Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 179 The Sigh In The Grave! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)

"A piece of paper money that you personally scattered?"

Jiang Ye was still surprised by Lao Li's words.

Paper money is actually very crudely made. Especially those not produced by Tiandi Bank are extremely rough.

A piece of rough paper money, Lao Li can still remember that it was one he scattered.

Jiang Ye didn't ask, and Lao Li said it himself: "Before this happened, the third uncle in the village passed away. He was older and had higher status, so everyone in the village, old and young, could be said to be his juniors, and they wore mourning clothes to see him off. At that time The funeral procession was so long, I held the paper money to clear the way.

"But the third uncle passed away at an old age, and the children in the village have no emotions. So they all watched the excitement. When I was throwing money away, a child knocked the money in my hand away. And that naughty child When I saw the paper money, I grabbed a handful of "560". Some of the paper money had finger holes on it, so I picked it up again after he drove him away. "

"The third uncle couldn't collect the paper money that was scattered. I had to pick it up and scatter it again. So I remember those paper money with a child's finger hole. When I opened the door that morning, there was a piece of paper money like that at the door. At that time I was wondering if I was being dishonest when I was paying tribute to the third uncle, so he returned the money. And when I thought of my son’s strange appearance the night before, I went up the mountain with tributes to pay homage to the third uncle.”

"It was a cloudy day that day. It had been gloomy from the beginning of the morning, just like the evening. I don't know if you can imagine it when I say this. It's the kind of day when you look up at the sky, but there are no obvious dark clouds. But the sun didn't even shine, and it was clear that heavy rain was coming in the distance, but hour after hour passed, but there was no rain. "

"The weather was so depressing, but I didn't dare to delay. Especially since I was the only one, so I took my things and went to the mountains early in the morning. The third uncle's branch in the village is very big, so his grave It’s very elegant and has a wall, but the door is definitely not locked.”

"I carried the tributes to the third uncle's tombstone, lit incense and candles, and even brought over a pig's head that my family had chopped at the butcher's stall. It happened that my mother had braised it the day before, so I gave it to him respectfully. The third uncle laid it out, knelt down in front of his grave and said, "Third uncle, you have been gone for a few days, don't miss this world. I saw the paper money. If you return it, please send me a message." I will burn a new one for you now, and I will burn it for you for one hundred, ten, billion, or ten billion.”

"I'm not joking. You all know that Yinbao has a very high face value. I burned stacks of Yinbao to him. The wind was very strong that day, and I had a hard time lighting the incense paper money. Okay. When the third uncle built the tomb, there was a special place for burning paper. I wasn't worried about burning the mountain, but what I didn't expect was that when I threw the paper money into it, it actually floated out again. " 1

"I burned it again, but I couldn't throw a piece of paper money in. Even if I held it in my hand and put it in the burning paper pit, the wind would still blow it up after a while. At that time, I felt that this was something unusual. I immediately knelt down to the third uncle, and I cried and begged him. If there was any unfulfilled wish, please give me a dream and never harm my baby. "

"At that time, I almost put my face on the ground and kowtowed to him, but out of nowhere I suddenly heard a voice. At first I thought someone was coming, so I looked back. But there was no one on the deserted mountain. Ah, but when I knelt down to the ground and kowtowed to the third uncle, the sound came out. When I took a look, I felt that the sound came from the third uncle’s tomb!"

"I was frightened, but I still walked to the grave and pressed my ears tightly against the grave. Oh..., that was the sound! I heard sighing from inside the grave!"

"Are you sure you heard someone sighing in the grave?"

Jiang Ye also felt strange at this time, and Lao Li replied with great certainty: "Yes, someone did sigh."

"Is that the sigh of the third uncle?"

"If not him, who else could there be? He is the only tomb in that area!"

"What happened next?"

"Then I ran away, and I didn't even dare to take back the pig's head my mother had marinated. Later, the third uncle's family even laughed at me because he never saw me mentioning a pig's head when he was here. I'd rather die, it's so good. The pig's head was left there and eaten by wild beasts0...

Lao Li said, Jiang Ye has not yet found out why sighs come from the tomb during the day. After thinking about it, Jiang Ye asked Lao Li: "Are you sure that your son's matter has something to do with the second uncle?"

"I don't know, I only know that another piece of paper money appeared in front of my door the next day! It was still a piece of paper money with holes!"

"So, this matter has something to do with that piece of paper money and the red hijab that your son always looks at, right?"

Jiang Ye asked, and Lao Li denied it, saying: "It's not that simple, really... I originally thought it was the third uncle who was haunting me. But then one night it rained, and it rained that night. It was very big, and I was afraid that something might happen to the watermelons I was growing in the melon shed, so I had no choice but to ask my mother to keep an eye on me, and then I went to the melon shed alone.”

"I was wearing a raincoat and lighting a lamp, and I was walking in a hurry all the way. After all, it cost a lot of money to harvest melons, and I was just waiting to exchange money for the harvest. I arrived at the melon field.

It was raining so heavily, it was like a curtain covering us. And not only is the rain heavy, but the wind is also strong, just like a typhoon day in summer.

"Fortunately, I am strong, otherwise I would have been blown away by the wind that day. I finally arrived at the melon field. When I saw that the water in the melon field was not serious, I breathed a sigh of relief. Standing outside I took a photo into the melon shed, 1.7 from beginning to end, to see if any areas were blown up.

"I checked from the beginning, with my body and head lowered. During the inspection, I held a flashlight in one hand and pressed the melon shed with the other hand to make sure it was solid. I think many people have pressed it. When you go through the greenhouse, you just press the oil paper. When you press it, it will be elastic because it is tight. As long as the elastic feedback is very solid, there is basically no problem. "

"I was pressing and walking, and when I pressed one of the positions, I suddenly felt a little hard. When I pressed hard, I immediately turned around and looked over!

"A face, my hand touched a face, its nose was against my palm, the eyes, nose, and mouth were all printed on the oil paper!"

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