Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 196 Painting! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)

"My surname is Tang, and my single name is Wan. In my early years, my father was engaged in industry, and my family background was pretty good. I am not very qualified, and I have married someone before. I can't say that he is not good, nor can I say that he has done anything wrong. That's it. You don’t know if you can understand this kind of marriage, it’s just for two companies to join forces.”

"You're talking about marriage, right?"

"Well, that's right, marriage. The year I was about to get married, my father's business had gone from bad to worse. It happened that my ex-husband's family could help my family, so I got married at the begging of my parents. To be honest, my parents treat me very well. I have high hopes, but in fact I really have no interest or talent in doing business.

"On the contrary, I am very interested in painting or doing some writing. Later, my ex-husband's family did not help my family in any way, and our two married lives have always been lived separately. In this way, we The marriage was natural, and the divorce was natural, but due to the business involvement of the two families, it was not really over until this year."

"Because my parents passed away this year, and I am the only child of my parents. The family business has been acquired by others, so I may not have to worry about food and clothing in my life. The only one who is right is my father, who has never been able to help. He held on."

"When all the corporate acquisitions were completed, I completely stayed away from that circle. If nothing happened, I would make some investments. It wouldn't cost much anyway, and if I was lucky, I wouldn't be left with nothing. In this way, I do it almost every day They all stay at home, draw and write.

"Soon I realized that I should have a business of my own, so I opened a gallery. I framed the paintings and bought them in the store. The price is whatever you want.

The key is to like it. If I meet people who really like my paintings but have limited financial resources, I will almost give them to them for free." "'

"But one day, a little girl came into my store. She took out a photo. The photo was very old and badly damaged. She walked into my gallery.

Tell me, boss, can you help me draw everything in the photo?"'

"I was a little hesitant when I looked at the photo, but looking at her expectant eyes, I agreed. I asked her if the house in the photo had any special meaning? The girl told me that her home was The one in the mountainous area is behind the village. There are many bamboo forests there, just like in the photo.”

"But then people moved out one after another, and his family also had to move away. But that was the place where she grew up, so she kept the photos. And her experience was similar to mine, both parents passed away. , the difference is that she is younger than me. The house in the photo is actually a mud house, very shabby. It was broad daylight when the photo was taken, and the sunshine was very bright, if it weren’t for the fact that the photo was too old. , that photo must have been very, very beautiful when it was taken.”

"After hearing her story, I agreed to help her paint the painting and told her to come and pick it up in a week. I hate noise when painting, so I basically sell paintings in the store during the day. I don’t go home until evening and start working.”


"On the first night, I just drew the general appearance of the bamboo forest, and then I thought about using some equipment to see if all the pictures in the photos could be displayed on the network device. I worked on it for a while, but I always felt that What came out lacked some flavor, far from the sense of remoteness and hometown that the original photos should have.”

"My hometown may not be the old house anymore. It is very dilapidated and messy, but I think everyone should have a place in their heart where they grew up. That place is called their childhood home. That little sister had her childhood home. Her home is in a bamboo forest, and there are her parents, or her grandparents, in the earthen house in the bamboo forest.'"

"Slowly I found the feeling, and I painted faster and faster. After I finished painting the bamboo, I started to take a lot of pictures of the house. As I said before, the house was an earthen house, with a square roof covered with tiles. In addition to the door, there were several windows in the front of the house. I kept staring at the door and the windows. I didn’t know why I wanted to look at them, and I just fell in. "

"One second, two seconds, three seconds. The clock next to me was also ticking... tak... tak... tak... tak. But suddenly, the open door In the dark earthen house behind the door, I slowly saw a figure.

々Really, that figure appeared so quickly. He came out of the house and seemed to be in front of me in an instant. Wearing a navy blue gown and holding a cane, the speed was so fast that I couldn't tell the difference between the man and the woman except for the long hair. "

"I was shocked at the time. I even thought that I was too focused and dazzled. But when I looked again, I even instinctively avoided my eyes. But as soon as my eyes focused on When he entered the door, the figure appeared again.

"It was separated by a photo, but it seemed to be face to face with me. He had no eyeballs, all the whites of his eyes, but his mouth was grinning, as if he was smiling at me! When I was sure that I saw it right , I quickly left my studio and locked the door.

"As soon as I stood outside the door, Adi (Li Wanghao) came over. Oh...Adi is a pet dog I raised and has been keeping me company. Every time I draw, he I would wait outside. As soon as I came out of the studio that day, Adi ran over.

"At that time...its hair was all blown up. Really...it kept roaring at my studio. It barked for a long time, and no matter how hard I pulled it, it didn't stop. use

I can't describe that kind of barking, but when a dog's hair explodes, it means that it has been provoked, and it is also afraid at that time. ".

"Later, no matter how hard I pulled Adi, it didn't work, so I slowly walked to the window. I wanted to see if there was anything in the studio. I leaned against the window and looked in, but Adi was still barking. , there is still a person sitting in front of the drawing board in the studio, painting and thinking...but, why is that person me?"

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