Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 180 The Boss In The Melon Shed! (2 Updates Please Subscribe)

"You can clearly see the face on the oil paper, but it's not clear at all. It's just like a reverse mold of the face. But when you press it, you can clearly feel the feeling of touching the face!"

"As soon as I saw it, I withdrew my hand and fell into the mud. At that time, I couldn't care less about the watermelons in the melon shed. All I thought about was to run for my life. But when I When he stood up, his face was still protruding out of the oil paper, and he even turned around, as if he was looking at something. "

"I ran away without caring about anything. In the rain, I - while running, I looked back to see if it was chasing me. When I was sure it wasn't chasing me, I breathed a sigh of relief. But after I breathed a sigh of relief, I immediately I found that I was running in the wrong way, and I ran back to the melon shed. That face... that face was still struggling on the oil paper. It seemed to want to escape, but it couldn't. Don’t 03 drive it like oily paper.”

"But how could I have imagined so much at that time? Even though I ran back to the melon shed, I still had to run for the press. However, what I didn't expect was that when I ran back to the melon shed again, the piece of paper that was originally being oiled After turning its face from side to side, it suddenly straightened up, as if it finally found me, and then looked straight at me!"

"Anchor, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I cried... Really, I was so scared that I cried. I've lived my damn thirty or forty years, and I've never been forced to cry by life. On the contrary, I've been forced to cry by Those bitches were so scared that I sat down on the edge of the shed. I knew I couldn't run out, and I might die. He kept staring at me, and I thought I must be. If you encounter a ghost, hit the wall!"

"Looking at the head that was very close to me, I cried for a long time, and suddenly my heart became violent. I thought about rushing to the shed, and I didn't care about anything, so I just fought with it! As soon as that feeling appeared , I felt like I was crazy, but I didn’t do anything like reaching out and tearing open the oil paper.”

"But as soon as I tore it open, the head was gone again! I stood there and looked at it for a long time, and found that I didn't see it. When the shed was full of half-sized watermelons, my original enthusiasm suddenly dissipated. Looking at those swollen melons, I always feel like I am looking at their heads."

"I squatted down and picked up a melon nearby. I shined a flashlight on the melon, trying to see if it was a head or a melon. When I looked over and over to make sure there was nothing wrong with it, I wanted to put it down. Suddenly... ...A pair of eyes actually appeared on the melon. The eyes opened without warning and stared straight at me. "

"Those eyes had no expression, just like a dead fish. I was so frightened that I threw the melon to the ground. The melon broke immediately and scattered red and white all over the floor. But when I turned around, I Under my feet...I don't know when there was another pile of hair under my feet. Those hairs stuck to my rain boots. I swept them away with my hands, but I couldn't sweep them away no matter how hard I swept them.

"Anchor, do you know how desperate I was at that time? Really, if I hadn't thought about my mother and my son leaning on me, I would have just found a big rock and hit myself to death!"

Lao Li on the other end of the phone started crying. He was really crying. But he sniffed a few times to stop crying.

Jiang Ye also said to him: "Brother, calm down, this matter is not over yet, right?"

"If it's over, I won't say anything. I just walked too much at night and bumped into a ghost. That night, I couldn't escape from the melon area. Later, I simply didn't bother to run and found a place to lean on. The hair on my shoes was washed away by the rain at some point, and then the rain stopped, and I lay on the ground exhausted."

"I looked up at the sky and kept waiting. At three or four o'clock in the morning, I got up again to see if I could run back. I tried it again and found that I could see my house while running. There was no one there at that time. You know how happy I am. I just want to go home and give my mother a hug."

"It's just that as soon as I got home, I saw that the lights were still on in my son's room. I went to the window and looked, and my son was standing under the light, with his head raised and his face covered with a red hijab, and his eyes were open. I could see him. He opened his eyes and stood motionless at the light. I had been scared all night, and when I saw my baby still like that, I completely collapsed. You know? ?"

"I kicked open my kid's door, and pulled off the red hijab on his face like crazy. I yelled at him, and I said, why are you so crazy in the middle of the night? Why do you have to put it on every night? When I put this thing on my face, I could see that my spirit was extremely depressed, and my eyes were dark and still silent."

"I was angry, and I couldn't control my anger. I took out a lighter on the spot and burned the red hijab. While it was burning, my kid wanted to stop me, but I hugged him tightly and realized He kept crying, and he said, Dad, I'm caught in something!"

487 "When I heard what he said, it felt like a bucket of ice water had been poured into my whole body, and it was as cold as the top of my head. He finally spoke and said that he was entangled in something!"

"Me too, I was also entangled. But at that time I knew I couldn't say it. If I said that I was also entangled, I would probably go crazy. I hugged him tightly.

He asked if he was caught by something, did you see it? I told him not to be afraid and to tell me what happened. "

"The look in my son's eyes at that time was particularly panicked. I could even relate to it. He huddled in my arms, pointed to the window where I was standing before and said, Dad... you see No, there’s a person standing outside all the time, it’s always standing!”

"I looked along his fingers and saw nothing. There was no one outside at all. But I didn't dare to lie to him, so I just said I saw it. It was like I had found a life-saving straw at that time. I said drive it away, drive it away quickly.”

"But I really didn't see anything. How could I rush? I could only pretend to drive outside for a while. But before I returned to the house, my son suddenly screamed loudly. He shouted... ....Don't come over, don't come over, don't force me again...!",

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