Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 182 Yinsi! (4 More Updates Please Subscribe)

“At that moment, I couldn’t advance or retreat, and I always felt like they were forcing me to a dead end.

"It's just that when I gritted my teeth and walked forward, the third uncle also walked towards me. But as soon as he walked over, the sound of breathing behind me suddenly disappeared. The third uncle stopped and stood I continued to watch silently not far from his grave, and I felt that he was smiling. "

"I don't know what the third uncle was laughing about, but he disappeared after a while. I didn't think too much at that time, I just ran away and hurried home."

"That night was the only time I didn't wear a red hijab. I was thinking maybe it was because I burned the red hijab. I was thinking very well at the time, so I quickly put on the red hijab. After harvesting it, I stopped messing around. After I sold the melons, I went to the construction site to find work. I never want to go back to the land where I grow melons. "

"Brother Li, did you go to the third uncle's grave later?"

Jiang Ye asked at this time, and Lao Li hesitated for a moment and said: "I went, I chose a sunny day to go. I also took someone from the third uncle's family to go with me. I didn't I told anyone in the village about my family's affairs. I knew my son's temperament. If everyone said that he was possessed by evil spirits, I might not know what he would think. So at that time, I said that the third uncle gave it to me in a dream. I want his family to gather together to worship."

"After all, the third uncle is not only a long-lived man but also highly respected in the village. Oh, by the way... the third uncle has fought in wars before and won medals. He was very kind when he was born, I just don't know Why did he come to haunt me after he died?"

As Lao Li said, Jiang Ye laughed and said, "Did you hear breathing through the grave again when I paid homage?"

"That's not true, but during the worship ceremony, the third uncle's grandson actually said some very nice things to me."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Lao Li took a deep breath and said: "The third uncle's grandson told me that it was early in the morning when the third uncle died. That early morning, everyone in the family who could make it back came back. Lili It can be said that there are a lot of people outside. He is the eldest grandson, and the folks from the village came when the funeral was over. He had to come out to say hello, right? And the third uncle passed away at the age of ninety-eight, which is considered a happy event. It doesn't matter whether it's uncomfortable or not, you still have to be considerate of the world. "

"He said that when he saw that there were more people, he brought some fruits, melon seeds, cigarettes and tea out. Because there were so many people, he brought more and divided them into several tables. But there was something on one table. , obviously he didn’t take it, but in the end there was less, and there was an unused tea cup on the table, and there were a lot of melon seed shells on the ground. He also asked many people if they had seen anyone take anything on the table. , everyone said they didn’t go, of course he was asking people from his own family. The reason why he was sure that there was no one was because he had to stand at the table for a long time to finish cracking the melon seed shells on the ground!”

"It was such a long time, it probably lasted until almost dawn. No one in their family saw anyone standing there for so long, and the moment before the third uncle died, they said that the third uncle When the uncle was dying, he kept looking at the bedside and pointed at the tea cup on the bed table. At that time, they all thought that the third uncle wanted to drink water, and someone came to give him water, but the third uncle kept shaking his head. , but no one understands what he means.”

"When I was paying homage to the third uncle's grandson in front of the cemetery, his grandson asked me, Brother Li, when you said that my grandfather passed away, he pointed at the tea cup. Was it because there was someone else at the bedside? ?He wants us to pour water for people to drink?"

"These words from the third uncle's grandson made my heart skip a beat at that time. I asked with a smile, do you think so? The third uncle's grandson nodded and shook his head, saying that I don't know either, but the more I think about it, the more I understand. I thought it was very strange that night. At this time, I finally spoke up and said that the day I brought the pig head, I heard your grandfather sighing in the grave. "

"The third uncle's grandson immediately responded to me, saying that I was talking nonsense in broad daylight. Seriously, I really heard it! The third uncle's grandson's expression changed, and then he asked me, Brother Li, what are you still doing? Do you remember the time when my grandfather was seriously ill ten years ago? I said yes, the house was vacated at that time, and even the ice coffin was contacted [just waiting for the old man to take that breath. "

"He said that my grandfather also kept looking at the bedside and then pointing at the water glass! When I heard it, I said, holy shit, have you followed the third uncle for ten years? I was really shocked at the time, but his grandson said Not necessarily, he said, Brother Li, do you think there is anything black or white in this world? He is the legendary messenger from the underworld who comes to the human world to seduce souls!"

"I said I don't know if there are ghosts, but there must be ghosts. When I said that, he also smiled, then lit the incense and we knelt down and worshiped. While I was praying, I kept chanting silently in my heart, I I said, Third Master, please stop pestering me. The wind started to blow even after I said that, and I didn’t know what Third Master meant. But out of nowhere, when I looked up, I saw a name on the tombstone. He is a great-grandson of the third uncle’s family, but he has the same name as me!”

"My son is older, and his great-grandson is younger. When I saw that name, I was thinking, could it be that the third uncle has some instructions? This matter is my son's fault? Anchor, please help me analyze it, the third uncle What on earth does he mean?"

After Lao Li finished talking about the strange things that day, Jiang Ye did not answer, but asked him a question: "Do you think there is black and white in this world?"

Hearing Jiang Ye ask this, Lao Li was stunned for a moment and said: "I didn't believe it before, but after entering the live broadcast room, if I say I don't believe it, many people will probably scold me, right?"

"Whether there is or not, I can say with certainty that black and white are not so free. There are so many people in this world. People are dying in many cities every day and every hour. It is true that they are soul seducers, but it is impossible for everyone to Go hook it. There are ghosts in the underworld, but there are also ghosts in the human world."

"Brother Li, if my guess is correct, is there a City God's Temple near your place?"

When Lao Li heard this, he immediately shouted: "Yes, it's very close. There is a City God's Temple ten miles away!"

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