didn't like to talk to anyone she met. Her Of course, people were curious about her sudden return. Everyone at home asked her what happened, and Aunt Hong said that something had happened at the school and that she would have to study at home for a long time. We asked what happened, and Aunt Hong said that someone died in the school. "

"Everything was closed in those days, and it would take a long, long time for a piece of news to come back. We didn't pay much attention to it, and we just lived like that every day. Until one day, I found Honggu hiding in a place and vomiting all the time. I thought she I ate something bad, and when I was about to ask, Aunt Hong ran away like a mouse after seeing a cat. "

"I didn't think much about it at that time, but what I didn't expect was that Gu Gu would lie on me and cry at night. She told me that I was pregnant. No one knew how I felt at that time.

It's almost like a bolt from the blue. Hong Gu was only a little older at that time, and in that era it was a shameful thing for a girl to get pregnant before she was married. "If anyone knew about it, Liang Gu would be put in the theater."

"I was frightened and scolded her. I said, "How can you be so stupid? You are going to harm yourself for the rest of your life!" Hong Gu cried so hard that she couldn't even tell her story. I asked her who the father of the child was. Hong Gu shook her head and said she I don’t know. How could she not know who the father is? Then Honggu said that she was playing outside one night before. At that time, Honggu had a fearless character, and a boy asked her to eat together. Things, she didn't take precautions, and something happened when she woke up after drinking too much. "

"There were three or four boys at the time, and they all said that they did not bully Hong Gu. Hong Gu went back home in desperation, and then told me what happened. She asked me what to do, what can I do? As soon as I had no money, At that time, I couldn't take her to the hospital to have the baby aborted. I told my parents that Hong Gu would be beaten to death if she refused, so both Hong Gu and I became depressed until later. One day my aunt came to my house as a guest. "

"That's when I remembered that my aunt was a doctor at the town health center. As soon as I thought of it, I quickly told my aunt about the matter. My idea at that time was how to help Aunt Hong solve the matter secretly. I begged My aunt must keep it a secret, but I didn’t expect that after hearing this, my aunt turned around and said it.

"And she didn't even tell my parents. She went to talk to the old women in the village... Just like that, everyone in the village knew about Hong Gu. At that time, the rumors were overwhelming, and my aunt In fact, it was just a quick talk, and she never thought how terrible it would be if she said it. Those days, Honggu was hiding at home and didn't even dare to go out. My dad hung her up and asked her. Isn’t it true? She said yes, and my father got so angry that he whipped her again and again with a whip!”

"But no matter how good the family is, they are still family members, and outsiders don't care about you. Originally, my parents didn't have a boy, but now when they heard about Hong Gu's incident, they were even happier than during the Chinese New Year. In addition, my parents were in a bad mood at that time, and they were always quarreling with the villagers. Whenever there was a quarrel, those people would come to my door and scold me, saying that Honggu was shameless and wanted to make a man angry. Crazy bitch.

"Honggu couldn't bear it anymore. She was originally locked up at home, but I don't know how she escaped that day. She found me, and I will never forget that look in her eyes. She asked me why I wanted to harm her? I obviously knew She is her favorite and most trusted sister, why should I kill her? I am stupid, I don’t even know how to explain to her, and she doesn’t seem to want to listen to my explanation. Even during that time, I didn’t dare to face her. What a loss.”

"After she found me and said something that day, she disappeared. Then she started looking for me, but there was no sign of me for many days in a row. My parents and I were very anxious and searched around and around. Later, the police from the police station When they came, they said that a female corpse was found in the Yunshan River. They said it was our Honggu's body. When we went there, Honggu's body was soaked to pieces, but she was wearing the red dress that her mother had been married to. The police at the police station also said that it was red. When I was picked up, my face was floating on the river."

"She was floating with her face on the river! She died with a lot of resentment in her heart! She hated me, she hated my parents, my aunt, and the people in the village. Those bad-mouthed mothers-in-law! Their bad words hurt people, June Han. It was those mouths that drove Honggu to her death!"

"After Honggu's death, she had two lives. No one in the whole village dared to come out at night. But if they don't come out, do they think Honggu won't look for them? Hahaha...

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