Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 181 The Third Uncle Appears! (3 More Updates Please Subscribe)

Lao Li was talking about his son on the other end of the phone, and the live broadcast room was very quiet.

There seemed to be a picture in his mind. In a brightly lit room, his father was standing outside the window, driving away fear for him. But the fear was not driven away, and even intensified.

The young high school student was screaming hysterically in the room.

The father outside the house could only run in again and hold his child tightly. He was helpless and desperate and could only wait until dawn.

"How is your child doing after dawn?" Jiang Ye asked Lao Li.

The latter said: "He fell asleep after dawn, and he almost stayed up all night. When dawn came, he couldn't hold on anymore, and I stayed by his side all day. But the anchor, I have something to tell you.

"Well, brother, you tell me."

"As soon as it was daytime, there was a stink in my room. Really, the stink became more and more obvious as time went by. The smell became stronger day by day, but I paid close attention to the room. I looked for it, but there were no dead mice or the bodies of other small animals, but there was always a smell."

Jiang Ye, who was answering Lao Li's call, suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked: "Brother, are you sure there is a stink in your room? It smells like a corpse JL?"

"No, to be precise, my house smells bad."

Jiang Ye frowned slightly and said, "I understand, but what happened next? Have you been there yet?"

"I've been there before. No matter how scared I am, I still have to go, right? My family's life is in those melon fields. Nothing can happen to the melons, and they will be ripe soon. I have already contacted the greengrocer, and I am just waiting for the day to come. On the fourth night when I came to harvest melons, I finally couldn’t bear to look at them. I hadn’t looked at them for two days because I was afraid that all the melons in the field would be ruined.”

"Did you go at night or during the day"~?"

"Went at night."

"Why do you have to go at night? How far is the melon field from your home?"

"It's not far, just a mile or two. In fact, I can see the melon field from a distance when I stand on the roof of my house."

"So, when you went to the melon field again that night, was there something guiding you there?"

"Yes, I saw the light of a flashlight flashing in the field. I thought it was someone stealing melons. At that time, I didn't care whether I was afraid or not. There was a feeling of madness in my mind. At that time, I came directly from home I picked up a hatchet and went there. There are already such evil things happening. If someone else steals melons, how can I suffer?"

"I took a hatchet and rushed to the melon field, but when I rushed there, I looked in every shed, but no one was there. There was no one, but I clearly saw a light flashing in the melon field. I just looked There were footprints in the melon shed, but the more I looked at them, the more frightened I became. There were so many pairs of footprints in my melon shed that I couldn’t even count them, and I knew they were fresh ones at a glance. I ran out of the greenhouse in a hurry, but I didn't see anyone running outside the greenhouse."

"It wasn't until I went back inside the greenhouse that I saw that there were no footprints inside the greenhouse, and there were no other footprints except mine. I was walking, and suddenly I looked back, and there were footprints behind me. Now, brand new footprints!”

"And there was only one pair. As I slowly straightened up, I felt that there was a person standing in front of me. Then... then the flashlight broke and there was no light at all. It was pitch dark inside the greenhouse. , I stood in the greenhouse and couldn't see any light, not even my own fingers, but I always felt that there was a person standing in front of me. That feeling was so real that I could even feel it. Until it stretched its neck and came to my nose, and then breathed out little by little. "

"Ha...ha...ha...ha, that's a long and a short breath. Ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha..." …………

Lao Li on the other end of the phone was originally describing the feeling of breathing, but suddenly he was also on the other end of the phone as if he was stuck by something. Jiang Ye saw this and asked quickly:

"Hey, bro, what's wrong with you?"

"Um...brother, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Ye shouted twice in a row, but there was still no response, and the only sound on the phone was...haha gasping!"

Jiang Ye made a prompt decision and sent the video request directly, but as soon as he sent it, the part was cut off.

However, the call continued. After the buzzing for a while, Lao Li's voice came again, saying: "Anchor, could you hear my voice just now? I kept shouting into the phone, but You don't even speak."

Jiang Ye frowned, thought for a moment and then said: "As long as you're fine, how long did the feeling of someone pressing against your face last?"

"For a few minutes, I couldn't move. Invisibly, my hands and feet were all imprisoned. I could only feel the breathing in my ears, which was long and short, very light. When I could move, I immediately grabbed forward, but when I grabbed nothing, I could only run back quickly. I felt that there was definitely something evil in my melon field, and I had to find someone to do something about it. , Otherwise, if the matter is not resolved, I may not be able to live in peace for a day.”

"Did you find someone to do it later?" Jiang Ye asked again.

Lao Li sighed on the other end of the phone and said, "No, that day I ran out of the melon shed and when I reached the top, I met a person.


"Third uncle."

"Huh? Isn't the third uncle dead?"

"Yes, it was because the third uncle died that I stopped immediately. But the third uncle did not appear in front of me. Guadi (Wang Nuozhao), my home, and the third uncle's graveyard, my family is in the middle. The melon field is in the field behind, and the third uncle's grave is built on the hill opposite my house, halfway up the mountain. When I was running, I saw a person sitting in front of the third uncle's grave from a distance. ..... He was sitting on a small bench in front of his grave."

"Also, the cemetery is a long way from my home. At that distance, I couldn't actually see anyone clearly, but my intuition told me that the person sitting in front of the third uncle's grave was himself. And he could see His eyes are so bright that Mahakala can spot him at a glance."

"Did the third uncle do anything?"

"Third uncle... He, he got up when he saw me and looked over, holding a cane in both hands, and just looked at me quietly... Then, then there was another person behind me. There was a long breath and a short breath, ha...ha...ha...ha!".

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